[00:11.96]You look cute in bubbles. 你全身泡泡好可爱 [00:13.79]You're just all liquored up. 你喝太多眼花了 [00:19.30]Hey,it's me. I'm coming in. 是我,我进去了 [00:28.37]I've had a very long,hard day. 我今天上班累死了 [00:33.18]-You're home early. -Yeah,my date threw up. 你提早回家 因为我约会对象吐了一地 [00:37.58]Want some chicken? 我要去买炸鸡,你要不要? [00:39.08]No,thanks. No chicken. Bye-bye. 不了,谢谢,再见 [00:43.05]You sure? Some extra-crispy,dirty rice? 你确定?炸鸡喔? 不要海鲜饭或豆子? [00:45.72]For the last time,no! Get out,Joey! 我最后一次说我不要了 出去,乔伊 [00:48.26]All right. 知道了 [00:53.83]Are you okay? He wouldn't leave. 你没事吧?抱歉,他死都不走 [00:55.90]He kept asking me if I wanted chicken. 缠着我问要不要炸鸡 [00:58.60]Chicken? 炸鸡? [01:01.07]I could eat some chicken. 我想吃炸鸡 [01:04.58]乔伊 [01:08.41]Could I get a three-piece, some coleslaw,some beans and a Coke? 我要三块鸡、沙拉 豆子、可乐 [01:13.18]Diet Coke. 健怡可乐 [01:19.66]The One With All the Kissing 本集播出:“热吻连连” [00:00.00] [01:58.80]-Morning,Phoebe. -I have to tell you this story. 早安,菲比 我非告诉你们不可 [02:01.87]I was coming over and this cabdriver 刚才载我来的司机… [02:04.40]Was his name Angus? 那人是不是叫做安格斯? [02:07.14]What? 什么? [02:08.41]He was a cabdriver we had in London. 我们在伦敦碰到的计程车司机 [02:12.68]All right. Anyway 好吧,总之… [02:14.55]What was that pub he took us to? 他载我们去的酒馆叫什么? [02:17.05]The Wheat Sheaf! 麦子酒馆 [02:18.48]And they had that beer.... 对,那里有一种啤酒… [02:20.25]Boddington's! 柏丁顿 [02:25.09]Phoebe was going to tell a story. 菲比有话要说 [02:27.43]So he had a really funny hat. 他的帽子很好笑… [02:30.43]I don't want to talk about it. 我不想说了 [02:34.43]-Hey. -Hey,Ross! 罗斯 [02:36.70]Boddington's! 柏丁顿 [02:38.74]Oh,man! 是啊 [02:41.41]I'd walk back to London for another frosty one of those bad boys. 那啤酒真好喝 若是能再喝一杯 要我走回伦敦都行 [02:45.88]They have them at the British pub by the Trade Center. 世贸附近的英国酒馆好像有 [02:49.21]Later! 回头见 [02:51.68]Shouldn't Rachel be back? 瑞秋不是应该回来了吗? [02:53.45]Her plane got delayed. 可是班机在雅典误点 [02:55.22]But she should be here by now. 不过现在也该到了 [02:57.19]So you talked to her? Did she sound mad? 你跟她通过电话 她很生气吗? [03:00.36]No. But she likes me. 不会,那是因为她喜欢我 [03:03.43]You abandoned her on a plane to Greece. 你丢她独自飞到希腊去 [03:05.43]I did not "abandon" Rachel. Okay? 我才没有丢下瑞秋 [03:08.57]Emily showed up at the airport. 艾蜜莉出现在机场 [03:10.64]I had to go after her. I did what I had to do. 我当然得去追她 我别无选择 [03:13.97]She's my wife. Rachel is my wife. 毕竟瑞秋是我太太 [03:16.71]Emily! 是…艾蜜莉 [03:19.74]Emily is my wife. 艾蜜莉是我老婆 [03:23.05]Man,what is that? 我是怎么了? [03:26.05]You haven't heard from Emily? 你还没有艾蜜莉的消息? [03:28.12]Not since I lost her at the airport. 我在机场追丢之后就没有了 [03:30.46]I can't believe she can outrun you. 