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Record Labels
The Temple Rockers
The Temple Rockers
Festival of Dub
Festival of Lights
Song List
Dub the Miracles
The Temple Rockers
Festival of Dub
Dub Can Retell
The Temple Rockers
Festival of Dub
Spin Dub
The Temple Rockers
Festival of Dub
Pour Some Dub
The Temple Rockers
Festival of Dub
Dub of Ages
The Temple Rockers
Festival of Dub
I Have a Dub
The Temple Rockers
Festival of Dub
A Lickle Dub
The Temple Rockers
Festival of Dub
Almighty Dub
The Temple Rockers
Festival of Dub
Festival Dub
The Temple Rockers
Festival of Dub
Do You Know Dub?
The Temple Rockers
Festival of Dub
Dub Long Ago
The Temple Rockers
Festival of Dub
Blessing Dub
The Temple Rockers
Festival of Dub
Spin Dem
The Temple Rockers
Festival of Lights
Pour Some Oil
The Temple Rockers
Festival of Lights
The Blessing
The Temple Rockers
Festival of Lights
I Have a Candle
The Temple Rockers
Festival of Lights
A Lickle Jug
The Temple Rockers
Festival of Lights
About the Miracles
The Temple Rockers
Festival of Lights
Almighty Light
The Temple Rockers
Festival of Lights
Who Can Retell?
The Temple Rockers
Ansel Meditation
Festival of Lights
Festival Song
The Temple Rockers
Festival of Lights
Do You Know Why?
The Temple Rockers
Ansel Meditation
Festival of Lights
Rock of Ages
The Temple Rockers
Festival of Lights
Days Long Ago
The Temple Rockers
Festival of Lights