Kathryn Copisarow


Song List

Song Artist Album Lyrics
IV. Si quaeris (Allant) The Sixteen/Harry Christophers The Sixteen Tim Handley Kathryn Copisarow Harry Christophers Mike Hatch Poulenc: Sacred Works
III. Laus Regi plena gaudio (Très calmement) The Sixteen/Harry Christophers Kathryn Copisarow Mike Hatch Tim Handley Harry Christophers The Sixteen Poulenc: Sacred Works
II. O proles hispaniae (Très animé) The Sixteen/Harry Christophers Harry Christophers Mike Hatch Kathryn Copisarow The Sixteen Tim Handley Poulenc: Sacred Works
IV. Tristis est anima mea (Très lent) The Sixteen/Harry Christophers The Sixteen Harry Christophers Kathryn Copisarow Mike Hatch Tim Handley Poulenc: Sacred Works
III. Tenebrae factae sunt (Très lent) The Sixteen/Harry Christophers Mike Hatch The Sixteen Tim Handley Kathryn Copisarow Harry Christophers Poulenc: Sacred Works
VIII. Liberté, "Sur mes cahiers d'écolier" The Sixteen/Harry Christophers Kathryn Copisarow The Sixteen Harry Christophers Tim Handley Mike Hatch Poulenc: Sacred Works
VI. Le jour m'étonne et la nuit me fait peur (Très doux et très calme) The Sixteen/Harry Christophers The Sixteen Harry Christophers Kathryn Copisarow Mike Hatch Tim Handley Poulenc: Sacred Works
III. Aussi bas que le silence (Très calme et très sombre) The Sixteen/Harry Christophers Harry Christophers Kathryn Copisarow The Sixteen Mike Hatch Tim Handley Poulenc: Sacred Works
II. En chantant, les servantes s'élancent (Très rythmé et animé) The Sixteen/Harry Christophers Kathryn Copisarow Harry Christophers Mike Hatch The Sixteen Tim Handley Poulenc: Sacred Works
IV. O mes très chers frères (Bien calme) The Sixteen/Harry Christophers Harry Christophers Mike Hatch Kathryn Copisarow The Sixteen Tim Handley Poulenc: Sacred Works
III. Seigneur, je vous en prie (Très expressif et fervent) The Sixteen/Harry Christophers Harry Christophers Tim Handley The Sixteen Kathryn Copisarow Mike Hatch Poulenc: Sacred Works
II. Tout puissant, très saint (Majestueux et éclatant) The Sixteen/Harry Christophers The Sixteen Mike Hatch Tim Handley Harry Christophers Kathryn Copisarow Poulenc: Sacred Works
IV. Hodie Christus natus est (Allegro maestoso) The Sixteen/Harry Christophers Harry Christophers Tim Handley Kathryn Copisarow Mike Hatch The Sixteen Poulenc: Sacred Works
III. Videntes stellam (Calme et doux) The Sixteen/Harry Christophers Kathryn Copisarow Harry Christophers Mike Hatch The Sixteen Tim Handley Poulenc: Sacred Works
I. O Jesu perpetua lux (Très calmement) The Sixteen/Harry Christophers Kathryn Copisarow Mike Hatch Tim Handley Harry Christophers The Sixteen Poulenc: Sacred Works
II. Vinea mea electa (Tendrement et mélancoliquement lent) The Sixteen/Harry Christophers Mike Hatch Tim Handley Kathryn Copisarow The Sixteen Harry Christophers Poulenc: Sacred Works
I. Timor et tremor (Largement) The Sixteen/Harry Christophers Harry Christophers Kathryn Copisarow Mike Hatch The Sixteen Tim Handley Poulenc: Sacred Works
VII. La menace sous le ciel rouge (Très emporté et très rude) The Sixteen/Harry Christophers The Sixteen Tim Handley Mike Hatch Kathryn Copisarow Harry Christophers Poulenc: Sacred Works
V. Riant du ciel et des planètes (Très vite et très violent) The Sixteen/Harry Christophers Tim Handley Kathryn Copisarow Harry Christophers Mike Hatch The Sixteen Poulenc: Sacred Works
IV. Toi ma patiente (Très calme et très doux) The Sixteen/Harry Christophers The Sixteen Kathryn Copisarow Tim Handley Harry Christophers Mike Hatch Poulenc: Sacred Works
I. De tous les printemps du monde (Très large) The Sixteen/Harry Christophers Mike Hatch The Sixteen Harry Christophers Kathryn Copisarow Tim Handley Poulenc: Sacred Works