Carol Brice/Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra/Fritz Reiner


Song List

Song Artist Album Lyrics
El amor brujo, Ballet-pantomime: No. 10, Canción del fuego fatuo (Voice, Orchestra) Fritz Reiner Carol Brice/Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra/Fritz Reiner Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Carol Brice Fritz Reiner: Great Conductors of the 20th Century
El amor brujo, Ballet-pantomime: No. 8, Danza ritual del fuego (Orchestra) Fritz Reiner Carol Brice/Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra/Fritz Reiner Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Fritz Reiner: Great Conductors of the 20th Century
El amor brujo, Ballet-pantomime: No. 3, Canción del amor dolido (Voice, Orchestra) Carol Brice/Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra/Fritz Reiner Carol Brice Fritz Reiner Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Fritz Reiner: Great Conductors of the 20th Century
El amor brujo, Ballet-pantomime: No. 2, En la cueva. La noche (Orchestra) Fritz Reiner Carol Brice/Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra/Fritz Reiner Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Fritz Reiner: Great Conductors of the 20th Century
El amor brujo, Ballet-pantomime: No. 13, Final. Las campanas del amanecer (Orchestra) Carol Brice/Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra/Fritz Reiner Fritz Reiner Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Fritz Reiner: Great Conductors of the 20th Century
El amor brujo, Ballet-pantomime: No. 12, Danza del Juego de amor (Voice, Orchestra) Fritz Reiner Carol Brice/Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra/Fritz Reiner Carol Brice Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Fritz Reiner: Great Conductors of the 20th Century
El amor brujo, Ballet-pantomime: No. 11, Pantomima (Orchestra) Fritz Reiner Carol Brice/Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra/Fritz Reiner Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Fritz Reiner: Great Conductors of the 20th Century
El amor brujo, Ballet-pantomime: No. 9, Escena (Orchestra) Fritz Reiner Carol Brice/Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra/Fritz Reiner Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Fritz Reiner: Great Conductors of the 20th Century
El amor brujo, Ballet-pantomime: No. 7, A media noche, los sortilegios (Orchestra) Carol Brice/Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra/Fritz Reiner Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Fritz Reiner Fritz Reiner: Great Conductors of the 20th Century
El amor brujo, Ballet-pantomime: No. 6, El circulo mágico. Romance del pescador (Orchestra) Fritz Reiner Carol Brice/Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra/Fritz Reiner Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Fritz Reiner: Great Conductors of the 20th Century
El amor brujo, Ballet-pantomime: No. 5, Danza del terror (Orchestra) Fritz Reiner Carol Brice/Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra/Fritz Reiner Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Fritz Reiner: Great Conductors of the 20th Century
El amor brujo, Ballet-pantomime: No. 4, El aparecido (Orchestra) Fritz Reiner Carol Brice/Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra/Fritz Reiner Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Fritz Reiner: Great Conductors of the 20th Century
El amor brujo, Ballet-pantomime: No. 1, Introduccion y Escena (Orchestra) Fritz Reiner Carol Brice/Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra/Fritz Reiner Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Fritz Reiner: Great Conductors of the 20th Century