Song List

Song Artist Album Lyrics
Lunga notte Tenedle The Beast of Tenedle
Voi siete qui Bert Lochs Tenedle Faith Salerno The Beast of Tenedle
Scherzo Tenedle The Beast of Tenedle
Pow wow Tenedle The Beast of Tenedle
Le mosche sul dolce Tenedle The Beast of Tenedle
Bibbie luminose Tenedle The Beast of Tenedle
Tiramisù Tenedle Faith Salerno The Beast of Tenedle
Sta accadendo Vanessa Tagliabue Yorke Tenedle The Beast of Tenedle
88 ore Tenedle The Beast of Tenedle
Dove sono i poeti Tenedle The Beast of Tenedle
La terra è il mio pianeta Tenedle The Beast of Tenedle
Le cose infinite Tenedle Rocco Brunori The Beast of Tenedle
In pensiero Bert Lochs Tenedle Faith Salerno The Beast of Tenedle
Hikikomori Tenedle The Beast of Tenedle
Il dissenso del ritmo Tenedle The Beast of Tenedle
La scatola Tenedle The Beast of Tenedle
Aurora Bert Lochs Tenedle Faith Salerno The Beast of Tenedle
Egocentrifugo Tenedle Manolo Nardi The Beast of Tenedle
In feedback Tenedle Marydim The Beast of Tenedle
Notte fonda Tenedle The Beast of Tenedle
La stella popolare Bert Lochs Tenedle The Beast of Tenedle
Lo stato in cui mi cerco Tenedle Silvia Vavolo The Beast of Tenedle
La cura del suono Tenedle Silvia Vavolo The Beast of Tenedle
Prima del suicidio Tenedle The Beast of Tenedle
Amore da un altro mondo Bert Lochs Tenedle The Beast of Tenedle
Ideale Tenedle Marydim Rocco Brunori The Beast of Tenedle
Il più forte Tenedle The Beast of Tenedle
L'ora di ricreazione Tenedle The Beast of Tenedle
Schizoide Tenedle The Beast of Tenedle
Wardenclyffe Tenedle The Beast of Tenedle
This Counsciousness Tenedle Odd to Love
Of All the Sounds Tenedle Bert Lochs Odd to Love
Make Me a Picture of the Sun Tenedle Odd to Love
Love Thou Art Bert Lochs Tenedle Odd to Love
If You Were Coming in the Fall Tenedle Bert Lochs Odd to Love
The Brain Is Wider Than the Sky Bert Lochs Tenedle Odd to Love
I Cannot Dance Upon My Toes Bert Lochs Tenedle Odd to Love
Bring Me the Sunset in a Cup Bert Lochs Tenedle Odd to Love
These Fevered Days Tenedle Odd to Love
My Life Had Stood a Loaded Gun Tenedle Odd to Love
He Put the Belt Bert Lochs Tenedle Odd to Love
All We Know of Love Tenedle Odd to Love