Friends S05E02

Friends S05E02 Lyrics

Song Friends S05E02
Artist 英语听力
Album 老友记(第五季)
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[00:11.96] You look cute in bubbles. 你全身泡泡好可爱
[00:13.79] You're just all liquored up. 你喝太多眼花了
[00:19.30] Hey,it's me. I'm coming in. 是我,我进去了
[00:28.37] I've had a very long,hard day. 我今天上班累死了
[00:33.18] -You're home early. -Yeah,my date threw up. 你提早回家 因为我约会对象吐了一地
[00:37.58] Want some chicken? 我要去买炸鸡,你要不要?
[00:39.08] No,thanks. No chicken. Bye-bye. 不了,谢谢,再见
[00:43.05] You sure? Some extra-crispy,dirty rice? 你确定?炸鸡喔? 不要海鲜饭或豆子?
[00:45.72] For the last time,no! Get out,Joey! 我最后一次说我不要了 出去,乔伊
[00:48.26] All right. 知道了
[00:53.83] Are you okay? He wouldn't leave. 你没事吧?抱歉,他死都不走
[00:55.90] He kept asking me if I wanted chicken. 缠着我问要不要炸鸡
[00:58.60] Chicken? 炸鸡?
[01:01.07] I could eat some chicken. 我想吃炸鸡
[01:04.58] 乔伊
[01:08.41] Could I get a three-piece, some coleslaw,some beans and a Coke? 我要三块鸡、沙拉 豆子、可乐
[01:13.18] Diet Coke. 健怡可乐
[01:19.66] The One With All the Kissing 本集播出:“热吻连连”
[01:58.80] -Morning,Phoebe. -I have to tell you this story. 早安,菲比 我非告诉你们不可
[02:01.87] I was coming over and this cabdriver 刚才载我来的司机…
[02:04.40] Was his name Angus? 那人是不是叫做安格斯?
[02:07.14] What? 什么?
[02:08.41] He was a cabdriver we had in London. 我们在伦敦碰到的计程车司机
[02:12.68] All right. Anyway 好吧,总之…
[02:14.55] What was that pub he took us to? 他载我们去的酒馆叫什么?
[02:17.05] The Wheat Sheaf! 麦子酒馆
[02:18.48] And they had that beer.... 对,那里有一种啤酒…
[02:20.25] Boddington's! 柏丁顿
[02:25.09] Phoebe was going to tell a story. 菲比有话要说
[02:27.43] So he had a really funny hat. 他的帽子很好笑…
[02:30.43] I don't want to talk about it. 我不想说了
[02:34.43] -Hey. -Hey,Ross! 罗斯
[02:36.70] Boddington's! 柏丁顿
[02:38.74] Oh,man! 是啊
[02:41.41] I'd walk back to London for another frosty one of those bad boys. 那啤酒真好喝 若是能再喝一杯 要我走回伦敦都行
[02:45.88] They have them at the British pub by the Trade Center. 世贸附近的英国酒馆好像有
[02:49.21] Later! 回头见
[02:51.68] Shouldn't Rachel be back? 瑞秋不是应该回来了吗?
[02:53.45] Her plane got delayed. 可是班机在雅典误点
[02:55.22] But she should be here by now. 不过现在也该到了
[02:57.19] So you talked to her? Did she sound mad? 你跟她通过电话 她很生气吗?
[03:00.36] No. But she likes me. 不会,那是因为她喜欢我
[03:03.43] You abandoned her on a plane to Greece. 你丢她独自飞到希腊去
[03:05.43] I did not "abandon" Rachel. Okay? 我才没有丢下瑞秋
[03:08.57] Emily showed up at the airport. 艾蜜莉出现在机场
[03:10.64] I had to go after her. I did what I had to do. 我当然得去追她 我别无选择
[03:13.97] She's my wife. Rachel is my wife. 毕竟瑞秋是我太太
[03:16.71] Emily! 是…艾蜜莉
[03:19.74] Emily is my wife. 艾蜜莉是我老婆
[03:23.05] Man,what is that? 我是怎么了?
[03:26.05] You haven't heard from Emily? 你还没有艾蜜莉的消息?
[03:28.12] Not since I lost her at the airport. 我在机场追丢之后就没有了
[03:30.46] I can't believe she can outrun you. 她竟然跑得比你快
[03:32.72] Hey! She's fast,okay? 她是飞毛腿,好吗?
[03:35.79] You think you can beat me? Let's go! Outside! 你自以为能打败我? 我们现在就去外头较量
[03:41.77] -I'm sorry. I'm just a little -Slow? 抱歉,我太… 慢了?
[03:44.74] Oh,you want some?! 你要跟我比?
[03:46.77] Okay,get the shoes on! Let's go,man! 走啊,去穿球鞋,我们去赛跑
[03:50.17] It's cool,okay? 别激动
[03:52.21] You're the fastest! 你跑得最快
[03:55.61] -Hi! -Oh,my God,Rachel! 嗨 瑞秋 嗨
[03:59.52] Rach,I am so sorry. I am so,so sorry. 瑞秋,我很抱歉 非常对不起你
[04:04.39] Come on. You just did what you had to do. 罗斯,你没做错
[04:07.19] 嗨,菲比
[04:09.39] That's it? You're not mad? It must've been terrible. 就这样?你不生气? 你应该很火大
[04:13.00] Terrible? Hell,I was in Greece! 火大?我可是在希腊
[04:16.20] There was a nice hotel,nice beach, met the nice people. 那间饭店非常棒 海滩很美,人又和善
[04:20.24] It's not too shabby for Rachel. 对我瑞秋来说可不差
[04:25.54] So,what,that's it? 就这样?不生气?
[04:28.81] We're cool. Totally cool. 对,我没生你的气
[04:32.25] Thanks,Rach. You're the best. 谢谢,你真好
[04:34.19] Oh,no. You're the best. 你才好呢
[04:37.99] Oh,I got to go to the flower store. 我要去花店一趟
[04:41.53] No one will tell me where Emily is... 听我说,大家都不肯说 艾蜜莉在哪里
[04:44.40] I'm sending 72 long-stemmed,red roses to her parents' house. 我决定买72朵长茎红玫瑰 送去艾蜜莉爸妈家
[04:48.77] One for each day I've known and loved her. 每朵代表我认识她 并且深爱她的每一天
[04:51.90] That should get her talking. 她一定会感动地软化
[04:53.77] When you make out the card, be sure to make it out to "Emily." 罗斯,写卡片时别忘了 对方是“艾蜜莉”
[05:02.75] It's good that you had such a good time in Greece. 瑞秋,太好了 幸好你在希腊玩得开心
[05:06.78] What? 什么?
[05:09.55] I didn't have a good time in Greece! 我在希腊才不开心
[05:12.59] Ross abandoned me! 罗斯丢下我一人
[05:15.03] I couldn't get a plane out. I had to stay in their suite! 我买不到机票回来 只好住在他们的蜜月套房
[05:19.46] People came up to me going, "Mrs. Geller! Why are you cry?" 每个人都要来问我 “盖勒太太,你哭什么?”
[05:24.80] I mean,it was so humiliating! 简直丢死人了
[05:28.31] I felt like such an idiot! 我真是个白痴
[05:30.64] It's all my fault. You know why? 这都是我的错 你们知道为什么吗?
[05:33.21] Because I make very bad decisions. 因为我的决定都不对
[05:36.78] Oh,that's not true. 不要这么说
[05:38.28] Yes,it is true. I went after Ross in stupid London! 就是这样,我没胡说 我跑去蠢伦敦追罗斯
[05:41.95] London is stupid! Stupid! 伦敦的确是个蠢地方
[05:46.06] I put on a cheerleading outfit to seduce Joshua. 打扮得像个啦啦队长 倒追约书亚
[05:49.49] Then I lost him because I asked him to marry me after four dates. 约了四次会就叫他娶我 把他吓死了
[05:54.33] And then I went to Greece on somebody else's honeymoon. Okay? 然后我还去希腊渡别人的蜜月
[05:58.84] Do those sound like very good decisions to you? 你们觉得这些决定正确吗?
[06:02.64] I like your little braid. 你的辫子很可爱
[06:05.58] I just shouldn't be allowed to make decisions anymore. 我不应该做任何决定
[06:07.91] Phoebe,you were right. I should've never gone to London. 菲比,你说得对 我根本不该去伦敦
[06:10.82] From now on,you make all my decisions for me. 从今开始由你帮我做决定
[06:14.32] Oh,no. I did that for someone once. 不行,我以前就这么做过
[06:17.06] I'm not comfortable having that power over someone's life. 我不喜欢主宰别人的生活
[06:21.23] I'll do it. 那我来
[06:24.13] Fine. Monica,you are now in charge of my love life. 很好,摩妮卡 以后由你主宰我的感情生活
[06:29.07] Okay. I got to go to work. 我该去上班了
[06:41.25] And Rachel,great to have you back. 瑞秋,很高兴看到你回来
[06:48.62] 菲比
[06:55.73] Always a pleasure. 看到你真开心
[07:06.07] Rachel? Sweetie,look. 瑞秋,你看
[07:08.31] Here's a cute picture of you and Joey. 这是你跟乔伊在招待会的照片
[07:11.01] He's married. 他已经结婚了
[07:12.51] Ross is married. I still can't believe it. 罗斯结婚了 我到现在还不敢相信
[07:16.08] Honey,sweetie,by the edges. 亲爱的,抓旁边就好
[07:18.98] I'll just have to accept it. 看来我只好接受事实
[07:20.92] I mean,it's my fault. 这都要怪我
[07:23.15] Edges! Fingers! Smudgy! 别抓中间,指纹会弄脏照片
[07:25.42] Oh,my God! 天啊
[07:32.16] That's okay. I know that you're very upset right now. 算了 我知道你心情低落
[07:35.67] I know that wasn't about me. 不是故意找我麻烦
[07:37.77] I bet it was about her a little. 我看她就是跟她作对
[07:40.20] If you'd stop thinking about Ross... 你要是肯放下罗斯一分钟
[07:42.71]'d notice there are great guys everywhere. 就会发现到处有帅哥
[07:45.84] Look. Gunther. 你看,例如阿甘
[07:49.85] He's nice. He's cute. 他既善良又可爱
[07:51.98] Yeah. I guess Gunther is.... 阿甘的确…
[07:54.35] What about that guy over there? 还有那边那个家伙
[07:57.46] That's the guy you flirted with at the counter. 记得吗?你以前 跟他打情骂俏过
[08:01.69] -Oh,I don't know. I don't know. -You're going to talk to him. 我不知道… 我不知道 你现在就去跟他说话
[08:05.10] I make your decisions, and I say you're going to talk to him. 我们说好由我发号施令 我命令你去跟他说话
[08:09.63] All right. 好吧
[08:11.00] You're the boss. I got to do what you tell me. 你说了算 看来我只好照办
[08:14.44] Say that to him,and you're golden. 他听到这句话肯定上钩
[08:20.55] 嘿 嗨
[08:22.71] Hey,Phoebe. We got our pictures back from London. 菲比 伦敦的照片洗出来了
[08:25.85] Here's all of us at the Tower of London.... 这张是所有人在伦敦塔拍的
[08:29.02] Here we all are. 大家都在照片中
[08:31.12] There's Ross and Joey and you and 有罗斯、乔伊、你…
[08:35.16] And me. 和我
[08:38.00] We've been talking about London too much. 你一定听烦我们说伦敦的事了
[08:40.80] Sorry,it's just because I couldn't be there. 是我不好,因为我去不了
[08:43.87] All I get to do now is pregnant stuff. It bums me out. 我只能大着肚子 烦都快烦死了
[08:47.54] -I'm sorry. -Sorry. 可怜啊…
[08:50.24] Know what I like to do? It sounds a little corny... 你知道我伤心时都怎么做吗?
[08:52.64] ...but sometimes when I'm bummed out, I like to just close my eyes... 有时候事情不太顺利 我就闭上眼睛
[08:56.01] ...and think about what a wonderful gift life is. 想想人生实在挺美好
[09:06.76] See? 有用吧?
[09:11.00] -What happened? -A little of this,a little of that. 怎么样?总之我们东扯西扯
[09:14.37] I got myself a date tomorrow. 明天晚上要出去约会
[09:16.30] See? Didn't I tell you? You're getting over Ross already. 看吧?你就要忘记罗斯了
[09:21.87] Get out. 滚出去 “我们有权利拒绝服务”
[09:38.96] What took so long? 你怎么去那么久?
[09:40.22] I got caught up at work. But I'm quitting tomorrow. 公事担搁了 不过我明天就辞职
[09:48.53] So thanks for having me over. 谢谢你邀我过来
[09:53.60] 瑞秋
[09:59.98] 菲比
[10:08.75] See you,man. 再见
[10:13.26] What the hell was that? 他发什么神经?
[10:15.66] Probably some European goodbye thing he picked up in London. 可能在伦敦学到的欧洲风俗
[10:20.16] That's not European. 那才不是欧洲风俗
[10:22.57] It felt French. 比较像法式热吻
[10:26.74] Well,I guess it's time for me to say goodbye too,mon frere. 换我跟各位老友说再见了
[10:32.11] Come here and give me a little sugar. 过来给我一个热吻吧
[10:40.85] I really had a good time. 我玩得好开心
[10:42.89] Yeah,me too. 我也是
[10:47.83] I guess this is it. 看来今天要结束了
[10:51.53] Unless you want to come inside? 除非你想进来 好
[10:56.17] Wait a minute. You know what? I can't decide this. 等等,我无法自做主张
[11:02.34] Okay. Just hold on a second. 等我一下 好
[11:10.92] Where's Monica? I have to ask her something. 摩妮卡在吗?我有事要问她
[11:13.52] Doing her laundry. 她去洗衣服
[11:15.52] What's that? 那是什么?
