Shlomo Artzi
The Road to Jerusalem
Numi Yalda
Shlomo Artzi
Festival Shirey Yeladim, Vol. 1
Eretz Pompornal
Shlomo Artzi
Festival Shirey Yeladim, Vol. 1
Rikud Sof Hamea
Shlomo Artzi
Osef Shirim Shehistatru
Shlomo Artzi
Osef Shirim Shehistatru
Daber Iti Al Hamatzav
Shlomo Artzi
Osef Shirim Shehistatru
Yemey Huledet
Shlomo Artzi
Osef Shirim Shehistatru
Sipur Romanti
Shlomo Artzi
Osef Shirim Shehistatru
Etmol Chalfu Hatziporim
Shlomo Artzi
Osef Shirim Shehistatru
Beit Charoshet Kofi
Shlomo Artzi
Osef Shirim Shehistatru
24 Shaot
Shlomo Artzi
Osef Shirim Shehistatru
Tikva Ktantana
Shlomo Artzi
Osef Shirim Shehistatru
Shlomo Artzi
Osef Shirim Shehistatru
Kshehayom Nigmar
Shlomo Artzi
Osef Shirim Shehistatru
Ubeyachad Nizdaken
Shlomo Artzi
Osef Shirim Shehistatru
Shlomo Artzi
Osef Shirim Shehistatru
Lo Lakachti Lalev
Shlomo Artzi
Osef Shirim Shehistatru
Hait Iti Harey
Shlomo Artzi
Osef Shirim Shehistatru
Shanim Al Shanim
Shlomo Artzi
Osef Shirim Shehistatru
Haanashim Sheani Ohev
Shlomo Artzi
Osef Shirim Shehistatru
Or Biktze Haminhara
Shlomo Artzi
Osef Shirim Shehistatru
Eizo Hatchala
Shlomo Artzi
Osef Shirim Shehistatru
Habait Shelcha
Shlomo Artzi
Osef Shirim Shehistatru
Maga Enoshi
Shlomo Artzi
Osef Shirim Shehistatru
Po Vesham
Shlomo Artzi
Osef Shirim Shehistatru
שאלתי מה קרה
Shlomo Artzi
פעם תורי פעם תורך (הדואטים)
אני בא
Shlomo Artzi
פעם תורי פעם תורך (הדואטים)
שיר אהבה
Shlomo Artzi
פעם תורי פעם תורך (הדואטים)
גבעה אחת
Shlomo Artzi
פעם תורי פעם תורך (הדואטים)
Shlomo Artzi
פעם תורי פעם תורך (הדואטים)
לנצח יחד
Shlomo Artzi
פעם תורי פעם תורך (הדואטים)
Shlomo Artzi
פעם תורי פעם תורך (הדואטים)
חוזרים הביתה
Shlomo Artzi
פעם תורי פעם תורך (הדואטים)
Shlomo Artzi
פעם תורי פעם תורך (הדואטים)
אחרי הכל את שיר
Shlomo Artzi
פעם תורי פעם תורך (הדואטים)
פעם תורי ופעם תורך
Shlomo Artzi
פעם תורי פעם תורך (הדואטים)
Shlomo Artzi
פעם תורי פעם תורך (הדואטים)
כל אחד והסיפור שלו
Shlomo Artzi
Tal Segev
פעם תורי פעם תורך (הדואטים)
שיר פרידה
Shlomo Artzi
פעם תורי פעם תורך (הדואטים)
לא יודע מה עובר לה בראש
Shlomo Artzi
פעם תורי פעם תורך (הדואטים)
מחמל נפשי
Shlomo Artzi
פעם תורי פעם תורך (הדואטים)
Shlomo Artzi
פעם תורי פעם תורך (הדואטים)
פתאום כשלא באת
Shlomo Artzi
פעם תורי פעם תורך (הדואטים)
ברית לא מותרת
Shlomo Artzi
פעם תורי פעם תורך (הדואטים)
לתת ולקחת
Shlomo Artzi
פעם תורי פעם תורך (הדואטים)
עבר די זמן
Shlomo Artzi
פעם תורי פעם תורך (הדואטים)
Lo Yo'Dea Ma Over Lach Ba'Rosh
Shlomo Artzi
Ahava Me'Duet Sheni
Brit Lo Moteret
Shlomo Artzi
Ahava Me'Duet Sheni
Hashir Shenolad
Shlomo Artzi
Selected Works
Pitom She'lo Bat
Shlomo Artzi
Selected Works
Gam Ze Letova
Shlomo Artzi
Selected Works
Shlomo Artzi
Selected Works
Acharey Hakol At Shir
Shlomo Artzi
Selected Works
Shir Chayal
Shlomo Artzi
Selected Works
Shir Eres
Shlomo Artzi
Selected Works
Leyad Habait Shegarti Bo
Shlomo Artzi
Selected Works
Shlomo Artzi
Selected Works
Ma'avir Daf
Shlomo Artzi
I Loved Them
Lo Yode'a Ma Over Lach Barosh
Shlomo Artzi
I Loved Them
Shlomo Artzi
I Loved Them
At Va'ani
Shlomo Artzi
I Loved Them
Kvar Avar Dey Zman
Shlomo Artzi
I Loved Them
Anachnoo Lo Tzrichim
Shlomo Artzi
I Loved Them
Shlomo Artzi
I Loved Them
Haradio Hayashan
Shlomo Artzi
I Loved Them
Shlomo Artzi