她竟然跑得比你快 [03:32.72]Hey! She's fast,okay? 她是飞毛腿,好吗? [03:35.79]You think you can beat me? Let's go! Outside! 你自以为能打败我? 我们现在就去外头较量 [03:41.77]-I'm sorry. I'm just a little -Slow? 抱歉,我太… 慢了? [03:44.74]Oh,you want some?! 你要跟我比? [03:46.77]Okay,get the shoes on! Let's go,man! 走啊,去穿球鞋,我们去赛跑 [03:50.17]It's cool,okay? 别激动 [03:52.21]You're the fastest! 你跑得最快 [03:55.61]-Hi! -Oh,my God,Rachel! 嗨 瑞秋 嗨 [03:59.52]Rach,I am so sorry. I am so,so sorry. 瑞秋,我很抱歉 非常对不起你 [04:04.39]Come on. You just did what you had to do. 罗斯,你没做错 [04:07.19]嗨,菲比 [04:09.39]That's it? You're not mad? It must've been terrible. 就这样?你不生气? 你应该很火大 [04:13.00]Terrible? Hell,I was in Greece! 火大?我可是在希腊 [04:16.20]There was a nice hotel,nice beach, met the nice people. 那间饭店非常棒 海滩很美,人又和善 [04:20.24]It's not too shabby for Rachel. 对我瑞秋来说可不差 [04:25.54]So,what,that's it? 就这样?不生气? [04:28.81]We're cool. Totally cool. 对,我没生你的气 [04:32.25]Thanks,Rach. You're the best. 谢谢,你真好 [04:34.19]Oh,no. You're the best. 你才好呢 [04:37.99]Oh,I got to go to the flower store. 我要去花店一趟 [04:41.53]No one will tell me where Emily is... 听我说,大家都不肯说 艾蜜莉在哪里 [04:44.40]...so I'm sending 72 long-stemmed,red roses to her parents' house. 我决定买72朵长茎红玫瑰 送去艾蜜莉爸妈家 [04:48.77]One for each day I've known and loved her. 每朵代表我认识她 并且深爱她的每一天 [04:51.90]That should get her talking. 她一定会感动地软化 [04:53.77]When you make out the card, be sure to make it out to "Emily." 罗斯,写卡片时别忘了 对方是“艾蜜莉” [05:02.75]It's good that you had such a good time in Greece. 瑞秋,太好了 幸好你在希腊玩得开心 [05:06.78]What? 什么? [05:09.55]I didn't have a good time in Greece! 我在希腊才不开心 [05:12.59]Ross abandoned me! 罗斯丢下我一人 [05:15.03]I couldn't get a plane out. I had to stay in their suite! 我买不到机票回来 只好住在他们的蜜月套房 [05:19.46]People came up to me going, "Mrs. Geller! Why are you cry?" 每个人都要来问我 “盖勒太太,你哭什么?” [05:24.80]I mean,it was so humiliating! 简直丢死人了 [05:28.31]I felt like such an idiot! 我真是个白痴 [05:30.64]It's all my fault. You know why? 这都是我的错 你们知道为什么吗? [05:33.21]Because I make very bad decisions. 因为我的决定都不对 [05:36.78]Oh,that's not true. 不要这么说 [05:38.28]Yes,it is true. I went after Ross in stupid London! 就是这样,我没胡说 我跑去蠢伦敦追罗斯 [05:41.95]London is stupid! Stupid! 伦敦的确是个蠢地方 [05:46.06]I put on a cheerleading outfit to seduce Joshua. 打扮得像个啦啦队长 倒追约书亚 [05:49.49]Then I lost him because I asked him to marry me after four dates. 约了四次会就叫他娶我 把他吓死了 [05:54.33]And then I went to Greece on somebody else's honeymoon. Okay? 然后我还去希腊渡别人的蜜月 [05:58.84]Do those sound like very good decisions to you? 你们觉得这些决定正确吗? [06:02.64]I like your little braid. 