Song List

Song Artist Album Lyrics
Facal Dhè Cumhachd Facal Dhè
Seize the Moment Cumhachd Prima Donna
Swans Reflecting Elephants Cumhachd Prima Donna
Lune de Miel Cumhachd Prima Donna
Petrarch in Black Cumhachd Prima Donna
Café Morgano Cumhachd Prima Donna
Rhapsody on a Windy Night Cumhachd Prima Donna
Prima Donna Cumhachd Prima Donna
Reach Higher Cumhachd Vox to Captain
Morag Cumhachd Vox to Captain
Botscat Cumhachd Vox to Captain
Vox to Captain Cumhachd Vox to Captain
The Quantized Field Cumhachd Vox to Captain
All She Needed Cumhachd Vox to Captain
Thumpa Cumhachd Vox to Captain
Electric Flamingo Cumhachd Vox to Captain
A Shoreless Deep Cumhachd A Shoreless Deep
Call Me Gino Cumhachd Call Me Gino
Vangelis Knew Cumhachd Vangelis Knew
Death Be Not Proud Cumhachd Death Be Not Proud
Jump Blues Cumhachd Jump Blues
The Ballad of the Green Mountaineer Cumhachd The Ballad of the Green Mountaineer
Blasphemy Cumhachd The Chisel
We Held on Tight Cumhachd The Chisel
Nachdenken Cumhachd The Chisel
She Walks Alone Cumhachd The Chisel
The Chisel Cumhachd The Chisel
Dè Ceàrr Cumhachd Atlas Speaks Gàidhlig
Thomas Rhymer Cumhachd Atlas Speaks Gàidhlig
Èist Ri Ceartas Cumhachd Atlas Speaks Gàidhlig
Catalina Wine Mixer Cumhachd Atlas Speaks Gàidhlig
Atlas Speaks Gàidhlig Cumhachd Atlas Speaks Gàidhlig
Nautical Dawn Cumhachd Under a Northern Star
When She Laughs Cumhachd Under a Northern Star
Under a Northern Star Cumhachd Under a Northern Star
Fionnghuala Cumhachd Under a Northern Star
Reap Your Same Cumhachd Under a Northern Star
Giullan Geal Thu Cumhachd Poetry However
Curse on the Fox Cumhachd Poetry However
Early Sunday Morning Cumhachd Poetry However
Malkovich Yells Stop Cumhachd Poetry However
Outside Reflected In Cumhachd Poetry However
Poetry However Cumhachd Poetry However
Buffoon's Needle Cumhachd Poetry However
Alexis Cumhachd Poetry However
Caught in the Middle (feat. Aldiota) Cumhachd Aldiota Light Gains Mass
Màiri Bhàn (feat. B. Agbodzie) Cumhachd B. Agbodzie Light Gains Mass
More Weight Cumhachd Light Gains Mass
My Life is but a Weaving (feat. Aldiota) Cumhachd Aldiota Light Gains Mass
Green Cast in Orange Cumhachd Light Gains Mass
Take All You Can Cumhachd Light Gains Mass
Buried in These Spaces Cumhachd Light Gains Mass
The Sermon of Isaac Watts Cumhachd Light Gains Mass
The Past Ain't Dead Cumhachd Traveler
The Big NB Cumhachd Traveler
Rock-a-Bye-Bye-Baby Cumhachd Traveler
Never Decide When You're Sad Cumhachd Traveler
Scuppernong Bug Cumhachd Traveler
Beautiful World Cumhachd Traveler
Lost in You (feat. Aldiota) Cumhachd Aldiota Traveler
Electric Nights (feat. Aldiota) Cumhachd Aldiota Traveler
Young Man Who Would Travel Cumhachd Traveler
Dhòmhnaill Antaidh Cumhachd Dhòmhnaill Antaidh
Seikilos Danced Cumhachd Seikilos Danced
Exalt Her Cumhachd Exalt Her
Bubbly Black Windows Cumhachd Bubbly Black Windows
Alabama Pits Cumhachd Alabama Pits
Jasper Cumhachd Jasper
The Orchid Blooms Cumhachd The Orchid Blooms