[11:17.56] It came in the mail today. 我今天收到的包裹
[11:20.96] It's 72 long-stemmed red roses. 72朵代表...
[11:23.59] One for each day I've known and loved Emily... ...我深爱艾蜜莉的红玫瑰...
[11:26.73] ...cut up into mulch. ...给剪成碎片
[11:30.94] Honey,that's awful. 真是糟糕
[11:33.77] It's not so bad. 还好啦
[11:34.97] Monica's going to make potpourri. 摩妮卡要用来做香料
[11:40.54] I think I'm going to go wander out in the rain for a while. 我要去淋雨散散心
[11:45.08] It's not raining. 外面没下雨
[11:46.38] I can't catch a break! 连老天都不赏脸
[11:50.29] You're not going anywhere. Sit right here. 罗斯,你哪也别去 就坐这里
[11:53.82] I'll make you some tea and we'll talk this out. 我们喝茶聊天
[11:57.16] All right? 好吗?
[12:02.07] Hey,Dave. 大卫 怎么样?
[12:04.10] I need to take a rain check. My roommate is really sick. 改天再请你进来 我的室友病得很重
[12:08.31] Okay. Bye! 再见
[12:13.08] Honey,listen.
[12:15.31] I know things seem so bad... 我知道你现在...
[12:18.62] ...and that they won't get any ...一定很伤心
[12:21.45] Could I talk to you? 我可以跟你谈谈吗?
[12:24.46] I dropped some socks. 我掉了几支袜子
[12:35.70] What is the matter with you? Do you want to fall into the trap? 你哪根筋不对? 你又想老调重弹? 又想跳回去自找苦吃?
[12:40.67] You did not drop any socks! 你根本没掉袜子
[12:43.77] I saw Dave,and he said you blew him off! 我刚碰到大卫 他说你打发他走
[12:46.14] You listen to me! 你给我听好
[12:47.34] I'm calling the shots! I say you leave Ross and go get Dave. 这里由我当家 我要你离开罗斯去追大卫
[12:51.48] What are you doing? 你到底想怎么样?
[12:52.82] Well,ultimately I was trying, you know,I wanted... 其实我想…我打算…
[12:57.69] tell him that I'm still in love with him. 告诉他我还爱他
[13:00.66] What? You cannot tell him that! 什么?你不准说
[13:03.89] Why? Why not? 为什么?
[13:05.46] People love to hear that! 大家都喜欢听到这种话
[13:08.43] Come on,I love you. 我爱你
[13:10.27] -Wasn't that nice? -No. 你不喜欢听吗?
[13:12.17] I make the decisions and I say no! 这里由我做决定, 我不准你说
[13:14.67] You know what? No,you don't make my decisions,because... 你不能帮我做决定 因为...
[13:18.58]'re fired. ...我要开除你
[13:20.28] You can't fire me. 你不能开除我
[13:22.21] I make your decisions, and I say I'm not fired! Ha! 你的事情由我来决定 我说:我没被开除
[13:28.95] Well.... 既然如此…
[13:40.53] Come on,let me in! 瑞秋,让我进去
[13:42.10] Having some trouble? 怎么了?
[13:44.80] Rachel locked the door. 瑞秋把我锁在门外
[13:46.37] I'll kick that door in if you give me some sugar. 你肯亲我,我就帮你撞开
[13:51.78] Ross,there's something I wanna talk to you about. 罗斯,我有话要告诉你
[13:55.21] -I just need to -Rachel,open this door! 开门!
[13:58.88] -What,is it locked? -She's fine. Listen.... 门锁着吗? 别管她,听我说
[14:02.49] Rachel,I can do this all night if I have to! 我可以在外面鬼叫一整晚
[14:05.19] -You want me to get that? -No. Just let her do her thing... 要不要我去开门? 别理她
[14:07.93] ...and we'll do our thing. Because I really need to tell you 我们说我们的 我要告诉你…
[14:18.80] Thank you. 谢谢
[14:22.77] Rachel? Can I talk to you outside for a sec? 瑞秋,我可以跟你谈谈吗?
[14:26.11] 不可以
[14:28.58] We really need to talk. 我真的有话要跟你说
[14:30.11] Well,then talk. 那就说啊
[14:32.22] Okay,I will. 那我就说咯
[14:36.82] Remember that thing we just discussed that you wanted to do? 记得我们刚说你要做的事吗?
[14:41.43] What thing? 什么事?
[14:46.10] Rachel wants to take swing dance lessons. 瑞秋要去学摇摆舞
[14:49.30] Which I think is a really stupid idea. 我非常不赞成
[14:52.10] It's dangerous. She won't get what she wants. 因为这种舞很危险 她一定学不会
[14:55.41] And who knows who she might end up hurting? 而且搞不好还会撞伤人
[15:04.75] Monica's right. Swing dancing can be tricky. 摩妮卡说得对 摇摆舞有点危险
[15:10.29] I have to use the phone. 我要打电话
[15:11.86] I gotta cancel those five giant teddy bears I sent to Emily. 取消五支送给艾蜜莉的熊宝宝
[15:16.03] My God! Think of the massacre. 否则熊宝宝难逃死劫
[15:19.60] I'm going to do it. 我就是要说
[15:21.00] I know you think I'm crazy. 瑞秋,我知道你认为我疯了
[15:23.00] But before you tell him, try to find one person... 但是在你告诉他之前 至少找到一个人...
[15:26.34] ...who thinks it's a good idea. I bet you can't. ...支持你 我打赌你找不到
[15:28.87] Please? 可是… 拜托
[15:32.21] All right. Fine. 好吧
[15:38.05] Joey! I'm in! 乔伊,我已经进来了
[15:40.18] All right. Good deal. 那敢情好
[15:49.56] -Hi. -Hey,Rach. 瑞秋
[15:52.16] -Did you find anyone who agrees with you? -No. 瑞秋,你找到谁支持你了吗? 还没
[15:54.87] But you know what? I think I need a male point of view. 我决定问男性的意见
[15:59.54] Joey. 乔伊
[16:03.01] -You're a man. -You got that right. 你是男人 货真价实
[16:06.84] Do you think it would be a good idea if I told Ross that I was still in love with him? 你觉得我该告诉罗斯 我还爱他吗?
[16:10.91] Nope. 不
[16:14.52] -Phoebe! -Hey,Phoebe. 菲比
[16:20.99] -Phoebe? -Yeah. 菲比 怎样?
[16:22.79] You know how you were saying you didn't get to go to London... 你上次说你都不能去伦敦
[16:26.53] ...and you were feeling left out? 觉得自己遭大家遗弃
[16:28.57] Well,we all felt really bad about that... 我们很愧疚
[16:31.70] we decided to take a little trip together! 决定大家一起去旅行
[16:35.51] Oh,that's so nice! 太好了
[16:37.74] How great! Where's the trip? 要去哪里?…
[16:40.04] Well,we thought we would all go to a picnic... 我们可以一起去野餐
[16:44.21] Central Park! 就去中央公园
[16:45.82] Central Park? 中央…公园
[16:48.15] All of us. All day. 对,大家一起去个一整天
[16:50.32] That sucks! 什么鸟地方?!
[16:52.72] That's not a trip! I just came from there. 那根本不算旅行 我才刚从公园过来
[16:55.33] What'll we high-five about at the stupid park? 大家去中央公园有什么好兴奋
[16:58.50] It's right by my house. All right! “好耶,就在我家旁边”
[17:03.20] I'm going home to bask in the triumph of my Central Park idea. 我决定回家反省这个烂主意
[17:08.34] Hold on a sec there,Mr. Kissy. 等一下,热吻先生
[17:12.21] I wanted to talk to you about... 我一直想跟你讨论
[17:14.18] ...this whole new European thing you've got going on. 你新学的欧洲民情
[17:17.58] And I need to say it makes me very uncomfortable... 你搞得我非常不自在
[17:20.95] ...and I just,you know,just stop it! 拜托你别再亲了
[17:24.69] Just bringing some culture to the group. 我只是想 介绍大家认识欧洲文化
[17:27.52] That's fine. Just don't bring it in my mouth. 只要不要介绍到我嘴里就好了
[17:30.96] It makes me want to puke. 我都快吐了
[17:39.77] Hey,everybody! Phoebe is here! 各位,菲比来了
[17:42.37] 菲比
[17:44.64] -Phoebe! Woo! -Okay. Woo! Hi! 菲比 大家好
[17:48.38] Phoebe,we decided that the picnic idea was a little.... 我们认为野餐的主意…
[17:52.38] It didn't have any.... Well,it blew. 实在烂透了
[17:57.22] We thought that this afternoon we'd all go away for the whole weekend... 所以今天下午决定
[18:01.93] Atlantic City. 到大西洋城去渡周末
[18:03.46] Atlantic City! Oh,that's a great plan! Whose plan was that? 大西洋城,太好了 谁想到的?
[18:08.07] Mine! 我
[18:10.07] -Wait. It was my plan. -No... 等等,是我提议的 错
[18:13.30] ...I said we needed a new plan. 我说我们应该想个新的计划
[18:15.91] And I came up with Atlantic City. 然后我想到要去大西洋城
[18:18.11] Which is the new plan. 这就是新的计划啊
[18:23.15] Why don't we all meet upstairs in an hour. 大家一小时后楼上见
[18:27.42] I'm going to go pack. I'm going to go pack my ass off. 我要去打包了 我要摇着大**好好打包
[18:32.72] Well,I think I'm gonna grab some coffee because my ass is already packed. 我去叫杯咖啡 因为我已经摇**打包完了
[18:41.10] Let's go. 瑞秋,我们走吧
[18:42.33] You know what? I'll meet you in a minute. 我等一下再上去找你
[18:45.37] Rachel,you didn't find anyone, so you can't tell him. 不行,瑞秋,没有人支持你 所以你不能说
[18:49.27] You know what? That doesn't matter. 无所谓
[18:52.51] Do you know how painful it is to tell someone you love them... 你知道对方不能回应你的爱意
[18:56.51] ...and not have them say it back? 会有多痛苦吗?
[19:00.28] I don't care. 知道,我不在乎
[19:05.96] I can't watch. 好吧,可是我看不下去
[19:22.54] What you reading? 你在看什么?
[19:25.38] Paper. 报纸
[19:26.54] Yeah? What's it about? 上面说了什么?
[19:30.31] Events from around the globe. 世界各地的新闻
[19:34.12] 是啊
[19:38.22] There's something I have to talk to you about. 罗斯,我有件事要告诉你
[19:41.06] Everyone's saying I shouldn't. 虽然大家都叫我别说
[19:42.99] But I think they're wrong. People can be wrong. 但是他们都错了 有时候别人就是看不清楚
[19:46.50] Once at work... 当然,有一次上班时...
[19:48.00] ...I thought carbon dating is fossilized 我说放射性碳测定法太老旧…
[19:50.87] I'm really trying to tell you something here. 罗斯,我说正经的
[19:56.11] Go ahead. 说吧
[19:58.88] I think I'm just going to say it. 我这就说了,现在就告诉你
[20:01.35] I'm just going to say it. 现在就告诉你
[20:11.72] I'm still in love with you,Ross. 我还爱着你,罗斯
[20:30.74] I'm not sure what to do with that right now. 我不知道现在该怎么回答
[20:39.38] What? Was that a joke? Because it's mean. 怎么了?你跟我开玩笑? 这就太恶劣了
[20:45.02] I'm so dead serious! 我很正经
[20:47.82] I'm totally serious! 不能再正经了
[20:49.56] Why are you laughing? 那你笑什么?
[20:53.53] Because I just heard it! 因为我刚听到自己的话
[20:55.80] I heard it. And it's ridiculous! 我听到了,而且觉得很荒谬
[20:58.04] I mean.... 毕竟...
[20:59.47] You're married! 你已经结婚
[21:00.97] You're married, and it's just ridiculous! 你有老婆,我说这话太可笑
[21:03.57] When I said it,I sort of floated up out of my body. 我说话的当儿似乎灵魂出壳
[21:07.34] And then I heard myself say it, and then the floating Rachel.... 我的灵魂听到肉身说话
[21:14.85] I was like,"You are such an idiot!" 瑞秋的灵魂认为 自己实在很白痴
[21:22.33] -Well,I am married. -I know. 我的确已经结婚 我知道
[21:25.60] Though I haven't spoken to her since the wedding. 虽然婚礼后就没跟老婆说过话
[21:32.17] I'm sorry. That's not funny. 抱歉,这不好笑
[21:35.77] Actually,it kind of is. 其实还蛮好笑的
[21:41.51] My wife won't return my calls. 我老婆不回我电话
[21:46.95] I don't know where my wife is. 我不知道太太在哪里
[21:52.46] "Hey,Ross! Where's the missus?" "Don't know!" “罗斯,你老婆呢?” 我也不知道
[21:57.93] Oh,God! 天啊
[22:02.73] You know what? Could you forget I told you this? 你可以忘记我刚说的话吗?