你的辫子很可爱 [06:05.58]I just shouldn't be allowed to make decisions anymore. 我不应该做任何决定 [06:07.91]Phoebe,you were right. I should've never gone to London. 菲比,你说得对 我根本不该去伦敦 [06:10.82]From now on,you make all my decisions for me. 从今开始由你帮我做决定 [06:14.32]Oh,no. I did that for someone once. 不行,我以前就这么做过 [06:17.06]I'm not comfortable having that power over someone's life. 我不喜欢主宰别人的生活 [06:21.23]I'll do it. 那我来 [06:24.13]Fine. Monica,you are now in charge of my love life. 很好,摩妮卡 以后由你主宰我的感情生活 [06:29.07]Okay. I got to go to work. 我该去上班了 [06:41.25]And Rachel,great to have you back. 瑞秋,很高兴看到你回来 [06:48.62]菲比 [06:55.73]Always a pleasure. 看到你真开心 [07:06.07]Rachel? Sweetie,look. 瑞秋,你看 [07:08.31]Here's a cute picture of you and Joey. 这是你跟乔伊在招待会的照片 [07:11.01]He's married. 他已经结婚了 [07:12.51]Ross is married. I still can't believe it. 罗斯结婚了 我到现在还不敢相信 [07:16.08]Honey,sweetie,by the edges. 亲爱的,抓旁边就好 [07:18.98]I'll just have to accept it. 看来我只好接受事实 [07:20.92]I mean,it's my fault. 这都要怪我 [07:23.15]Edges! Fingers! Smudgy! 别抓中间,指纹会弄脏照片 [07:25.42]Oh,my God! 天啊 [07:32.16]That's okay. I know that you're very upset right now. 算了 我知道你心情低落 [07:35.67]I know that wasn't about me. 不是故意找我麻烦 [07:37.77]I bet it was about her a little. 我看她就是跟她作对 [07:40.20]If you'd stop thinking about Ross... 你要是肯放下罗斯一分钟 [07:42.71]...you'd notice there are great guys everywhere. 就会发现到处有帅哥 [07:45.84]Look. Gunther. 你看,例如阿甘 [07:49.85]He's nice. He's cute. 他既善良又可爱 [07:51.98]Yeah. I guess Gunther is.... 阿甘的确… [07:54.35]What about that guy over there? 还有那边那个家伙 [07:57.46]That's the guy you flirted with at the counter. 记得吗?你以前 跟他打情骂俏过 [08:01.69]-Oh,I don't know. I don't know. -You're going to talk to him. 我不知道… 我不知道 你现在就去跟他说话 [08:05.10]I make your decisions, and I say you're going to talk to him. 我们说好由我发号施令 我命令你去跟他说话 [08:09.63]All right. 好吧 [08:11.00]You're the boss. I got to do what you tell me. 你说了算 看来我只好照办 [08:14.44]Say that to him,and you're golden. 他听到这句话肯定上钩 [08:20.55]嘿 嗨 [08:22.71]Hey,Phoebe. We got our pictures back from London. 菲比 伦敦的照片洗出来了 [08:25.85]Here's all of us at the Tower of London.... 这张是所有人在伦敦塔拍的 [08:29.02]Here we all are. 大家都在照片中 [08:31.12]There's Ross and Joey and you and 有罗斯、乔伊、你… [08:35.16]And me. 和我 [08:38.00]We've been talking about London too much. 你一定听烦我们说伦敦的事了 [08:40.80]Sorry,it's just because I couldn't be there. 是我不好,因为我去不了 [08:43.87]All I get to do now is pregnant stuff. It bums me out. 我只能大着肚子 烦都快烦死了 [08:47.54]-I'm sorry. -Sorry. 可怜啊… [08:50.24]Know what I like to do? It sounds a little corny... 你知道我伤心时都怎么做吗? [08:52.64]...but sometimes when I'm bummed out, I like to just close my eyes... 