What a Little Moonlight Can Do
Harry Roy and His Orchestra
The Golden Years of Dance Bands, 1930 - 1940
Roll Along Prairie Moon
Harry Roy and His Orchestra
Great British Big Bands, Vol. 2
Whistle While You Work
Harry Roy and His Orchestra
Great British Big Bands, Vol. 3
Leicester Square Rag
Harry Roy and His Orchestra
100 Hits of the 40s
It's Easy to Remember
Harry Roy and His Orchestra
Ivor Moreton
Swing Me Sweetly
Wah De Dah
Harry Roy and His Orchestra
Mouthful 'o Jam
Somebody Stole My Gal / Nobody's Sweetheart / Chinatown, My Chinatown
Harry Roy and His Orchestra
The Great British Baking Album
Bugle Call Rag / Twelfth Street Rag / Tiger Rag
Harry Roy and His Orchestra
The Big Band Album - 40 Favourites
Tiger Rag
Harry Roy and His Orchestra
Teenage Heaven '56