[22:08.61] Well,I kind of have to. 我不忘记也不行
[22:10.41] Because the thing is 因为事实是…
[22:12.41] The thing is,you know, that you're married to Emily. 事实就是你已经娶了艾蜜莉
[22:18.92] That is what the thing is. 事实正是如此
[22:25.32] Oh,God. 天啊
[22:27.59] Things won't be weird between us, right? Was that stupid? 罗斯,我们还是好朋友吧
[22:32.16] Me telling you that? 我说自己还爱你真是蠢毙了
[22:34.06] I'm glad you did. 不会,我很高兴你告诉我
[22:37.67] If nothing else... 就算日子很顺利
[22:39.47]'s always great when someone tells you they love you. 听到有人说爱你还是很开心
[22:43.64] That's what I said! 我早说过了
[22:47.74] -Thank you for being so nice. -No. Thank you for.... 谢谢你对我这么好 我才该谢谢你
[22:52.82] Thank you. 谢谢你
[22:54.89] Oh,God. I'm just glad I didn't give you the cassette I made of all of our songs. 幸好我没给你 我录的那卷录音带
[23:00.59] -What songs? -Oh,you know: 你录了哪些歌曲?
[23:03.06] -"With or Without You." “有没有你”
[23:06.03] -"Everybody Hurts." “大家都会受伤”
[23:08.53] -"Rhiannon." -Why "Rhiannon"? “李安娜” 为什么选这首?
[23:11.30] Come on,you remember! In the living room? 你不记得了? 就是在客厅啊
[23:15.74] On Monica's laundry? 在蒙妮卡洗好的衣服上啊
[23:20.08] Not me. 那不是我
[23:24.15] Really. 不是?
[23:30.32] So,what happened? 怎么样了?
[23:32.19] Well,it was really hard... 我很难说出口
[23:34.56] ...but I'm glad I did it. 但是幸好我说了
[23:37.29] So was I right or wrong? 你做得对吗?
[23:39.16] -Oh,come on,honey,does it really matter? -No. 这种事情无关对错 是啊
[23:43.73] Yes. I need it for my score book. 没错 但是我要记在记分簿上
[23:46.74] Diary. 我是说日记
[23:50.17] -Okay,let's go! -Yeah,Atlantic City! 大家走吧 大西洋城!
[23:52.74] Come on!
[23:54.34] Atlantic City,baby! 去大西洋城咯
[23:57.65] Let's roll some bones. Hey,Joey! 我们去大赌一笔 乔伊
[23:59.52] High-five for rolling bones. 赌博万岁
[24:06.59] Phoebe,you're leaking. 菲比,你尿失禁?
[24:08.29] Oh,my God! Your water broke! 天啊,你羊水破了
[24:10.49] Oh,okay.
[24:12.93] Well,don't worry. I call shotgun. 别放在心上,我要坐前座!
[24:15.30] 等一下
[24:16.63] Phoebe,we have to take you to the hospital now. 菲比,我们得送你去医院
[24:19.74] Okay. Well,there's probably one on the way to Atlantic City. 去大西洋城路上应该有医院
[24:23.21] Phoebe,the babies are coming now. 菲比,你快要生了
[24:26.58] Honey! High-five! The babies are coming! 击掌,你要生了!
[24:31.21] Remember when my water broke? 等一下,记不记得 我羊水破的那天?
[24:37.89] I can't believe Phoebe's going to have her babies! 菲比竟然快生了
[24:40.69] I know. It's beautiful and amazing. 我知道,真是太棒了
[24:50.10] I can't believe I had to kiss Phoebe and Rachel every time I left the room. 真不敢相信 我竟然每次离开 都得亲菲比跟瑞秋
[24:54.40] It's too bad they didn't see us having sex. 可惜她们没看到我们嘿咻
[24:58.11] -Do you know anything about women? -No. 你到底了不了解女人?不了解
[25:02.81] -It's all right. -Okay. 算了 好
[00:11.96] You look cute in bubbles. ni quan shen pao pao hao ke ai
[00:13.79] You' re just all liquored up. ni he tai duo yan hua le
[00:19.30] Hey, it' s me. I' m coming in. shi wo, wo jin qu le
[00:28.37] I' ve had a very long, hard day. wo jin tian shang ban lei si le
[00:33.18] You' re home early. Yeah, my date threw up. ni ti zao hui jia yin wei wo yue hui dui xiang tu le yi di
[00:37.58] Want some chicken? wo yao qu mai zha ji, ni yao bu yao?
[00:39.08] No, thanks. No chicken. Byebye. bu liao, xie xie, zai jian
[00:43.05] You sure? Some extracrispy, dirty rice? ni que ding? zha ji o? bu yao hai xian fan huo dou zi?
[00:45.72] For the last time, no! Get out, Joey! wo zui hou yi ci shuo wo bu yao le chu qu, qiao yi
[00:48.26] All right. zhi dao le
[00:53.83] Are you okay? He wouldn' t leave. ni mei shi ba? bao qian, ta si dou bu zou
[00:55.90] He kept asking me if I wanted chicken. chan zhe wo wen yao bu yao zha ji
[00:58.60] Chicken? zha ji?
[01:01.07] I could eat some chicken. wo xiang chi zha ji
[01:04.58] qiao yi
[01:08.41] Could I get a threepiece, some coleslaw, some beans and a Coke? wo yao san kuai ji sha la dou zi ke le
[01:13.18] Diet Coke. jian yi ke le
[01:19.66] The One With All the Kissing ben ji bo chu:" re wen lian lian"
[01:58.80] Morning, Phoebe. I have to tell you this story. zao an, fei bi wo fei gao su ni men bu ke
[02:01.87] I was coming over and this cabdriver gang cai zai wo lai de si ji
[02:04.40] Was his name Angus? na ren shi bu shi jiao zuo an ge si?
[02:07.14] What? shen me?
[02:08.41] He was a cabdriver we had in London. wo men zai lun dun peng dao de ji cheng che si ji
[02:12.68] All right. Anyway hao ba, zong zhi
[02:14.55] What was that pub he took us to? ta zai wo men qu de jiu guan jiao shen me?
[02:17.05] The Wheat Sheaf! mai zi jiu guan
[02:18.48] And they had that beer.... dui, na li you yi zhong pi jiu
[02:20.25] Boddington' s! bai ding dun
[02:25.09] Phoebe was going to tell a story. fei bi you hua yao shuo
[02:27.43] So he had a really funny hat. ta de mao zi hen hao xiao
[02:30.43] I don' t want to talk about it. wo bu xiang shuo le
[02:34.43] Hey. Hey, Ross! luo si
[02:36.70] Boddington' s! bai ding dun
[02:38.74] Oh, man! shi a
[02:41.41] I' d walk back to London for another frosty one of those bad boys. na pi jiu zhen hao he ruo shi neng zai he yi bei yao wo zou hui lun dun dou xing
[02:45.88] They have them at the British pub by the Trade Center. shi mao fu jin de ying guo jiu guan hao xiang you
[02:49.21] Later! hui tou jian
[02:51.68] Shouldn' t Rachel be back? rui qiu bu shi ying gai hui lai le ma?
[02:53.45] Her plane got delayed. ke shi ban ji zai ya dian wu dian
[02:55.22] But she should be here by now. bu guo xian zai ye gai dao le
[02:57.19] So you talked to her? Did she sound mad? ni gen ta tong guo dian hua ta hen sheng qi ma?
[03:00.36] No. But she likes me. bu hui, na shi yin wei ta xi huan wo
[03:03.43] You abandoned her on a plane to Greece. ni diu ta du zi fei dao xi la qu
[03:05.43] I did not " abandon" Rachel. Okay? wo cai mei you diu xia rui qiu
[03:08.57] Emily showed up at the airport. ai mi li chu xian zai ji chang
[03:10.64] I had to go after her. I did what I had to do. wo dang ran de qu zhui ta wo bie wu xuan ze
[03:13.97] She' s my wife. Rachel is my wife. bi jing rui qiu shi wo tai tai
[03:16.71] Emily! shi ai mi li
[03:19.74] Emily is my wife. ai mi li shi wo lao po
[03:23.05] Man, what is that? wo shi zen me le?
[03:26.05] You haven' t heard from Emily? ni hai mei you ai mi li de xiao xi?
[03:28.12] Not since I lost her at the airport. wo zai ji chang zhui diu zhi hou jiu mei you le
[03:30.46] I can' t believe she can outrun you. ta jing ran pao de bi ni kuai
[03:32.72] Hey! She' s fast, okay? ta shi fei mao tui, hao ma?
[03:35.79] You think you can beat me? Let' s go! Outside! ni zi yi wei neng da bai wo? wo men xian zai jiu qu wai tou jiao liang
[03:41.77] I' m sorry. I' m just a little Slow? bao qian, wo tai man le?
[03:44.74] Oh, you want some?! ni yao gen wo bi?
[03:46.77] Okay, get the shoes on! Let' s go, man! zou a, qu chuan qiu xie, wo men qu sai pao
[03:50.17] It' s cool, okay? bie ji dong
[03:52.21] You' re the fastest! ni pao de zui kuai
[03:55.61] Hi! Oh, my God, Rachel! hai rui qiu hai
[03:59.52] Rach, I am so sorry. I am so, so sorry. rui qiu, wo hen bao qian fei chang dui bu qi ni
[04:04.39] Come on. You just did what you had to do. luo si, ni mei zuo cuo
[04:07.19] hai, fei bi
[04:09.39] That' s it? You' re not mad? It must' ve been terrible. jiu zhe yang? ni bu sheng qi? ni ying gai hen huo da
[04:13.00] Terrible? Hell, I was in Greece! huo da? wo ke shi zai xi la
[04:16.20] There was a nice hotel, nice beach, met the nice people. na jian fan dian fei chang bang hai tan hen mei, ren you he shan
[04:20.24] It' s not too shabby for Rachel. dui wo rui qiu lai shuo ke bu cha
[04:25.54] So, what, that' s it? jiu zhe yang? bu sheng qi?
[04:28.81] We' re cool. Totally cool. dui, wo mei sheng ni de qi
[04:32.25] Thanks, Rach. You' re the best. xie xie, ni zhen hao
[04:34.19] Oh, no. You' re the best. ni cai hao ne
[04:37.99] Oh, I got to go to the flower store. wo yao qu hua dian yi tang
[04:41.53] No one will tell me where Emily is... ting wo shuo, da jia dou bu ken shuo ai mi li zai na li
[04:44.40] ... so I' m sending 72 longstemmed, red roses to her parents' house. wo jue ding mai 72 duo zhang jing hong mei gui song qu ai mi li ba ma jia
[04:48.77] One for each day I' ve known and loved her. mei duo dai biao wo ren shi ta bing qie shen ai ta de mei yi tian
[04:51.90] That should get her talking. ta yi ding hui gan dong di ruan hua
[04:53.77] When you make out the card, be sure to make it out to " Emily." luo si, xie ka pian shi bie wang le dui fang shi" ai mi li"
[05:02.75] It' s good that you had such a good time in Greece. rui qiu, tai hao le xing hao ni zai xi la wan de kai xin
[05:06.78] What? shen me?
[05:09.55] I didn' t have a good time in Greece! wo zai xi la cai bu kai xin
[05:12.59] Ross abandoned me! luo si diu xia wo yi ren
[05:15.03] I couldn' t get a plane out. I had to stay in their suite! wo mai bu dao ji piao hui lai zhi hao zhu zai ta men de mi yue tao fang
[05:19.46] People came up to me going, " Mrs. Geller! Why are you cry?" mei ge ren dou yao lai wen wo " gai lei tai tai, ni ku shen me?"
[05:24.80] I mean, it was so humiliating! jian zhi diu si ren le
[05:28.31] I felt like such an idiot! wo zhen shi ge bai chi
[05:30.64] It' s all my fault. You know why? zhe dou shi wo de cuo ni men zhi dao wei shi me ma?
[05:33.21] Because I make very bad decisions. yin wei wo de jue ding du bu dui
[05:36.78] Oh, that' s not true. bu yao zhe me shuo
[05:38.28] Yes, it is true. I went after Ross in stupid London! jiu shi zhe yang, wo mei hu shuo wo pao qu chun lun dun zhui luo si
[05:41.95] London is stupid! Stupid! lun dun di que shi ge chun di fang
[05:46.06] I put on a cheerleading outfit to seduce Joshua. da ban de xiang ge la la dui zhang dao zhui yue shu ya
[05:49.49] Then I lost him because I asked him to marry me after four dates. yue le si ci hui jiu jiao ta qu wo ba ta xia si le
[05:54.33] And then I went to Greece on somebody else' s honeymoon. Okay? ran hou wo hai qu xi la du bie ren de mi yue
[05:58.84] Do those sound like very good decisions to you? ni men jue de zhei xie jue ding zheng que ma?
