Song List

Song Artist Album Lyrics
Step It out Mary Patsy Watchorn Les Plus Célèbres Ballades Irlandaises - 60 Titres
Step in out Mary Patsy Watchorn Pura Música Irlandesa - Baladas
Hearts On Fire Patsy Watchorn Irish Singalong
Joe Hill Patsy Watchorn Proudly Irish
Dublin In My Tears Patsy Watchorn Ireland Holiday
John O'Dreams Patsy Watchorn Classic Songs From Ireland
Rare Ould Times Patsy Watchorn The Craic Was Ninety (20 Great Irish Pub Songs)
Three Lovely Lassies from Kimmage Patsy Watchorn The Craic Was Ninety (20 Great Irish Pub Songs)
Big Strong Man Patsy Watchorn The Craic Was Ninety (20 Great Irish Pub Songs)
My Irish Molly Patsy Watchorn The Craic Was Ninety (20 Great Irish Pub Songs)
Seven Drunken Nights Patsy Watchorn The Craic Was Ninety (20 Great Irish Pub Songs)
Wild Colonial Boy Patsy Watchorn The Craic Was Ninety (20 Great Irish Pub Songs)
Mcalpin's Fusiliers Patsy Watchorn The Craic Was Ninety (20 Great Irish Pub Songs)
Leaving of Liverpool Patsy Watchorn The Craic Was Ninety (20 Great Irish Pub Songs)
Hills of Connemara Patsy Watchorn The Craic Was Ninety (20 Great Irish Pub Songs)
The Travelling People Patsy Watchorn The Craic Was Ninety (20 Great Irish Pub Songs)
The Nightingale Patsy Watchorn The Craic Was Ninety (20 Great Irish Pub Songs)
Fiddlers Green Patsy Watchorn The Craic Was Ninety (20 Great Irish Pub Songs)
Black Velvet Band Patsy Watchorn The Craic Was Ninety (20 Great Irish Pub Songs)
Banks of the Roses Patsy Watchorn The Craic Was Ninety (20 Great Irish Pub Songs)
Life of a Rover Patsy Watchorn The Craic Was Ninety (20 Great Irish Pub Songs)
Crack Was 90 Patsy Watchorn The Craic Was Ninety (20 Great Irish Pub Songs)
Banks of the Ohio Patsy Watchorn The Craic Was Ninety (20 Great Irish Pub Songs)
Home Boys Home Patsy Watchorn The Craic Was Ninety (20 Great Irish Pub Songs)
Come to the Bower Patsy Watchorn The Craic Was Ninety (20 Great Irish Pub Songs)
Rare Ould Mountain Dew Patsy Watchorn The Craic Was Ninety (20 Great Irish Pub Songs)
The Dying Rebel Patsy Watchorn 1916 Easter Rising Centenary Commemoration Collection
Meet Me at the Pillar Patsy Watchorn 1916 Easter Rising Centenary Commemoration Collection