有时候事情不太顺利 我就闭上眼睛 [08:56.01]...and think about what a wonderful gift life is. 想想人生实在挺美好 [09:06.76]See? 有用吧? [09:11.00]-What happened? -A little of this,a little of that. 怎么样?总之我们东扯西扯 [09:14.37]I got myself a date tomorrow. 明天晚上要出去约会 [09:16.30]See? Didn't I tell you? You're getting over Ross already. 看吧?你就要忘记罗斯了 [09:21.87]Get out. 滚出去 “我们有权利拒绝服务” [09:38.96]What took so long? 你怎么去那么久? [09:40.22]I got caught up at work. But I'm quitting tomorrow. 公事担搁了 不过我明天就辞职 [09:48.53]So thanks for having me over. 谢谢你邀我过来 [09:53.60]瑞秋 [09:59.98]菲比 [10:08.75]See you,man. 再见 [10:13.26]What the hell was that? 他发什么神经? [10:15.66]Probably some European goodbye thing he picked up in London. 可能在伦敦学到的欧洲风俗 [10:20.16]That's not European. 那才不是欧洲风俗 [10:22.57]It felt French. 比较像法式热吻 [10:26.74]Well,I guess it's time for me to say goodbye too,mon frere. 换我跟各位老友说再见了 [10:32.11]Come here and give me a little sugar. 过来给我一个热吻吧 [10:40.85]I really had a good time. 我玩得好开心 [10:42.89]Yeah,me too. 我也是 [10:47.83]I guess this is it. 看来今天要结束了 [10:51.53]Unless you want to come inside? 除非你想进来 好 [10:56.17]Wait a minute. You know what? I can't decide this. 等等,我无法自做主张 [11:02.34]Okay. Just hold on a second. 等我一下 好 [11:10.92]Where's Monica? I have to ask her something. 摩妮卡在吗?我有事要问她 [11:13.52]Doing her laundry. 她去洗衣服 [11:15.52]What's that? 那是什么? [11:17.56]It came in the mail today. 我今天收到的包裹 [11:20.96]It's 72 long-stemmed red roses. 72朵代表... [11:23.59]One for each day I've known and loved Emily... ...我深爱艾蜜莉的红玫瑰... [11:26.73]...cut up into mulch. ...给剪成碎片 [11:30.94]Honey,that's awful. 真是糟糕 [11:33.77]It's not so bad. 还好啦 [11:34.97]Monica's going to make potpourri. 摩妮卡要用来做香料 [11:40.54]I think I'm going to go wander out in the rain for a while. 我要去淋雨散散心 [11:45.08]It's not raining. 外面没下雨 [11:46.38]I can't catch a break! 连老天都不赏脸 [11:50.29]You're not going anywhere. Sit right here. 罗斯,你哪也别去 就坐这里 [11:53.82]I'll make you some tea and we'll talk this out. 我们喝茶聊天 [11:57.16]All right? 好吗? [12:02.07]Hey,Dave. 大卫 怎么样? [12:04.10]I need to take a rain check. My roommate is really sick. 改天再请你进来 我的室友病得很重 [12:08.31]Okay. Bye! 再见 [12:13.08]Honey,listen. [12:15.31]I know things seem so bad... 我知道你现在... [12:18.62]...and that they won't get any ...一定很伤心 [12:21.45]Could I talk to you? 我可以跟你谈谈吗? [12:24.46]I dropped some socks. 我掉了几支袜子 [12:27.39]好 [12:35.70]What is the matter with you? Do you want to fall into the trap? 你哪根筋不对? 你又想老调重弹? 又想跳回去自找苦吃? [12:40.67]You did not drop any socks! 你根本没掉袜子 [12:43.77]I saw Dave,and he said you blew him off! 