[06:02.64] I like your little braid. ni de bian zi hen ke ai
[06:05.58] I just shouldn' t be allowed to make decisions anymore. wo bu ying gai zuo ren he jue ding
[06:07.91] Phoebe, you were right. I should' ve never gone to London. fei bi, ni shuo de dui wo gen ben bu gai qu lun dun
[06:10.82] From now on, you make all my decisions for me. cong jin kai shi you ni bang wo zuo jue ding
[06:14.32] Oh, no. I did that for someone once. bu xing, wo yi qian jiu zhe me zuo guo
[06:17.06] I' m not comfortable having that power over someone' s life. wo bu xi huan zhu zai bie ren de sheng huo
[06:21.23] I' ll do it. na wo lai
[06:24.13] Fine. Monica, you are now in charge of my love life. hen hao, mo ni ka yi hou you ni zhu zai wo de gan qing sheng huo
[06:29.07] Okay. I got to go to work. wo gai qu shang ban le
[06:41.25] And Rachel, great to have you back. rui qiu, hen gao xing kan dao ni hui lai
[06:48.62] fei bi
[06:55.73] Always a pleasure. kan dao ni zhen kai xin
[07:06.07] Rachel? Sweetie, look. rui qiu, ni kan
[07:08.31] Here' s a cute picture of you and Joey. zhe shi ni gen qiao yi zai zhao dai hui de zhao pian
[07:11.01] He' s married. ta yi jing jie hun le
[07:12.51] Ross is married. I still can' t believe it. luo si jie hun le wo dao xian zai hai bu gan xiang xin
[07:16.08] Honey, sweetie, by the edges. qin ai de, zhua pang bian jiu hao
[07:18.98] I' ll just have to accept it. kan lai wo zhi hao jie shou shi shi
[07:20.92] I mean, it' s my fault. zhe dou yao guai wo
[07:23.15] Edges! Fingers! Smudgy! bie zhua zhong jian, zhi wen hui nong zang zhao pian
[07:25.42] Oh, my God! tian a
[07:32.16] That' s okay. I know that you' re very upset right now. suan le wo zhi dao ni xin qing di luo
[07:35.67] I know that wasn' t about me. bu shi gu yi zhao wo ma fan
[07:37.77] I bet it was about her a little. wo kan ta jiu shi gen ta zuo dui
[07:40.20] If you' d stop thinking about Ross... ni yao shi ken fang xia luo si yi fen zhong
[07:42.71] ... you' d notice there are great guys everywhere. jiu hui fa xian dao chu you shuai ge
[07:45.84] Look. Gunther. ni kan, li ru a gan
[07:49.85] He' s nice. He' s cute. ta ji shan liang you ke ai
[07:51.98] Yeah. I guess Gunther is.... a gan di que
[07:54.35] What about that guy over there? hai you na bian na ge jia huo
[07:57.46] That' s the guy you flirted with at the counter. ji de ma? ni yi qian gen ta da qing ma qiao guo
[08:01.69] Oh, I don' t know. I don' t know. You' re going to talk to him. wo bu zhi dao wo bu zhi dao ni xian zai jiu qu gen ta shuo hua
[08:05.10] I make your decisions, and I say you' re going to talk to him. wo men shuo hao you wo fa hao shi ling wo ming ling ni qu gen ta shuo hua
[08:09.63] All right. hao ba
[08:11.00] You' re the boss. I got to do what you tell me. ni shuo le suan kan lai wo zhi hao zhao ban
[08:14.44] Say that to him, and you' re golden. ta ting dao zhe ju hua ken ding shang gou
[08:20.55] hei hai
[08:22.71] Hey, Phoebe. We got our pictures back from London. fei bi lun dun de zhao pian xi chu lai le
[08:25.85] Here' s all of us at the Tower of London.... zhe zhang shi suo you ren zai lun dun ta pai de
[08:29.02] Here we all are. da jia dou zai zhao pian zhong
[08:31.12] There' s Ross and Joey and you and you luo si qiao yi ni
[08:35.16] And me. he wo
[08:38.00] We' ve been talking about London too much. ni yi ding ting fan wo men shuo lun dun de shi le
[08:40.80] Sorry, it' s just because I couldn' t be there. shi wo bu hao, yin wei wo qu bu liao
[08:43.87] All I get to do now is pregnant stuff. It bums me out. wo zhi neng da zhe du zi fan dou kuai fan si le
[08:47.54] I' m sorry. Sorry. ke lian a
[08:50.24] Know what I like to do? It sounds a little corny... ni zhi dao wo shang xin shi dou zen me zuo ma?
[08:52.64] ... but sometimes when I' m bummed out, I like to just close my eyes... you shi hou shi qing bu tai shun li wo jiu bi shang yan jing
[08:56.01] ... and think about what a wonderful gift life is. xiang xiang ren sheng shi zai ting mei hao
[09:06.76] See? you yong ba?
[09:11.00] What happened? A little of this, a little of that. zen me yang? zong zhi wo men dong che xi che
[09:14.37] I got myself a date tomorrow. ming tian wan shang yao chu qu yue hui
[09:16.30] See? Didn' t I tell you? You' re getting over Ross already. kan ba? ni jiu yao wang ji luo si le
[09:21.87] Get out. gun chu qu " wo men you quan li ju jue fu wu"
[09:38.96] What took so long? ni zen me qu na me jiu?
[09:40.22] I got caught up at work. But I' m quitting tomorrow. gong shi dan ge le bu guo wo ming tian jiu ci zhi
[09:48.53] So thanks for having me over. xie xie ni yao wo guo lai
[09:53.60] rui qiu
[09:59.98] fei bi
[10:08.75] See you, man. zai jian
[10:13.26] What the hell was that? ta fa shen me shen jing?
[10:15.66] Probably some European goodbye thing he picked up in London. ke neng zai lun dun xue dao de ou zhou feng su
[10:20.16] That' s not European. na cai bu shi ou zhou feng su
[10:22.57] It felt French. bi jiao xiang fa shi re wen
[10:26.74] Well, I guess it' s time for me to say goodbye too, mon frere. huan wo gen ge wei lao you shuo zai jian le
[10:32.11] Come here and give me a little sugar. guo lai gei wo yi ge re wen ba
[10:40.85] I really had a good time. wo wan de hao kai xin
[10:42.89] Yeah, me too. wo ye shi
[10:47.83] I guess this is it. kan lai jin tian yao jie shu le
[10:51.53] Unless you want to come inside? chu fei ni xiang jin lai hao
[10:56.17] Wait a minute. You know what? I can' t decide this. deng deng, wo wu fa zi zuo zhu zhang
[11:02.34] Okay. Just hold on a second. deng wo yi xia hao
[11:10.92] Where' s Monica? I have to ask her something. mo ni ka zai ma? wo you shi yao wen ta
[11:13.52] Doing her laundry. ta qu xi yi fu
[11:15.52] What' s that? na shi shen me?
[11:17.56] It came in the mail today. wo jin tian shou dao de bao guo
[11:20.96] It' s 72 longstemmed red roses. 72 duo dai biao...
[11:23.59] One for each day I' ve known and loved Emily... ... wo shen ai ai mi li de hong mei gui...
[11:26.73] ... cut up into mulch. ... gei jian cheng sui pian
[11:30.94] Honey, that' s awful. zhen shi zao gao
[11:33.77] It' s not so bad. hai hao la
[11:34.97] Monica' s going to make potpourri. mo ni ka yao yong lai zuo xiang liao
[11:40.54] I think I' m going to go wander out in the rain for a while. wo yao qu lin yu san san xin
[11:45.08] It' s not raining. wai mian mei xia yu
[11:46.38] I can' t catch a break! lian lao tian du bu shang lian
[11:50.29] You' re not going anywhere. Sit right here. luo si, ni na ye bie qu jiu zuo zhe li
[11:53.82] I' ll make you some tea and we' ll talk this out. wo men he cha liao tian
[11:57.16] All right? hao ma?
[12:02.07] Hey, Dave. da wei zen me yang?
[12:04.10] I need to take a rain check. My roommate is really sick. gai tian zai qing ni jin lai wo de shi you bing de hen zhong
[12:08.31] Okay. Bye! zai jian
[12:13.08] Honey, listen.
[12:15.31] I know things seem so bad... wo zhi dao ni xian zai...
[12:18.62] ... and that they won' t get any ... yi ding hen shang xin
[12:21.45] Could I talk to you? wo ke yi gen ni tan tan ma?
[12:24.46] I dropped some socks. wo diao le ji zhi wa zi
[12:27.39] hao
[12:35.70] What is the matter with you? Do you want to fall into the trap? ni na gen jin bu dui? ni you xiang lao diao chong tan? you xiang tiao hui qu zi zhao ku chi?
[12:40.67] You did not drop any socks! ni gen ben mei diao wa zi
[12:43.77] I saw Dave, and he said you blew him off! wo gang peng dao da wei ta shuo ni da fa ta zou
[12:46.14] You listen to me! ni gei wo ting hao
[12:47.34] I' m calling the shots! I say you leave Ross and go get Dave. zhe li you wo dang jia wo yao ni li kai luo si qu zhui da wei
[12:51.48] What are you doing? ni dao di xiang zen me yang?
[12:52.82] Well, ultimately I was trying, you know, I wanted... qi shi wo xiang wo da suan
[12:57.69] ... to tell him that I' m still in love with him. gao su ta wo hai ai ta
[13:00.66] What? You cannot tell him that! shen me? ni bu zhun shuo
[13:03.89] Why? Why not? wei shi me?
[13:05.46] People love to hear that! da jia dou xi huan ting dao zhe zhong hua
[13:08.43] Come on, I love you. wo ai ni
[13:10.27] Wasn' t that nice? No. ni bu xi huan ting ma?
[13:12.17] I make the decisions and I say no! zhe li you wo zuo jue ding, wo bu zhun ni shuo
[13:14.67] You know what? No, you don' t make my decisions, because... ni bu neng bang wo zuo jue ding yin wei...
[13:18.58] ... you' re fired. ... wo yao kai chu ni
[13:20.28] You can' t fire me. ni bu neng kai chu wo
[13:22.21] I make your decisions, and I say I' m not fired! Ha! ni de shi qing you wo lai jue ding wo shuo: wo mei bei kai chu
[13:28.95] Well.... ji ran ru ci
[13:40.53] Come on, let me in! rui qiu, rang wo jin qu
[13:42.10] Having some trouble? zen me le?
[13:44.80] Rachel locked the door. rui qiu ba wo suo zai men wai
[13:46.37] I' ll kick that door in if you give me some sugar. ni ken qin wo, wo jiu bang ni zhuang kai
[13:51.78] Ross, there' s something I wanna talk to you about. luo si, wo you hua yao gao su ni
[13:55.21] I just need to Rachel, open this door! kai men!
[13:58.88] What, is it locked? She' s fine. Listen.... men suo zhe ma? bie guan ta, ting wo shuo
[14:02.49] Rachel, I can do this all night if I have to! wo ke yi zai wai mian gui jiao yi zheng wan
[14:05.19] You want me to get that? No. Just let her do her thing... yao bu yao wo qu kai men? bie li ta
[14:07.93] ... and we' ll do our thing. Because I really need to tell you wo men shuo wo men de wo yao gao su ni
[14:18.80] Thank you. xie xie
[14:22.77] Rachel? Can I talk to you outside for a sec? rui qiu, wo ke yi gen ni tan tan ma?
[14:26.11] bu ke yi
[14:28.58] We really need to talk. wo zhen de you hua yao gen ni shuo
[14:30.11] Well, then talk. na jiu shuo a
[14:32.22] Okay, I will. na wo jiu shuo ge
[14:36.82] Remember that thing we just discussed that you wanted to do? ji de wo men gang shuo ni yao zuo de shi ma?
[14:41.43] What thing? shen me shi?
[14:46.10] Rachel wants to take swing dance lessons. rui qiu yao qu xue yao bai wu
[14:49.30] Which I think is a really stupid idea. wo fei chang bu zan cheng
[14:52.10] It' s dangerous. She won' t get what she wants. yin wei zhe zhong wu hen wei xian ta yi ding xue bu hui
[14:55.41] And who knows who she might end up hurting? er qie gao bu hao huan hui zhuang shang ren
[15:04.75] Monica' s right. Swing dancing can be tricky. mo ni ka shuo de dui yao bai wu you dian wei xian
[15:10.29] I have to use the phone. wo yao da dian hua
[15:11.86] I gotta cancel those five giant teddy bears I sent to Emily. qu xiao wu zhi song gei ai mi li de xiong bao bao
[15:16.03] My God! Think of the massacre. fou ze xiong bao bao nan tao si jie
[15:19.60] I' m going to do it. wo jiu shi yao shuo
[15:21.00] I know you think I' m crazy. rui qiu, wo zhi dao ni ren wei wo feng le
[15:23.00] But before you tell him, try to find one person... dan shi zai ni gao su ta zhi qian zhi shao zhao dao yi ge ren...
[15:26.34] ... who thinks it' s a good idea. I bet you can' t. ... zhi chi ni wo da du ni zhao bu dao
[15:28.87] Please? ke shi bai tuo
[15:32.21] All right. Fine. hao ba
[15:38.05] Joey! I' m in! qiao yi, wo yi jing jin lai le
[15:40.18] All right. Good deal. na gan qing hao
[15:49.56] Hi. Hey, Rach. rui qiu
[15:52.16] Did you find anyone who agrees with you? No. rui qiu, ni zhao dao shui zhi chi ni le ma? hai mei
[15:54.87] But you know what? I think I need a male point of view. wo jue ding wen nan xing de yi jian
[15:59.54] Joey. qiao yi
[16:03.01] You' re a man. You got that right. ni shi nan ren huo zhen jia shi
[16:06.84] Do you think it would be a good idea if I told Ross that I was still in love with him? ni jue de wo gai gao su luo si wo hai ai ta ma?
