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Под окном широким Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Песни русских людей 2 (Cossack Songs and Romances)
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Ах, зачем эта ночь Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Песни русских людей 2 (Cossack Songs and Romances)
Вот скрылось солнце за горою Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Песни русских людей 2 (Cossack Songs and Romances)
Я когда-то была молодая Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Песни русских людей 2 (Cossack Songs and Romances)
От чего так быстро вянут розы Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Песни русских людей 2 (Cossack Songs and Romances)
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Служба ли матушка Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Sergey Gorbunov Вячеслав Асанов Песни русских людей 2 (Cossack Songs and Romances)
Прощай, девки Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Песни русских людей 2 (Cossack Songs and Romances)
Полно вам, снежочки Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Песни русских людей 2 (Cossack Songs and Romances)
Разродимая сторонка Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Песни русских людей 2 (Cossack Songs and Romances)
Голосочки тонки-звонки Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Песни русских людей 2 (Cossack Songs and Romances)
Эсминец на рейде Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Песни русских людей 2 (Cossack Songs and Romances)
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Чубчик Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Песни русских людей 2 (Cossack Songs and Romances)
Кузнец, раздуй огонь в печи Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Песни русских людей 2 (Cossack Songs and Romances)
Прости, звезда Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Песни русских людей 2 (Cossack Songs and Romances) Lyrics
Бежит речка по песку Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Песни русских людей 2 (Cossack Songs and Romances)
Уж ты, Дуня-Дуняша Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Песни русских людей 2 (Cossack Songs and Romances)
Я весёлый взор заметил Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Песни русских людей 2 (Cossack Songs and Romances) Lyrics
На заре то было, да на зореньке Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Песни русских людей 2 (Cossack Songs and Romances)
Берестэчко Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Песни русских людей 2 (Cossack Songs and Romances)
На речке Камышинке Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Песни русских людей 2 (Cossack Songs and Romances)
Oh, I'm Tiddly-Tiddly Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
Leaves Are Falling Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
Oh, Eagle, My Eagle Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
If I Knew, I Would Drown Myself Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
Tomorrow Is a Holiday, Sunday Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
There's a Hunter in the Isles Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
Farewell to Slovyanka Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs) Lyrics
Not for Me Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
Glory to Cossacks Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
A Tree Stood There in the Field Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
Ah, There's a River in the Field Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
Believed, Believed, Believe.. Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
Black Eyebrows Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
Away from Wattle Fence Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
Highbush Cranberry Is Burning in the Field Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
Behind High Kurgan Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
You're Very Old Men Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
Walk My Daughter Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
Oh, I'd Better Be Young Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
Behind the Kuba River Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
Pushkar Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
Gather Together, Guys Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
There's a Korchaga in the Field Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
The Cossack Leaned Upon the Saber Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
Behind the Ural River Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
We Walked Around the Forest Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
On the 25th of June Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
Oh, There's Barley on the Hill Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
In Karpaty Mountains Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
Terek Chastushki Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
Moskovochka Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
We're Сossacks-Сossacks Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)
The High Road Ran Across Chitinskaya Sloboda Folklore Ensemble Songs of Russian People (Cossacks Songs, Old Believers and Transbaikalien Cossacks Songs)