我刚碰到大卫 他说你打发他走 [12:46.14]You listen to me! 你给我听好 [12:47.34]I'm calling the shots! I say you leave Ross and go get Dave. 这里由我当家 我要你离开罗斯去追大卫 [12:51.48]What are you doing? 你到底想怎么样? [12:52.82]Well,ultimately I was trying, you know,I wanted... 其实我想…我打算… [12:57.69]...to tell him that I'm still in love with him. 告诉他我还爱他 [13:00.66]What? You cannot tell him that! 什么?你不准说 [13:03.89]Why? Why not? 为什么? [13:05.46]People love to hear that! 大家都喜欢听到这种话 [13:08.43]Come on,I love you. 我爱你 [13:10.27]-Wasn't that nice? -No. 你不喜欢听吗? [13:12.17]I make the decisions and I say no! 这里由我做决定, 我不准你说 [13:14.67]You know what? No,you don't make my decisions,because... 你不能帮我做决定 因为... [13:18.58]...you're fired. ...我要开除你 [13:20.28]You can't fire me. 你不能开除我 [13:22.21]I make your decisions, and I say I'm not fired! Ha! 你的事情由我来决定 我说:我没被开除 [13:28.95]Well.... 既然如此… [13:40.53]Come on,let me in! 瑞秋,让我进去 [13:42.10]Having some trouble? 怎么了? [13:44.80]Rachel locked the door. 瑞秋把我锁在门外 [13:46.37]I'll kick that door in if you give me some sugar. 你肯亲我,我就帮你撞开 [13:51.78]Ross,there's something I wanna talk to you about. 罗斯,我有话要告诉你 [13:55.21]-I just need to -Rachel,open this door! 开门! [13:58.88]-What,is it locked? -She's fine. Listen.... 门锁着吗? 别管她,听我说 [14:02.49]Rachel,I can do this all night if I have to! 我可以在外面鬼叫一整晚 [14:05.19]-You want me to get that? -No. Just let her do her thing... 要不要我去开门? 别理她 [14:07.93]...and we'll do our thing. Because I really need to tell you 我们说我们的 我要告诉你… [14:18.80]Thank you. 谢谢 [14:22.77]Rachel? Can I talk to you outside for a sec? 瑞秋,我可以跟你谈谈吗? [14:26.11]不可以 [14:28.58]We really need to talk. 我真的有话要跟你说 [14:30.11]Well,then talk. 那就说啊 [14:32.22]Okay,I will. 那我就说咯 [14:36.82]Remember that thing we just discussed that you wanted to do? 记得我们刚说你要做的事吗? [14:41.43]What thing? 什么事? [14:46.10]Rachel wants to take swing dance lessons. 瑞秋要去学摇摆舞 [14:49.30]Which I think is a really stupid idea. 我非常不赞成 [14:52.10]It's dangerous. She won't get what she wants. 因为这种舞很危险 她一定学不会 [14:55.41]And who knows who she might end up hurting? 而且搞不好还会撞伤人 [15:04.75]Monica's right. Swing dancing can be tricky. 摩妮卡说得对 摇摆舞有点危险 [15:10.29]I have to use the phone. 我要打电话 [15:11.86]I gotta cancel those five giant teddy bears I sent to Emily. 取消五支送给艾蜜莉的熊宝宝 [15:16.03]My God! Think of the massacre. 否则熊宝宝难逃死劫 [15:19.60]I'm going to do it. 我就是要说 [15:21.00]I know you think I'm crazy. 瑞秋,我知道你认为我疯了 [15:23.00]But before you tell him, try to find one person... 但是在你告诉他之前 至少找到一个人... [15:26.34]...who thinks it's a good idea. I bet you can't. ...支持你 我打赌你找不到 [15:28.87]Please? 