[16:10.91] Nope. bu
[16:14.52] Phoebe! Hey, Phoebe. fei bi
[16:20.99] Phoebe? Yeah. fei bi zen yang?
[16:22.79] You know how you were saying you didn' t get to go to London... ni shang ci shuo ni dou bu neng qu lun dun
[16:26.53] ... and you were feeling left out? jue de zi ji zao da jia yi qi
[16:28.57] Well, we all felt really bad about that... wo men hen kui jiu
[16:31.70] ... so we decided to take a little trip together! jue ding da jia yi qi qu lv xing
[16:35.51] Oh, that' s so nice! tai hao le
[16:37.74] How great! Where' s the trip? yao qu na li?
[16:40.04] Well, we thought we would all go to a picnic... wo men ke yi yi qi qu ye can
[16:44.21] ... in Central Park! jiu qu zhong yang gong yuan
[16:45.82] Central Park? zhong yang gong yuan
[16:48.15] All of us. All day. dui, da jia yi qi qu ge yi zheng tian
[16:50.32] That sucks! shen me niao di fang?!
[16:52.72] That' s not a trip! I just came from there. na gen ben bu suan lv xing wo cai gang cong gong yuan guo lai
[16:55.33] What' ll we highfive about at the stupid park? da jia qu zhong yang gong yuan you shen me hao xing fen
[16:58.50] It' s right by my house. All right! " hao ye, jiu zai wo jia pang bian"
[17:03.20] I' m going home to bask in the triumph of my Central Park idea. wo jue ding hui jia fan xing zhe ge lan zhu yi
[17:08.34] Hold on a sec there, Mr. Kissy. deng yi xia, re wen xian sheng
[17:12.21] I wanted to talk to you about... wo yi zhi xiang gen ni tao lun
[17:14.18] ... this whole new European thing you' ve got going on. ni xin xue de ou zhou min qing
[17:17.58] And I need to say it makes me very uncomfortable... ni gao de wo fei chang bu zi zai
[17:20.95] ... and I just, you know, just stop it! bai tuo ni bie zai qin le
[17:24.69] Just bringing some culture to the group. wo zhi shi xiang jie shao da jia ren shi ou zhou wen hua
[17:27.52] That' s fine. Just don' t bring it in my mouth. zhi yao bu yao jie shao dao wo zui li jiu hao le
[17:30.96] It makes me want to puke. wo dou kuai tu le
[17:39.77] Hey, everybody! Phoebe is here! ge wei, fei bi lai le
[17:42.37] fei bi
[17:44.64] Phoebe! Woo! Okay. Woo! Hi! fei bi da jia hao
[17:48.38] Phoebe, we decided that the picnic idea was a little.... wo men ren wei ye can de zhu yi
[17:52.38] It didn' t have any.... Well, it blew. shi zai lan tou le
[17:57.22] We thought that this afternoon we' d all go away for the whole weekend... suo yi jin tian xia wu jue ding
[18:01.93] ... to Atlantic City. dao da xi yang cheng qu du zhou mo
[18:03.46] Atlantic City! Oh, that' s a great plan! Whose plan was that? da xi yang cheng, tai hao le shui xiang dao de?
[18:08.07] Mine! wo
[18:10.07] Wait. It was my plan. No... deng deng, shi wo ti yi de cuo
[18:13.30] ... I said we needed a new plan. wo shuo wo men ying gai xiang ge xin de ji hua
[18:15.91] And I came up with Atlantic City. ran hou wo xiang dao yao qu da xi yang cheng
[18:18.11] Which is the new plan. zhe jiu shi xin de ji hua a
[18:23.15] Why don' t we all meet upstairs in an hour. da jia yi xiao shi hou lou shang jian
[18:27.42] I' m going to go pack. I' m going to go pack my ass off. wo yao qu da bao le wo yao yao zhe da hao hao da bao
[18:32.72] Well, I think I' m gonna grab some coffee because my ass is already packed. wo qu jiao bei ka fei yin wei wo yi jing yao da bao wan le
[18:41.10] Let' s go. rui qiu, wo men zou ba
[18:42.33] You know what? I' ll meet you in a minute. wo deng yi xia zai shang qu zhao ni
[18:45.37] Rachel, you didn' t find anyone, so you can' t tell him. bu xing, rui qiu, mei you ren zhi chi ni suo yi ni bu neng shuo
[18:49.27] You know what? That doesn' t matter. wu suo wei
[18:52.51] Do you know how painful it is to tell someone you love them... ni zhi dao dui fang bu neng hui ying ni de ai yi
[18:56.51] ... and not have them say it back? hui you duo tong ku ma?
[19:00.28] I don' t care. zhi dao, wo bu zai hu
[19:05.96] I can' t watch. hao ba, ke shi wo kan bu xia qu
[19:22.54] What you reading? ni zai kan shen me?
[19:25.38] Paper. bao zhi
[19:26.54] Yeah? What' s it about? shang mian shuo le shen me?
[19:30.31] Events from around the globe. shi jie ge di de xin wen
[19:34.12] shi a
[19:38.22] There' s something I have to talk to you about. luo si, wo you jian shi yao gao su ni
[19:41.06] Everyone' s saying I shouldn' t. sui ran da jia dou jiao wo bie shuo
[19:42.99] But I think they' re wrong. People can be wrong. dan shi ta men dou cuo le you shi hou bie ren jiu shi kan bu qing chu
[19:46.50] Once at work... dang ran, you yi ci shang ban shi...
[19:48.00] ... I thought carbon dating is fossilized wo shuo fang she xing tan ce ding fa tai lao jiu
[19:50.87] I' m really trying to tell you something here. luo si, wo shuo zheng jing de
[19:56.11] Go ahead. shuo ba
[19:58.88] I think I' m just going to say it. wo zhe jiu shuo le, xian zai jiu gao su ni
[20:01.35] I' m just going to say it. xian zai jiu gao su ni
[20:11.72] I' m still in love with you, Ross. wo hai ai zhe ni, luo si
[20:30.74] I' m not sure what to do with that right now. wo bu zhi dao xian zai gai zen me hui da
[20:39.38] What? Was that a joke? Because it' s mean. zen me le? ni gen wo kai wan xiao? zhe jiu tai e lie le
[20:45.02] I' m so dead serious! wo hen zheng jing
[20:47.82] I' m totally serious! bu neng zai zheng jing le
[20:49.56] Why are you laughing? na ni xiao shen me?
[20:53.53] Because I just heard it! yin wei wo gang ting dao zi ji de hua
[20:55.80] I heard it. And it' s ridiculous! wo ting dao le, er qie jue de hen huang miu
[20:58.04] I mean.... bi jing...
[20:59.47] You' re married! ni yi jing jie hun
[21:00.97] You' re married, and it' s just ridiculous! ni you lao po, wo shuo zhe hua tai ke xiao
[21:03.57] When I said it, I sort of floated up out of my body. wo shuo hua di dang er si hu ling hun chu ke
[21:07.34] And then I heard myself say it, and then the floating Rachel.... wo de ling hun ting dao rou shen shuo hua
[21:14.85] I was like," You are such an idiot!" rui qiu de ling hun ren wei zi ji shi zai hen bai chi
[21:22.33] Well, I am married. I know. wo di que yi jing jie hun wo zhi dao
[21:25.60] Though I haven' t spoken to her since the wedding. sui ran hun li hou jiu mei gen lao po shuo guo hua
[21:32.17] I' m sorry. That' s not funny. bao qian, zhe bu hao xiao
[21:35.77] Actually, it kind of is. qi shi hai man hao xiao de
[21:41.51] My wife won' t return my calls. wo lao po bu hui wo dian hua
[21:46.95] I don' t know where my wife is. wo bu zhi dao tai tai zai na li
[21:52.46] " Hey, Ross! Where' s the missus?" " Don' t know!" " luo si, ni lao po ne?" wo ye bu zhi dao
[21:57.93] Oh, God! tian a
[22:02.73] You know what? Could you forget I told you this? ni ke yi wang ji wo gang shuo de hua ma?
[22:08.61] Well, I kind of have to. wo bu wang ji ye bu xing
[22:10.41] Because the thing is yin wei shi shi shi
[22:12.41] The thing is, you know, that you' re married to Emily. shi shi jiu shi ni yi jing qu le ai mi li
[22:18.92] That is what the thing is. shi shi zheng shi ru ci
[22:25.32] Oh, God. tian a
[22:27.59] Things won' t be weird between us, right? Was that stupid? luo si, wo men hai shi hao peng you ba
[22:32.16] Me telling you that? wo shuo zi ji hai ai ni zhen shi chun bi le
[22:34.06] I' m glad you did. bu hui, wo hen gao xing ni gao su wo
[22:37.67] If nothing else... jiu suan ri zi hen shun li
[22:39.47] ... it' s always great when someone tells you they love you. ting dao you ren shuo ai ni hai shi hen kai xin
[22:43.64] That' s what I said! wo zao shuo guo le
[22:47.74] Thank you for being so nice. No. Thank you for.... xie xie ni dui wo zhe me hao wo cai gai xie xie ni
[22:52.82] Thank you. xie xie ni
[22:54.89] Oh, God. I' m just glad I didn' t give you the cassette I made of all of our songs. xing hao wo mei gei ni wo lu de na juan lu yin dai
[23:00.59] What songs? Oh, you know: ni lu le nei xie ge qu?
[23:03.06] " With or Without You." " you mei you ni"
[23:06.03] " Everybody Hurts." " da jia dou hui shou shang"
[23:08.53] " Rhiannon." Why " Rhiannon"? " li an na" wei shi me xuan zhe shou?
[23:11.30] Come on, you remember! In the living room? ni bu ji de le? jiu shi zai ke ting a
[23:15.74] On Monica' s laundry? zai meng ni ka xi hao de yi fu shang a
[23:20.08] Not me. na bu shi wo
[23:24.15] Really. bu shi?
[23:30.32] So, what happened? zen me yang le?
[23:32.19] Well, it was really hard... wo hen nan shuo chu kou
[23:34.56] ... but I' m glad I did it. dan shi xing hao wo shuo le
[23:37.29] So was I right or wrong? ni zuo de dui ma?
[23:39.16] Oh, come on, honey, does it really matter? No. zhe zhong shi qing wu guan dui cuo shi a
[23:43.73] Yes. I need it for my score book. mei cuo dan shi wo yao ji zai ji fen bu shang
[23:46.74] Diary. wo shi shuo ri ji
[23:50.17] Okay, let' s go! Yeah, Atlantic City! da jia zou ba da xi yang cheng!
[23:52.74] Come on!
[23:54.34] Atlantic City, baby! qu da xi yang cheng ge
[23:57.65] Let' s roll some bones. Hey, Joey! wo men qu da du yi bi qiao yi
[23:59.52] Highfive for rolling bones. du bo wan sui
[24:06.59] Phoebe, you' re leaking. fei bi, ni niao shi jin?
[24:08.29] Oh, my God! Your water broke! tian a, ni yang shui po le
[24:10.49] Oh, okay.
[24:12.93] Well, don' t worry. I call shotgun. bie fang zai xin shang, wo yao zuo qian zuo!
[24:15.30] deng yi xia
[24:16.63] Phoebe, we have to take you to the hospital now. fei bi, wo men de song ni qu yi yuan
[24:19.74] Okay. Well, there' s probably one on the way to Atlantic City. qu da xi yang cheng lu shang ying gai you yi yuan
[24:23.21] Phoebe, the babies are coming now. fei bi, ni kuai yao sheng le
[24:26.58] Honey! Highfive! The babies are coming! ji zhang, ni yao sheng le!
[24:31.21] Remember when my water broke? deng yi xia, ji bu ji de wo yang shui po di na tian?
[24:37.89] I can' t believe Phoebe' s going to have her babies! fei bi jing ran kuai sheng le
[24:40.69] I know. It' s beautiful and amazing. wo zhi dao, zhen shi tai bang le
[24:50.10] I can' t believe I had to kiss Phoebe and Rachel every time I left the room. zhen bu gan xiang xin wo jing ran mei ci li kai dou de qin fei bi gen rui qiu
[24:54.40] It' s too bad they didn' t see us having sex. ke xi ta men mei kan dao wo men hei xiu
[24:58.11] Do you know anything about women? No. ni dao di liao bu liao jie nv ren? bu liao jie
[25:02.81] It' s all right. Okay. suan le hao
[00:11.96] You look cute in bubbles. nǐ quán shēn pào pào hǎo kě ài
[00:13.79] You' re just all liquored up. nǐ hē tài duō yǎn huā le
[00:19.30] Hey, it' s me. I' m coming in. shì wǒ, wǒ jìn qù le
[00:28.37] I' ve had a very long, hard day. wǒ jīn tiān shàng bān lèi sǐ le
[00:33.18] You' re home early. Yeah, my date threw up. nǐ tí zǎo huí jiā yīn wèi wǒ yuē huì duì xiàng tǔ le yī dì
[00:37.58] Want some chicken? wǒ yào qù mǎi zhá jī, nǐ yào bú yào?
[00:39.08] No, thanks. No chicken. Byebye. bù liǎo, xiè xiè, zài jiàn
[00:43.05] You sure? Some extracrispy, dirty rice? nǐ què dìng? zhá jī ō? bú yào hǎi xiān fàn huò dòu zi?