I Loved Them
Shir Preda
Shlomo Artzi
I Loved Them
Gvarim Holchim Le'eebod
Shlomo Artzi
I Loved Them
Bishvila Ata Melech Ha'olam
Shlomo Artzi
I Loved Them
Sha'ot Bein Arbayim
Shlomo Artzi
I Loved Them
Nof Yaldot
Shlomo Artzi
I Loved Them
Habalada Al Lavan Ben Betoo'el
Shlomo Artzi
First Album
Shir Kayitz
Shlomo Artzi
First Album
Tfilat Arvit
Shlomo Artzi
First Album
Nachal Yam
Shlomo Artzi
First Album
Yoter Mize Anachnoo Lo Tzrichim
Shlomo Artzi
First Album
Ha'em Hashlishit
Shlomo Artzi
First Album
Pitom Achshav Pitom Hayom
Shlomo Artzi
First Album
Ze Ha'olam
Shlomo Artzi
First Album
Rak Zikaron Echad
Shlomo Artzi
First Album
Ha'eem Odech Yafa
Shlomo Artzi
First Album
Shlomo Artzi
First Album
Halayla Hasheni
Shlomo Artzi
Midnight With Shlomo Artzi
Shlomo Artzi
Midnight With Shlomo Artzi
Lo Ozev Et Ha'eer
Shlomo Artzi
Midnight With Shlomo Artzi
Bematos Silon
Shlomo Artzi
Midnight With Shlomo Artzi
Sh'at Hacharata
Shlomo Artzi
Midnight With Shlomo Artzi
Bo'oo Venatir
Shlomo Artzi
Midnight With Shlomo Artzi
Mahen Hamilim
Shlomo Artzi
Midnight With Shlomo Artzi
Shlomo Artzi
Midnight With Shlomo Artzi
Yom Echad
Shlomo Artzi
Midnight With Shlomo Artzi
Erev Bli Ya'reach
Shlomo Artzi
Pa'am Tori Vepa'am Torech
Shlomo Artzi
Vals Bechamesh Ooshloshim
Shlomo Artzi
Acheret Ata Met
Shlomo Artzi
Ani Ba
Shlomo Artzi
Mabitim Bayam
Shlomo Artzi
Hasakin Harove Veha'even
Shlomo Artzi
Shlomo Artzi
Sha'alti Ma Kara
Shlomo Artzi
Ktzat Meshoone Shelo Nish'art
Shlomo Artzi
Kmo Az
Shlomo Artzi
Shlomo Artzi
Love La'ahava
Shlomo Artzi
To All My Friends From The Sea To Sea Tour
Chayim Meshoogayim
Shlomo Artzi
To All My Friends From The Sea To Sea Tour
Kacha Stam
Shlomo Artzi
To All My Friends From The Sea To Sea Tour
Yalle Ten
Shlomo Artzi
To All My Friends From The Sea To Sea Tour
Michtavo Shel Menachem Mendle
Shlomo Artzi
To All My Friends From The Sea To Sea Tour
Echad Ve'od Echad
Shlomo Artzi
To All My Friends From The Sea To Sea Tour
Habalada Al Hachayim Vachitzoniyim
Shlomo Artzi
To All My Friends From The Sea To Sea Tour
Shlomo Artzi
To All My Friends From The Sea To Sea Tour
Be'eretz Israel
Shlomo Artzi
To All My Friends From The Sea To Sea Tour
Hayiti Shanim Na Venad Banechar
Shlomo Artzi
To All My Friends From The Sea To Sea Tour
Zemer Livni
Shlomo Artzi
To All My Friends From The Sea To Sea Tour
Torfim Klafim
Shlomo Artzi
To All My Friends From The Sea To Sea Tour
Kol Hachaverim Mehamasa Miyam Leyam
Shlomo Artzi
To All My Friends From The Sea To Sea Tour
Matos Silon-Behofa'a
Shlomo Artzi
Songs: Best of, Vol. 2
Af Pa'Am lo Ted'ee
Shlomo Artzi
Songs: Best of, Vol. 2
Yamim Ka'ele
Shlomo Artzi
Songs: Best of, Vol. 2
Sadot Hel Iroosim
Shlomo Artzi
Songs: Best of, Vol. 2
Pitom She'lo Bat
Shlomo Artzi
Songs: Best of, Vol. 2
Rov Hazman at Eeshti
Shlomo Artzi
Songs: Best of, Vol. 2
Haradio Hayashan
Shlomo Artzi
Songs: Best of, Vol. 2
Nivreti Lach
Shlomo Artzi
Songs: Best of, Vol. 2
Layla lo Shaket
Shlomo Artzi
Songs: Best of, Vol. 2
Halayla Hasheni
Shlomo Artzi
Shlomo Artzi
Lo Ozev et Ha'eer
Shlomo Artzi
Bematos Silon
Shlomo Artzi
Sh'at Hacharata
Shlomo Artzi
Bo'oo Venatir
Shlomo Artzi
Mahen Hamilim
Shlomo Artzi
Shlomo Artzi
Yom Echad
Shlomo Artzi