可是… 拜托 [15:32.21]All right. Fine. 好吧 [15:38.05]Joey! I'm in! 乔伊,我已经进来了 [15:40.18]All right. Good deal. 那敢情好 [15:49.56]-Hi. -Hey,Rach. 瑞秋 [15:52.16]-Did you find anyone who agrees with you? -No. 瑞秋,你找到谁支持你了吗? 还没 [15:54.87]But you know what? I think I need a male point of view. 我决定问男性的意见 [15:59.54]Joey. 乔伊 [16:03.01]-You're a man. -You got that right. 你是男人 货真价实 [16:06.84]Do you think it would be a good idea if I told Ross that I was still in love with him? 你觉得我该告诉罗斯 我还爱他吗? [16:10.91]Nope. 不 [16:14.52]-Phoebe! -Hey,Phoebe. 菲比 [16:20.99]-Phoebe? -Yeah. 菲比 怎样? [16:22.79]You know how you were saying you didn't get to go to London... 你上次说你都不能去伦敦 [16:26.53]...and you were feeling left out? 觉得自己遭大家遗弃 [16:28.57]Well,we all felt really bad about that... 我们很愧疚 [16:31.70]...so we decided to take a little trip together! 决定大家一起去旅行 [16:35.51]Oh,that's so nice! 太好了 [16:37.74]How great! Where's the trip? 要去哪里?… [16:40.04]Well,we thought we would all go to a picnic... 我们可以一起去野餐 [16:44.21]...in Central Park! 就去中央公园 [16:45.82]Central Park? 中央…公园 [16:48.15]All of us. All day. 对,大家一起去个一整天 [16:50.32]That sucks! 什么鸟地方?! [16:52.72]That's not a trip! I just came from there. 那根本不算旅行 我才刚从公园过来 [16:55.33]What'll we high-five about at the stupid park? 大家去中央公园有什么好兴奋 [16:58.50]It's right by my house. All right! “好耶,就在我家旁边” [17:03.20]I'm going home to bask in the triumph of my Central Park idea. 我决定回家反省这个烂主意 [17:08.34]Hold on a sec there,Mr. Kissy. 等一下,热吻先生 [17:12.21]I wanted to talk to you about... 我一直想跟你讨论 [17:14.18]...this whole new European thing you've got going on. 你新学的欧洲民情 [17:17.58]And I need to say it makes me very uncomfortable... 你搞得我非常不自在 [17:20.95]...and I just,you know,just stop it! 拜托你别再亲了 [17:24.69]Just bringing some culture to the group. 我只是想 介绍大家认识欧洲文化 [17:27.52]That's fine. Just don't bring it in my mouth. 只要不要介绍到我嘴里就好了 [17:30.96]It makes me want to puke. 我都快吐了 [17:39.77]Hey,everybody! Phoebe is here! 各位,菲比来了 [17:42.37]菲比 [17:44.64]-Phoebe! Woo! -Okay. Woo! Hi! 菲比 大家好 [17:48.38]Phoebe,we decided that the picnic idea was a little.... 我们认为野餐的主意… [17:52.38]It didn't have any.... Well,it blew. 实在烂透了 [17:57.22]We thought that this afternoon we'd all go away for the whole weekend... 所以今天下午决定 [18:01.93]...to Atlantic City. 到大西洋城去渡周末 [18:03.46]Atlantic City! Oh,that's a great plan! Whose plan was that? 大西洋城,太好了 谁想到的? [18:08.07]Mine! 我 [18:10.07]-Wait. It was my plan. -No... 等等,是我提议的 错 [18:13.30]...I said we needed a new plan. 我说我们应该想个新的计划 [18:15.91]And I came up with Atlantic City. 然后我想到要去大西洋城 [18:18.11]Which is the new plan. 