[00:45.72] For the last time, no! Get out, Joey! wǒ zuì hòu yī cì shuō wǒ bú yào le chū qù, qiáo yī
[00:48.26] All right. zhī dào le
[00:53.83] Are you okay? He wouldn' t leave. nǐ méi shì ba? bào qiàn, tā sǐ dōu bù zǒu
[00:55.90] He kept asking me if I wanted chicken. chán zhe wǒ wèn yào bú yào zhá jī
[00:58.60] Chicken? zhá jī?
[01:01.07] I could eat some chicken. wǒ xiǎng chī zhá jī
[01:04.58] qiáo yī
[01:08.41] Could I get a threepiece, some coleslaw, some beans and a Coke? wǒ yào sān kuài jī shā là dòu zi kě lè
[01:13.18] Diet Coke. jiàn yí kě lè
[01:19.66] The One With All the Kissing běn jí bō chū:" rè wěn lián lián"
[01:58.80] Morning, Phoebe. I have to tell you this story. zǎo ān, fēi bǐ wǒ fēi gào sù nǐ men bù kě
[02:01.87] I was coming over and this cabdriver gāng cái zài wǒ lái de sī jī
[02:04.40] Was his name Angus? nà rén shì bú shì jiào zuò ān gé sī?
[02:07.14] What? shén me?
[02:08.41] He was a cabdriver we had in London. wǒ men zài lún dūn pèng dào de jì chéng chē sī jī
[02:12.68] All right. Anyway hǎo ba, zǒng zhī
[02:14.55] What was that pub he took us to? tā zài wǒ men qù de jiǔ guǎn jiào shén me?
[02:17.05] The Wheat Sheaf! mài zi jiǔ guǎn
[02:18.48] And they had that beer.... duì, nà lǐ yǒu yī zhǒng pí jiǔ
[02:20.25] Boddington' s! bǎi dīng dùn
[02:25.09] Phoebe was going to tell a story. fēi bǐ yǒu huà yào shuō
[02:27.43] So he had a really funny hat. tā de mào zi hěn hǎo xiào
[02:30.43] I don' t want to talk about it. wǒ bù xiǎng shuō le
[02:34.43] Hey. Hey, Ross! luó sī
[02:36.70] Boddington' s! bǎi dīng dùn
[02:38.74] Oh, man! shì a
[02:41.41] I' d walk back to London for another frosty one of those bad boys. nà pí jiǔ zhēn hǎo hē ruò shì néng zài hē yī bēi yào wǒ zǒu huí lún dūn dōu xíng
[02:45.88] They have them at the British pub by the Trade Center. shì mào fù jìn de yīng guó jiǔ guǎn hǎo xiàng yǒu
[02:49.21] Later! huí tóu jiàn
[02:51.68] Shouldn' t Rachel be back? ruì qiū bú shì yīng gāi huí lái le ma?
[02:53.45] Her plane got delayed. kě shì bān jī zài yǎ diǎn wù diǎn
[02:55.22] But she should be here by now. bù guò xiàn zài yě gāi dào le
[02:57.19] So you talked to her? Did she sound mad? nǐ gēn tā tōng guò diàn huà tā hěn shēng qì ma?
[03:00.36] No. But she likes me. bú huì, nà shi yīn wèi tā xǐ huān wǒ
[03:03.43] You abandoned her on a plane to Greece. nǐ diū tā dú zì fēi dào xī là qù
[03:05.43] I did not " abandon" Rachel. Okay? wǒ cái méi yǒu diū xià ruì qiū
[03:08.57] Emily showed up at the airport. ài mì lì chū xiàn zài jī chǎng
[03:10.64] I had to go after her. I did what I had to do. wǒ dāng rán dé qù zhuī tā wǒ bié wú xuǎn zé
[03:13.97] She' s my wife. Rachel is my wife. bì jìng ruì qiū shì wǒ tài tài
[03:16.71] Emily! shì ài mì lì
[03:19.74] Emily is my wife. ài mì lì shì wǒ lǎo pó
[03:23.05] Man, what is that? wǒ shì zěn me le?
[03:26.05] You haven' t heard from Emily? nǐ hái méi yǒu ài mì lì de xiāo xī?
[03:28.12] Not since I lost her at the airport. wǒ zài jī chǎng zhuī diū zhī hòu jiù méi yǒu le
[03:30.46] I can' t believe she can outrun you. tā jìng rán pǎo dé bǐ nǐ kuài
[03:32.72] Hey! She' s fast, okay? tā shì fēi máo tuǐ, hǎo ma?
[03:35.79] You think you can beat me? Let' s go! Outside! nǐ zì yǐ wéi néng dǎ bài wǒ? wǒ men xiàn zài jiù qù wài tou jiào liàng
[03:41.77] I' m sorry. I' m just a little Slow? bào qiàn, wǒ tài màn le?
[03:44.74] Oh, you want some?! nǐ yào gēn wǒ bǐ?
[03:46.77] Okay, get the shoes on! Let' s go, man! zǒu a, qù chuān qiú xié, wǒ men qù sài pǎo
[03:50.17] It' s cool, okay? bié jī dòng
[03:52.21] You' re the fastest! nǐ pǎo dé zuì kuài
[03:55.61] Hi! Oh, my God, Rachel! hāi ruì qiū hāi
[03:59.52] Rach, I am so sorry. I am so, so sorry. ruì qiū, wǒ hěn bào qiàn fēi cháng duì bù qǐ nǐ
[04:04.39] Come on. You just did what you had to do. luó sī, nǐ méi zuò cuò
[04:07.19] hāi, fēi bǐ
[04:09.39] That' s it? You' re not mad? It must' ve been terrible. jiù zhè yàng? nǐ bù shēng qì? nǐ yīng gāi hěn huǒ dà
[04:13.00] Terrible? Hell, I was in Greece! huǒ dà? wǒ kě shì zài xī là
[04:16.20] There was a nice hotel, nice beach, met the nice people. nà jiān fàn diàn fēi cháng bàng hǎi tān hěn měi, rén yòu hé shàn
[04:20.24] It' s not too shabby for Rachel. duì wǒ ruì qiū lái shuō kě bù chà
[04:25.54] So, what, that' s it? jiù zhè yàng? bù shēng qì?
[04:28.81] We' re cool. Totally cool. duì, wǒ méi shēng nǐ de qì
[04:32.25] Thanks, Rach. You' re the best. xiè xiè, nǐ zhēn hǎo
[04:34.19] Oh, no. You' re the best. nǐ cái hǎo ne
[04:37.99] Oh, I got to go to the flower store. wǒ yào qù huā diàn yī tàng
[04:41.53] No one will tell me where Emily is... tīng wǒ shuō, dà jiā dōu bù kěn shuō ài mì lì zài nǎ lǐ
[04:44.40] ... so I' m sending 72 longstemmed, red roses to her parents' house. wǒ jué dìng mǎi 72 duǒ zhǎng jīng hóng méi guī sòng qù ài mì lì bà mā jiā
[04:48.77] One for each day I' ve known and loved her. měi duǒ dài biǎo wǒ rèn shi tā bìng qiě shēn ài tā de měi yì tiān
[04:51.90] That should get her talking. tā yí dìng huì gǎn dòng dì ruǎn huà
[04:53.77] When you make out the card, be sure to make it out to " Emily." luó sī, xiě kǎ piàn shí bié wàng le duì fāng shì" ài mì lì"
[05:02.75] It' s good that you had such a good time in Greece. ruì qiū, tài hǎo le xìng hǎo nǐ zài xī là wán dé kāi xīn
[05:06.78] What? shén me?
[05:09.55] I didn' t have a good time in Greece! wǒ zài xī là cái bù kāi xīn
[05:12.59] Ross abandoned me! luó sī diū xià wǒ yī rén
[05:15.03] I couldn' t get a plane out. I had to stay in their suite! wǒ mǎi bú dào jī piào huí lái zhǐ hǎo zhù zài tā men de mì yuè tào fáng
[05:19.46] People came up to me going, " Mrs. Geller! Why are you cry?" měi ge rén dōu yào lái wèn wǒ " gài lēi tài tài, nǐ kū shén me?"
[05:24.80] I mean, it was so humiliating! jiǎn zhí diū sǐ rén le
[05:28.31] I felt like such an idiot! wǒ zhēn shì gè bái chī
[05:30.64] It' s all my fault. You know why? zhè dōu shì wǒ de cuò nǐ men zhī dào wèi shí me ma?
[05:33.21] Because I make very bad decisions. yīn wèi wǒ de jué dìng dū bú duì
[05:36.78] Oh, that' s not true. bú yào zhè me shuō
[05:38.28] Yes, it is true. I went after Ross in stupid London! jiù shì zhè yàng, wǒ méi hú shuō wǒ pǎo qù chǔn lún dūn zhuī luó sī
[05:41.95] London is stupid! Stupid! lún dūn dí què shì gè chǔn dì fāng
[05:46.06] I put on a cheerleading outfit to seduce Joshua. dǎ bàn dé xiàng gè lā lā duì zhǎng dào zhuī yuē shū yà
[05:49.49] Then I lost him because I asked him to marry me after four dates. yuē le sì cì huì jiù jiào tā qǔ wǒ bǎ tā xià sǐ le
[05:54.33] And then I went to Greece on somebody else' s honeymoon. Okay? rán hòu wǒ hái qù xī là dù bié rén de mì yuè
[05:58.84] Do those sound like very good decisions to you? nǐ men jué de zhèi xiē jué dìng zhèng què ma?
[06:02.64] I like your little braid. nǐ de biàn zi hěn kě ài
[06:05.58] I just shouldn' t be allowed to make decisions anymore. wǒ bù yīng gāi zuò rèn hé jué dìng
[06:07.91] Phoebe, you were right. I should' ve never gone to London. fēi bǐ, nǐ shuō de duì wǒ gēn běn bù gāi qù lún dūn
[06:10.82] From now on, you make all my decisions for me. cóng jīn kāi shǐ yóu nǐ bāng wǒ zuò jué dìng
[06:14.32] Oh, no. I did that for someone once. bù xíng, wǒ yǐ qián jiù zhè me zuò guò
[06:17.06] I' m not comfortable having that power over someone' s life. wǒ bù xǐ huān zhǔ zǎi bié rén de shēng huó
[06:21.23] I' ll do it. nà wǒ lái
[06:24.13] Fine. Monica, you are now in charge of my love life. hěn hǎo, mó nī kǎ yǐ hòu yóu nǐ zhǔ zǎi wǒ de gǎn qíng shēng huó
[06:29.07] Okay. I got to go to work. wǒ gāi qù shàng bān le
[06:41.25] And Rachel, great to have you back. ruì qiū, hěn gāo xìng kàn dào nǐ huí lái
[06:48.62] fēi bǐ
[06:55.73] Always a pleasure. kàn dào nǐ zhēn kāi xīn
[07:06.07] Rachel? Sweetie, look. ruì qiū, nǐ kàn
[07:08.31] Here' s a cute picture of you and Joey. zhè shì nǐ gēn qiáo yī zài zhāo dāi huì de zhào piān
[07:11.01] He' s married. tā yǐ jīng jié hūn le
[07:12.51] Ross is married. I still can' t believe it. luó sī jié hūn le wǒ dào xiàn zài hái bù gǎn xiāng xìn
[07:16.08] Honey, sweetie, by the edges. qīn ài de, zhuā páng biān jiù hǎo
[07:18.98] I' ll just have to accept it. kàn lái wǒ zhǐ hǎo jiē shòu shì shí
[07:20.92] I mean, it' s my fault. zhè dōu yào guài wǒ
[07:23.15] Edges! Fingers! Smudgy! bié zhuā zhōng jiān, zhǐ wén huì nòng zāng zhào piān
[07:25.42] Oh, my God! tiān a
[07:32.16] That' s okay. I know that you' re very upset right now. suàn le wǒ zhī dào nǐ xīn qíng dī luò
[07:35.67] I know that wasn' t about me. bú shì gù yì zhǎo wǒ má fán
[07:37.77] I bet it was about her a little. wǒ kàn tā jiù shì gēn tā zuò duì
[07:40.20] If you' d stop thinking about Ross... nǐ yào shì kěn fàng xià luó sī yī fēn zhōng
[07:42.71] ... you' d notice there are great guys everywhere. jiù huì fā xiàn dào chù yǒu shuài gē
[07:45.84] Look. Gunther. nǐ kàn, lì rú ā gān
[07:49.85] He' s nice. He' s cute. tā jì shàn liáng yòu kě ài
[07:51.98] Yeah. I guess Gunther is.... ā gān dí què
[07:54.35] What about that guy over there? hái yǒu nà biān nà gè jiā huo
[07:57.46] That' s the guy you flirted with at the counter. jì de ma? nǐ yǐ qián gēn tā dǎ qíng mà qiào guò
[08:01.69] Oh, I don' t know. I don' t know. You' re going to talk to him. wǒ bù zhī dào wǒ bù zhī dào nǐ xiàn zài jiù qù gēn tā shuō huà
[08:05.10] I make your decisions, and I say you' re going to talk to him. wǒ men shuō hǎo yóu wǒ fā hào shī lìng wǒ mìng lìng nǐ qù gēn tā shuō huà
[08:09.63] All right. hǎo ba
[08:11.00] You' re the boss. I got to do what you tell me. nǐ shuō le suàn kàn lái wǒ zhǐ hǎo zhào bàn
[08:14.44] Say that to him, and you' re golden. tā tīng dào zhè jù huà kěn dìng shàng gōu
[08:20.55] hēi hāi
[08:22.71] Hey, Phoebe. We got our pictures back from London. fēi bǐ lún dūn de zhào piān xǐ chū lái le
[08:25.85] Here' s all of us at the Tower of London.... zhè zhāng shì suǒ yǒu rén zài lún dūn tǎ pāi de
[08:29.02] Here we all are. dà jiā dōu zài zhào piān zhōng
[08:31.12] There' s Ross and Joey and you and yǒu luó sī qiáo yī nǐ
[08:35.16] And me. hé wǒ
[08:38.00] We' ve been talking about London too much. nǐ yí dìng tīng fán wǒ men shuō lún dūn de shì le
[08:40.80] Sorry, it' s just because I couldn' t be there. shì wǒ bù hǎo, yīn wèi wǒ qù bù liǎo
[08:43.87] All I get to do now is pregnant stuff. It bums me out. wǒ zhǐ néng dà zhe dǔ zi fán dōu kuài fán sǐ le
[08:47.54] I' m sorry. Sorry. kě lián a
[08:50.24] Know what I like to do? It sounds a little corny... nǐ zhī dào wǒ shāng xīn shí dōu zěn me zuò ma?
