Song List

Song Artist Album Lyrics
Ok Tono Omepo She, Sir Ways a Season Lyrics
Torment Operator She, Sir Ways a Season Lyrics
A Ways to Remain She, Sir Ways a Season Lyrics
Fear Pillar She, Sir Ways a Season Lyrics
Treasure She, Sir Ways a Season Lyrics
Quinine Courts She, Sir Rival Island
Pheromondo (Babysitter's Back) She, Sir Rival Island
Mirror, No (We're The Same) She, Sir Rival Island
Ginger She, Sir Yens
Boystown She, Sir Yens
Manila Mint She, Sir Rival Island
Noon Inspirits She, Sir Rival Island
DBS She, Sir Rival Island
Dark Glass Tomb She, Sir Rival Island
Corporealoro She, Sir Rival Island
Golden Ways She, Sir Yens
Private Party She, Sir Rival Island
Diamond Churn She, Sir Rival Island
Lemongrass She, Sir Yens
Condensedindents She, Sir Go Guitars Lyrics
He's Not a Lawyer, It's Not a Company She, Sir Go Guitars Lyrics
Snakedom She, Sir Go Guitars Lyrics
Winter Skirt She, Sir Go Guitars Lyrics
Mania Mantle She, Sir Go Guitars Lyrics
Warmwimming She, Sir Go Guitars Lyrics
Bitter Bazaar She, Sir Go Guitars Lyrics
Kissing Can Wait She, Sir Go Guitars Lyrics
Continually Meeting on the Sidewalk of My Door She, Sir Go Guitars Lyrics
Portese She, Sir Go Guitars Lyrics
Prairie Burn She, Sir Who Can’t Say Yes Lyrics
Monarch She, Sir Who Can’t Say Yes Lyrics
It’s My Way of Staying Connected She, Sir Who Can’t Say Yes Lyrics
The Clandestine She, Sir Who Can’t Say Yes Lyrics
You Can’t Change a Thing She, Sir Who Can’t Say Yes Lyrics
Lieutenant She, Sir Who Can’t Say Yes Lyrics
I Love You, Blowtorch Eyes She, Sir Who Can’t Say Yes Lyrics