这就是新的计划啊 [18:23.15]Why don't we all meet upstairs in an hour. 大家一小时后楼上见 [18:27.42]I'm going to go pack. I'm going to go pack my ass off. 我要去打包了 我要摇着大**好好打包 [18:32.72]Well,I think I'm gonna grab some coffee because my ass is already packed. 我去叫杯咖啡 因为我已经摇**打包完了 [18:41.10]Let's go. 瑞秋,我们走吧 [18:42.33]You know what? I'll meet you in a minute. 我等一下再上去找你 [18:45.37]Rachel,you didn't find anyone, so you can't tell him. 不行,瑞秋,没有人支持你 所以你不能说 [18:49.27]You know what? That doesn't matter. 无所谓 [18:52.51]Do you know how painful it is to tell someone you love them... 你知道对方不能回应你的爱意 [18:56.51]...and not have them say it back? 会有多痛苦吗? [19:00.28]I don't care. 知道,我不在乎 [19:05.96]I can't watch. 好吧,可是我看不下去 [19:22.54]What you reading? 你在看什么? [19:25.38]Paper. 报纸 [19:26.54]Yeah? What's it about? 上面说了什么? [19:30.31]Events from around the globe. 世界各地的新闻 [19:34.12]是啊 [19:38.22]There's something I have to talk to you about. 罗斯,我有件事要告诉你 [19:41.06]Everyone's saying I shouldn't. 虽然大家都叫我别说 [19:42.99]But I think they're wrong. People can be wrong. 但是他们都错了 有时候别人就是看不清楚 [19:46.50]Once at work... 当然,有一次上班时... [19:48.00]...I thought carbon dating is fossilized 我说放射性碳测定法太老旧… [19:50.87]I'm really trying to tell you something here. 罗斯,我说正经的 [19:56.11]Go ahead. 说吧 [19:58.88]I think I'm just going to say it. 我这就说了,现在就告诉你 [20:01.35]I'm just going to say it. 现在就告诉你 [20:11.72]I'm still in love with you,Ross. 我还爱着你,罗斯 [20:30.74]I'm not sure what to do with that right now. 我不知道现在该怎么回答 [20:39.38]What? Was that a joke? Because it's mean. 怎么了?你跟我开玩笑? 这就太恶劣了 [20:45.02]I'm so dead serious! 我很正经 [20:47.82]I'm totally serious! 不能再正经了 [20:49.56]Why are you laughing? 那你笑什么? [20:53.53]Because I just heard it! 因为我刚听到自己的话 [20:55.80]I heard it. And it's ridiculous! 我听到了,而且觉得很荒谬 [20:58.04]I mean.... 毕竟... [20:59.47]You're married! 你已经结婚 [21:00.97]You're married, and it's just ridiculous! 你有老婆,我说这话太可笑 [21:03.57]When I said it,I sort of floated up out of my body. 我说话的当儿似乎灵魂出壳 [21:07.34]And then I heard myself say it, and then the floating Rachel.... 我的灵魂听到肉身说话 [21:14.85]I was like,"You are such an idiot!" 瑞秋的灵魂认为 自己实在很白痴 [21:22.33]-Well,I am married. -I know. 我的确已经结婚 我知道 [21:25.60]Though I haven't spoken to her since the wedding. 虽然婚礼后就没跟老婆说过话 [21:32.17]I'm sorry. That's not funny. 抱歉,这不好笑 [21:35.77]Actually,it kind of is. 其实还蛮好笑的 [21:41.51]My wife won't return my calls. 我老婆不回我电话 [21:46.95]I don't know where my wife is. 我不知道太太在哪里 [21:52.46]"Hey,Ross! Where's the missus?" "Don't know!" “罗斯,你老婆呢?” 我也不知道 [21:57.93]Oh,God! 天啊 [22:02.73]You know what? Could you forget I told you this? 