[08:52.64] ... but sometimes when I' m bummed out, I like to just close my eyes... yǒu shí hou shì qíng bù tài shùn lì wǒ jiù bì shang yǎn jīng
[08:56.01] ... and think about what a wonderful gift life is. xiǎng xiǎng rén shēng shí zài tǐng měi hǎo
[09:06.76] See? yǒu yòng ba?
[09:11.00] What happened? A little of this, a little of that. zěn me yàng? zǒng zhī wǒ men dōng chě xī chě
[09:14.37] I got myself a date tomorrow. míng tiān wǎn shàng yào chū qù yuē huì
[09:16.30] See? Didn' t I tell you? You' re getting over Ross already. kàn ba? nǐ jiù yào wàng jì luó sī le
[09:21.87] Get out. gǔn chū qù " wǒ men yǒu quán lì jù jué fú wù"
[09:38.96] What took so long? nǐ zěn me qù nà me jiǔ?
[09:40.22] I got caught up at work. But I' m quitting tomorrow. gōng shì dān ge le bù guò wǒ míng tiān jiù cí zhí
[09:48.53] So thanks for having me over. xiè xiè nǐ yāo wǒ guò lái
[09:53.60] ruì qiū
[09:59.98] fēi bǐ
[10:08.75] See you, man. zài jiàn
[10:13.26] What the hell was that? tā fā shén me shén jīng?
[10:15.66] Probably some European goodbye thing he picked up in London. kě néng zài lún dūn xué dào de ōu zhōu fēng sú
[10:20.16] That' s not European. nà cái bú shì ōu zhōu fēng sú
[10:22.57] It felt French. bǐ jiào xiàng fǎ shì rè wěn
[10:26.74] Well, I guess it' s time for me to say goodbye too, mon frere. huàn wǒ gēn gè wèi lǎo yǒu shuō zài jiàn le
[10:32.11] Come here and give me a little sugar. guò lái gěi wǒ yí gè rè wěn ba
[10:40.85] I really had a good time. wǒ wán dé hǎo kāi xīn
[10:42.89] Yeah, me too. wǒ yě shì
[10:47.83] I guess this is it. kàn lái jīn tiān yào jié shù le
[10:51.53] Unless you want to come inside? chú fēi nǐ xiǎng jìn lái hǎo
[10:56.17] Wait a minute. You know what? I can' t decide this. děng děng, wǒ wú fǎ zì zuò zhǔ zhāng
[11:02.34] Okay. Just hold on a second. děng wǒ yī xià hǎo
[11:10.92] Where' s Monica? I have to ask her something. mó nī kǎ zài ma? wǒ yǒu shì yào wèn tā
[11:13.52] Doing her laundry. tā qù xǐ yī fú
[11:15.52] What' s that? nà shi shén me?
[11:17.56] It came in the mail today. wǒ jīn tiān shōu dào de bāo guǒ
[11:20.96] It' s 72 longstemmed red roses. 72 duǒ dài biǎo...
[11:23.59] One for each day I' ve known and loved Emily... ... wǒ shēn ài ài mì lì de hóng méi guī...
[11:26.73] ... cut up into mulch. ... gěi jiǎn chéng suì piàn
[11:30.94] Honey, that' s awful. zhēn shì zāo gāo
[11:33.77] It' s not so bad. hái hǎo la
[11:34.97] Monica' s going to make potpourri. mó nī kǎ yào yòng lái zuò xiāng liào
[11:40.54] I think I' m going to go wander out in the rain for a while. wǒ yào qù lín yǔ sàn sàn xīn
[11:45.08] It' s not raining. wài miàn méi xià yǔ
[11:46.38] I can' t catch a break! lián lǎo tiān dū bù shǎng liǎn
[11:50.29] You' re not going anywhere. Sit right here. luó sī, nǐ nǎ yě bié qù jiù zuò zhè lǐ
[11:53.82] I' ll make you some tea and we' ll talk this out. wǒ men hē chá liáo tiān
[11:57.16] All right? hǎo ma?
[12:02.07] Hey, Dave. dà wèi zěn me yàng?
[12:04.10] I need to take a rain check. My roommate is really sick. gǎi tiān zài qǐng nǐ jìn lái wǒ de shì yǒu bìng de hěn zhòng
[12:08.31] Okay. Bye! zài jiàn
[12:13.08] Honey, listen.
[12:15.31] I know things seem so bad... wǒ zhī dào nǐ xiàn zài...
[12:18.62] ... and that they won' t get any ... yí dìng hěn shāng xīn
[12:21.45] Could I talk to you? wǒ kě yǐ gēn nǐ tán tán ma?
[12:24.46] I dropped some socks. wǒ diào le jǐ zhī wà zi
[12:27.39] hǎo
[12:35.70] What is the matter with you? Do you want to fall into the trap? nǐ nǎ gēn jīn bú duì? nǐ yòu xiǎng lǎo diào chóng tán? yòu xiǎng tiào huí qù zì zhǎo kǔ chī?
[12:40.67] You did not drop any socks! nǐ gēn běn méi diào wà zi
[12:43.77] I saw Dave, and he said you blew him off! wǒ gāng pèng dào dà wèi tā shuō nǐ dǎ fā tā zǒu
[12:46.14] You listen to me! nǐ gěi wǒ tīng hǎo
[12:47.34] I' m calling the shots! I say you leave Ross and go get Dave. zhè lǐ yóu wǒ dāng jiā wǒ yào nǐ lí kāi luó sī qù zhuī dà wèi
[12:51.48] What are you doing? nǐ dào dǐ xiǎng zěn me yàng?
[12:52.82] Well, ultimately I was trying, you know, I wanted... qí shí wǒ xiǎng wǒ dǎ suàn
[12:57.69] ... to tell him that I' m still in love with him. gào sù tā wǒ hái ài tā
[13:00.66] What? You cannot tell him that! shén me? nǐ bù zhǔn shuō
[13:03.89] Why? Why not? wèi shí me?
[13:05.46] People love to hear that! dà jiā dōu xǐ huān tīng dào zhè zhǒng huà
[13:08.43] Come on, I love you. wǒ ài nǐ
[13:10.27] Wasn' t that nice? No. nǐ bù xǐ huān tīng ma?
[13:12.17] I make the decisions and I say no! zhè lǐ yóu wǒ zuò jué dìng, wǒ bù zhǔn nǐ shuō
[13:14.67] You know what? No, you don' t make my decisions, because... nǐ bù néng bāng wǒ zuò jué dìng yīn wèi...
[13:18.58] ... you' re fired. ... wǒ yào kāi chú nǐ
[13:20.28] You can' t fire me. nǐ bù néng kāi chú wǒ
[13:22.21] I make your decisions, and I say I' m not fired! Ha! nǐ de shì qíng yóu wǒ lái jué dìng wǒ shuō: wǒ méi bèi kāi chú
[13:28.95] Well.... jì rán rú cǐ
[13:40.53] Come on, let me in! ruì qiū, ràng wǒ jìn qù
[13:42.10] Having some trouble? zěn me le?
[13:44.80] Rachel locked the door. ruì qiū bǎ wǒ suǒ zài mén wài
[13:46.37] I' ll kick that door in if you give me some sugar. nǐ kěn qīn wǒ, wǒ jiù bāng nǐ zhuàng kāi
[13:51.78] Ross, there' s something I wanna talk to you about. luó sī, wǒ yǒu huà yào gào sù nǐ
[13:55.21] I just need to Rachel, open this door! kāi mén!
[13:58.88] What, is it locked? She' s fine. Listen.... mén suǒ zhe ma? bié guǎn tā, tīng wǒ shuō
[14:02.49] Rachel, I can do this all night if I have to! wǒ kě yǐ zài wài miàn guǐ jiào yī zhěng wǎn
[14:05.19] You want me to get that? No. Just let her do her thing... yào bú yào wǒ qù kāi mén? bié lǐ tā
[14:07.93] ... and we' ll do our thing. Because I really need to tell you wǒ men shuō wǒ men de wǒ yào gào sù nǐ
[14:18.80] Thank you. xiè xiè
[14:22.77] Rachel? Can I talk to you outside for a sec? ruì qiū, wǒ kě yǐ gēn nǐ tán tán ma?
[14:26.11] bù kě yǐ
[14:28.58] We really need to talk. wǒ zhēn de yǒu huà yào gēn nǐ shuō
[14:30.11] Well, then talk. nà jiù shuō a
[14:32.22] Okay, I will. nà wǒ jiù shuō gē
[14:36.82] Remember that thing we just discussed that you wanted to do? jì de wǒ men gāng shuō nǐ yào zuò de shì ma?
[14:41.43] What thing? shén me shì?
[14:46.10] Rachel wants to take swing dance lessons. ruì qiū yào qù xué yáo bǎi wǔ
[14:49.30] Which I think is a really stupid idea. wǒ fēi cháng bù zàn chéng
[14:52.10] It' s dangerous. She won' t get what she wants. yīn wèi zhè zhǒng wǔ hěn wēi xiǎn tā yí dìng xué bú huì
[14:55.41] And who knows who she might end up hurting? ér qiě gǎo bù hǎo huán huì zhuàng shāng rén
[15:04.75] Monica' s right. Swing dancing can be tricky. mó nī kǎ shuō de duì yáo bǎi wǔ yǒu diǎn wēi xiǎn
[15:10.29] I have to use the phone. wǒ yào dǎ diàn huà
[15:11.86] I gotta cancel those five giant teddy bears I sent to Emily. qǔ xiāo wǔ zhī sòng gěi ài mì lì de xióng bǎo bǎo
[15:16.03] My God! Think of the massacre. fǒu zé xióng bǎo bǎo nán táo sǐ jié
[15:19.60] I' m going to do it. wǒ jiù shì yào shuō
[15:21.00] I know you think I' m crazy. ruì qiū, wǒ zhī dào nǐ rèn wéi wǒ fēng le
[15:23.00] But before you tell him, try to find one person... dàn shì zài nǐ gào sù tā zhī qián zhì shǎo zhǎo dào yí ge rén...
[15:26.34] ... who thinks it' s a good idea. I bet you can' t. ... zhī chí nǐ wǒ dǎ dǔ nǐ zhǎo bu dào
[15:28.87] Please? kě shì bài tuō
[15:32.21] All right. Fine. hǎo ba
[15:38.05] Joey! I' m in! qiáo yī, wǒ yǐ jīng jìn lái le
[15:40.18] All right. Good deal. nà gǎn qíng hǎo
[15:49.56] Hi. Hey, Rach. ruì qiū
[15:52.16] Did you find anyone who agrees with you? No. ruì qiū, nǐ zhǎo dào shuí zhī chí nǐ le ma? hái méi
[15:54.87] But you know what? I think I need a male point of view. wǒ jué dìng wèn nán xìng de yì jiàn
[15:59.54] Joey. qiáo yī
[16:03.01] You' re a man. You got that right. nǐ shì nán rén huò zhēn jià shí
[16:06.84] Do you think it would be a good idea if I told Ross that I was still in love with him? nǐ jué de wǒ gāi gào sù luó sī wǒ hái ài tā ma?
[16:10.91] Nope. bù
[16:14.52] Phoebe! Hey, Phoebe. fēi bǐ
[16:20.99] Phoebe? Yeah. fēi bǐ zěn yàng?
[16:22.79] You know how you were saying you didn' t get to go to London... nǐ shàng cì shuō nǐ dōu bù néng qù lún dūn
[16:26.53] ... and you were feeling left out? jué de zì jǐ zāo dà jiā yí qì
[16:28.57] Well, we all felt really bad about that... wǒ men hěn kuì jiù
[16:31.70] ... so we decided to take a little trip together! jué dìng dà jiā yì qǐ qù lǚ xíng
[16:35.51] Oh, that' s so nice! tài hǎo le
[16:37.74] How great! Where' s the trip? yào qù nǎ lǐ?
[16:40.04] Well, we thought we would all go to a picnic... wǒ men kě yǐ yì qǐ qù yě cān
[16:44.21] ... in Central Park! jiù qù zhōng yāng gōng yuán
[16:45.82] Central Park? zhōng yāng gōng yuán
[16:48.15] All of us. All day. duì, dà jiā yì qǐ qù gè yī zhěng tiān
[16:50.32] That sucks! shén me niǎo dì fāng?!