你可以忘记我刚说的话吗? [22:08.61]Well,I kind of have to. 我不忘记也不行 [22:10.41]Because the thing is 因为事实是… [22:12.41]The thing is,you know, that you're married to Emily. 事实就是你已经娶了艾蜜莉 [22:18.92]That is what the thing is. 事实正是如此 [22:25.32]Oh,God. 天啊 [22:27.59]Things won't be weird between us, right? Was that stupid? 罗斯,我们还是好朋友吧 [22:32.16]Me telling you that? 我说自己还爱你真是蠢毙了 [22:34.06]I'm glad you did. 不会,我很高兴你告诉我 [22:37.67]If nothing else... 就算日子很顺利 [22:39.47]...it's always great when someone tells you they love you. 听到有人说爱你还是很开心 [22:43.64]That's what I said! 我早说过了 [22:47.74]-Thank you for being so nice. -No. Thank you for.... 谢谢你对我这么好 我才该谢谢你 [22:52.82]Thank you. 谢谢你 [22:54.89]Oh,God. I'm just glad I didn't give you the cassette I made of all of our songs. 幸好我没给你 我录的那卷录音带 [23:00.59]-What songs? -Oh,you know: 你录了哪些歌曲? [23:03.06]-"With or Without You." “有没有你” [23:06.03]-"Everybody Hurts." “大家都会受伤” [23:08.53]-"Rhiannon." -Why "Rhiannon"? “李安娜” 为什么选这首? [23:11.30]Come on,you remember! In the living room? 你不记得了? 就是在客厅啊 [23:15.74]On Monica's laundry? 在蒙妮卡洗好的衣服上啊 [23:20.08]Not me. 那不是我 [23:24.15]Really. 不是? [23:30.32]So,what happened? 怎么样了? [23:32.19]Well,it was really hard... 我很难说出口 [23:34.56]...but I'm glad I did it. 但是幸好我说了 [23:37.29]So was I right or wrong? 你做得对吗? [23:39.16]-Oh,come on,honey,does it really matter? -No. 这种事情无关对错 是啊 [23:43.73]Yes. I need it for my score book. 没错 但是我要记在记分簿上 [23:46.74]Diary. 我是说日记 [23:50.17]-Okay,let's go! -Yeah,Atlantic City! 大家走吧 大西洋城! [23:52.74]Come on! [23:54.34]Atlantic City,baby! 去大西洋城咯 [23:57.65]Let's roll some bones. Hey,Joey! 我们去大赌一笔 乔伊 [23:59.52]High-five for rolling bones. 赌博万岁 [24:06.59]Phoebe,you're leaking. 菲比,你尿失禁? [24:08.29]Oh,my God! Your water broke! 天啊,你羊水破了 [24:10.49]Oh,okay. [24:12.93]Well,don't worry. I call shotgun. 别放在心上,我要坐前座! [24:15.30]等一下 [24:16.63]Phoebe,we have to take you to the hospital now. 菲比,我们得送你去医院 [24:19.74]Okay. Well,there's probably one on the way to Atlantic City. 去大西洋城路上应该有医院 [24:23.21]Phoebe,the babies are coming now. 菲比,你快要生了 [24:26.58]Honey! High-five! The babies are coming! 击掌,你要生了! [24:31.21]Remember when my water broke? 等一下,记不记得 我羊水破的那天? [24:37.89]I can't believe Phoebe's going to have her babies! 菲比竟然快生了 [24:40.69]I know. It's beautiful and amazing. 我知道,真是太棒了 [24:50.10]I can't believe I had to kiss Phoebe and Rachel every time I left the room. 真不敢相信 我竟然每次离开 都得亲菲比跟瑞秋 [24:54.40]It's too bad they didn't see us having sex. 可惜她们没看到我们嘿咻 [24:58.11]-Do you know anything about women? -No. 你到底了不了解女人?不了解 [25:02.81]-It's all right. -Okay. 算了 好