[16:52.72] That' s not a trip! I just came from there. nà gēn běn bù suàn lǚ xíng wǒ cái gāng cóng gōng yuán guò lái
[16:55.33] What' ll we highfive about at the stupid park? dà jiā qù zhōng yāng gōng yuán yǒu shén me hǎo xīng fèn
[16:58.50] It' s right by my house. All right! " hǎo yé, jiù zài wǒ jiā páng biān"
[17:03.20] I' m going home to bask in the triumph of my Central Park idea. wǒ jué dìng huí jiā fǎn xǐng zhè gè làn zhǔ yì
[17:08.34] Hold on a sec there, Mr. Kissy. děng yī xià, rè wěn xiān shēng
[17:12.21] I wanted to talk to you about... wǒ yī zhí xiǎng gēn nǐ tǎo lùn
[17:14.18] ... this whole new European thing you' ve got going on. nǐ xīn xué de ōu zhōu mín qíng
[17:17.58] And I need to say it makes me very uncomfortable... nǐ gǎo dé wǒ fēi cháng bù zì zài
[17:20.95] ... and I just, you know, just stop it! bài tuō nǐ bié zài qīn le
[17:24.69] Just bringing some culture to the group. wǒ zhǐ shì xiǎng jiè shào dà jiā rèn shi ōu zhōu wén huà
[17:27.52] That' s fine. Just don' t bring it in my mouth. zhǐ yào bú yào jiè shào dào wǒ zuǐ lǐ jiù hǎo le
[17:30.96] It makes me want to puke. wǒ dōu kuài tǔ le
[17:39.77] Hey, everybody! Phoebe is here! gè wèi, fēi bǐ lái le
[17:42.37] fēi bǐ
[17:44.64] Phoebe! Woo! Okay. Woo! Hi! fēi bǐ dà jiā hǎo
[17:48.38] Phoebe, we decided that the picnic idea was a little.... wǒ men rèn wéi yě cān de zhǔ yì
[17:52.38] It didn' t have any.... Well, it blew. shí zài làn tòu le
[17:57.22] We thought that this afternoon we' d all go away for the whole weekend... suǒ yǐ jīn tiān xià wǔ jué dìng
[18:01.93] ... to Atlantic City. dào dà xī yáng chéng qù dù zhōu mò
[18:03.46] Atlantic City! Oh, that' s a great plan! Whose plan was that? dà xī yáng chéng, tài hǎo le shuí xiǎng dào de?
[18:08.07] Mine! wǒ
[18:10.07] Wait. It was my plan. No... děng děng, shì wǒ tí yì de cuò
[18:13.30] ... I said we needed a new plan. wǒ shuō wǒ men yīng gāi xiǎng gè xīn de jì huà
[18:15.91] And I came up with Atlantic City. rán hòu wǒ xiǎng dào yào qù dà xī yáng chéng
[18:18.11] Which is the new plan. zhè jiù shì xīn de jì huà a
[18:23.15] Why don' t we all meet upstairs in an hour. dà jiā yī xiǎo shí hòu lóu shàng jiàn
[18:27.42] I' m going to go pack. I' m going to go pack my ass off. wǒ yào qù dǎ bāo le wǒ yào yáo zhe dà hǎo hǎo dǎ bāo
[18:32.72] Well, I think I' m gonna grab some coffee because my ass is already packed. wǒ qù jiào bēi kā fēi yīn wèi wǒ yǐ jīng yáo dǎ bāo wán le
[18:41.10] Let' s go. ruì qiū, wǒ men zǒu ba
[18:42.33] You know what? I' ll meet you in a minute. wǒ děng yī xià zài shǎng qù zhǎo nǐ
[18:45.37] Rachel, you didn' t find anyone, so you can' t tell him. bù xíng, ruì qiū, méi yǒu rén zhī chí nǐ suǒ yǐ nǐ bù néng shuō
[18:49.27] You know what? That doesn' t matter. wú suǒ wèi
[18:52.51] Do you know how painful it is to tell someone you love them... nǐ zhī dào duì fāng bù néng huí yìng nǐ de ài yì
[18:56.51] ... and not have them say it back? huì yǒu duō tòng kǔ ma?
[19:00.28] I don' t care. zhī dào, wǒ bù zài hu
[19:05.96] I can' t watch. hǎo ba, kě shì wǒ kàn bù xià qù
[19:22.54] What you reading? nǐ zài kàn shén me?
[19:25.38] Paper. bào zhǐ
[19:26.54] Yeah? What' s it about? shàng miàn shuō le shén me?
[19:30.31] Events from around the globe. shì jiè gè dì de xīn wén
[19:34.12] shì a
[19:38.22] There' s something I have to talk to you about. luó sī, wǒ yǒu jiàn shì yào gào sù nǐ
[19:41.06] Everyone' s saying I shouldn' t. suī rán dà jiā dōu jiào wǒ bié shuō
[19:42.99] But I think they' re wrong. People can be wrong. dàn shì tā men dōu cuò le yǒu shí hou bié rén jiù shì kàn bù qīng chǔ
[19:46.50] Once at work... dāng rán, yǒu yī cì shàng bān shí...
[19:48.00] ... I thought carbon dating is fossilized wǒ shuō fàng shè xìng tàn cè dìng fǎ tài lǎo jiù
[19:50.87] I' m really trying to tell you something here. luó sī, wǒ shuō zhèng jīng de
[19:56.11] Go ahead. shuō ba
[19:58.88] I think I' m just going to say it. wǒ zhè jiù shuō le, xiàn zài jiù gào sù nǐ
[20:01.35] I' m just going to say it. xiàn zài jiù gào sù nǐ
[20:11.72] I' m still in love with you, Ross. wǒ hái ài zhe nǐ, luó sī
[20:30.74] I' m not sure what to do with that right now. wǒ bù zhī dào xiàn zài gāi zěn me huí dá
[20:39.38] What? Was that a joke? Because it' s mean. zěn me le? nǐ gēn wǒ kāi wán xiào? zhè jiù tài è liè le
[20:45.02] I' m so dead serious! wǒ hěn zhèng jīng
[20:47.82] I' m totally serious! bù néng zài zhèng jīng le
[20:49.56] Why are you laughing? nà nǐ xiào shén me?
[20:53.53] Because I just heard it! yīn wèi wǒ gāng tīng dào zì jǐ de huà
[20:55.80] I heard it. And it' s ridiculous! wǒ tīng dào le, ér qiě jué de hěn huāng miù
[20:58.04] I mean.... bì jìng...
[20:59.47] You' re married! nǐ yǐ jīng jié hūn
[21:00.97] You' re married, and it' s just ridiculous! nǐ yǒu lǎo pó, wǒ shuō zhè huà tài kě xiào
[21:03.57] When I said it, I sort of floated up out of my body. wǒ shuō huà dí dàng ér sì hū líng hún chū ké
[21:07.34] And then I heard myself say it, and then the floating Rachel.... wǒ de líng hún tīng dào ròu shēn shuō huà
[21:14.85] I was like," You are such an idiot!" ruì qiū de líng hún rèn wéi zì jǐ shí zài hěn bái chī
[21:22.33] Well, I am married. I know. wǒ dí què yǐ jīng jié hūn wǒ zhī dào
[21:25.60] Though I haven' t spoken to her since the wedding. suī rán hūn lǐ hòu jiù méi gēn lǎo pó shuō guò huà
[21:32.17] I' m sorry. That' s not funny. bào qiàn, zhè bù hǎo xiào
[21:35.77] Actually, it kind of is. qí shí hái mán hǎo xiào de
[21:41.51] My wife won' t return my calls. wǒ lǎo pó bù huí wǒ diàn huà
[21:46.95] I don' t know where my wife is. wǒ bù zhī dào tài tài zài nǎ lǐ
[21:52.46] " Hey, Ross! Where' s the missus?" " Don' t know!" " luó sī, nǐ lǎo pó ne?" wǒ yě bù zhī dào
[21:57.93] Oh, God! tiān a
[22:02.73] You know what? Could you forget I told you this? nǐ kě yǐ wàng jì wǒ gāng shuō de huà ma?
[22:08.61] Well, I kind of have to. wǒ bù wàng jì yě bù xíng
[22:10.41] Because the thing is yīn wèi shì shí shì
[22:12.41] The thing is, you know, that you' re married to Emily. shì shí jiù shì nǐ yǐ jīng qǔ le ài mì lì
[22:18.92] That is what the thing is. shì shí zhèng shì rú cǐ
[22:25.32] Oh, God. tiān a
[22:27.59] Things won' t be weird between us, right? Was that stupid? luó sī, wǒ men hái shì hǎo péng you ba
[22:32.16] Me telling you that? wǒ shuō zì jǐ hái ài nǐ zhēn shì chǔn bì le
[22:34.06] I' m glad you did. bú huì, wǒ hěn gāo xìng nǐ gào sù wǒ
[22:37.67] If nothing else... jiù suàn rì zi hěn shùn lì
[22:39.47] ... it' s always great when someone tells you they love you. tīng dào yǒu rén shuō ài nǐ hái shì hěn kāi xīn
[22:43.64] That' s what I said! wǒ zǎo shuō guò le
[22:47.74] Thank you for being so nice. No. Thank you for.... xiè xiè nǐ duì wǒ zhè me hǎo wǒ cái gāi xiè xiè nǐ
[22:52.82] Thank you. xiè xiè nǐ
[22:54.89] Oh, God. I' m just glad I didn' t give you the cassette I made of all of our songs. xìng hǎo wǒ méi gěi nǐ wǒ lù de nà juǎn lù yīn dài
[23:00.59] What songs? Oh, you know: nǐ lù le něi xiē gē qǔ?
[23:03.06] " With or Without You." " yǒu méi yǒu nǐ"
[23:06.03] " Everybody Hurts." " dà jiā dōu huì shòu shāng"
[23:08.53] " Rhiannon." Why " Rhiannon"? " lǐ ān nà" wèi shí me xuǎn zhè shǒu?
[23:11.30] Come on, you remember! In the living room? nǐ bù jì de le? jiù shì zài kè tīng a
[23:15.74] On Monica' s laundry? zài méng nī kǎ xǐ hǎo de yī fú shàng a
[23:20.08] Not me. nà bú shì wǒ
[23:24.15] Really. bú shì?
[23:30.32] So, what happened? zěn me yàng le?
[23:32.19] Well, it was really hard... wǒ hěn nán shuō chū kǒu
[23:34.56] ... but I' m glad I did it. dàn shì xìng hǎo wǒ shuō le
[23:37.29] So was I right or wrong? nǐ zuò de duì ma?
[23:39.16] Oh, come on, honey, does it really matter? No. zhè zhǒng shì qíng wú guān duì cuò shì a
[23:43.73] Yes. I need it for my score book. méi cuò dàn shì wǒ yào jì zài jì fēn bù shàng
[23:46.74] Diary. wǒ shì shuō rì jì
[23:50.17] Okay, let' s go! Yeah, Atlantic City! dà jiā zǒu ba dà xī yáng chéng!
[23:52.74] Come on!
[23:54.34] Atlantic City, baby! qù dà xī yáng chéng gē
[23:57.65] Let' s roll some bones. Hey, Joey! wǒ men qù dà dǔ yī bǐ qiáo yī
[23:59.52] Highfive for rolling bones. dǔ bó wàn suì
[24:06.59] Phoebe, you' re leaking. fēi bǐ, nǐ niào shī jìn?
[24:08.29] Oh, my God! Your water broke! tiān a, nǐ yáng shuǐ pò le
[24:10.49] Oh, okay.
[24:12.93] Well, don' t worry. I call shotgun. bié fàng zài xīn shàng, wǒ yào zuò qián zuò!
[24:15.30] děng yī xià
[24:16.63] Phoebe, we have to take you to the hospital now. fēi bǐ, wǒ men dé sòng nǐ qù yī yuàn
[24:19.74] Okay. Well, there' s probably one on the way to Atlantic City. qù dà xī yáng chéng lù shàng yīng gāi yǒu yī yuàn
[24:23.21] Phoebe, the babies are coming now. fēi bǐ, nǐ kuài yào shēng le
[24:26.58] Honey! Highfive! The babies are coming! jī zhǎng, nǐ yào shēng le!
[24:31.21] Remember when my water broke? děng yī xià, jì bù jì de wǒ yáng shuǐ pò dì nà tiān?
[24:37.89] I can' t believe Phoebe' s going to have her babies! fēi bǐ jìng rán kuài shēng le
[24:40.69] I know. It' s beautiful and amazing. wǒ zhī dào, zhēn shì tài bàng le
[24:50.10] I can' t believe I had to kiss Phoebe and Rachel every time I left the room. zhēn bù gǎn xiāng xìn wǒ jìng rán měi cì lí kāi dōu dé qīn fēi bǐ gēn ruì qiū
[24:54.40] It' s too bad they didn' t see us having sex. kě xī tā men méi kàn dào wǒ men hēi xiū
[24:58.11] Do you know anything about women? No. nǐ dào dǐ liǎo bù liǎo jiě nǚ rén? bù liǎo jiě
[25:02.81] It' s all right. Okay. suàn le hǎo
Friends S05E02 Lyrics
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