Song List

Song Artist Album Lyrics
Hound Dog Shari Lewis Blue Suede Sneakers Lyrics
Finale ; A Big Surprise Shari Lewis Children's Entertainer
Wouldn't It Be Just Swell Shari Lewis Children's Entertainer
I Love To Watch A Parade Shari Lewis Fun In Shariland
C-A-T Shari Lewis Fun In Shariland
Sleigh Bells Shari Lewis Fun In Shariland
Hey Down There Shari Lewis Fun In Shariland
Let's Walk A Tightrope Shari Lewis Fun In Shariland
Wouldn't It Just Be Swell Shari Lewis Fun In Shariland
Jack And The Beanstalk Shari Lewis Shari In Storyland
The Tortoise And The Hare Shari Lewis Shari In Storyland
Hush Puppy Misses The Point Shari Lewis Shari In Storyland
Lamb Chop Has Her Say Shari Lewis Shari In Storyland
Charlie Horse Makes A Mistake Shari Lewis Shari In Storyland
Meet Shari, Lamb Chop, Charlie Horse And Hush Puppy Shari Lewis Shari In Storyland
It Doesn't Matter Why You Smile Shari Lewis Fun In Shariland
She Sells Sea Shells Shari Lewis Fun In Shariland
Get Up In The Morning Shari Lewis Fun In Shariland
What Would You Like For Dinner Shari Lewis Fun In Shariland
Play A Little Song Shari Lewis Fun In Shariland
Wiggle Your Finger Shari Lewis Fun In Shariland
Finale / A Big Surprise Shari Lewis Shari In Storyland
Charlie Horse Apologises Shari Lewis Shari In Storyland
The Lion And The Mouse Shari Lewis Shari In Storyland
The Pied Piper Of Hamelin Shari Lewis Shari In Storyland
Pinocchio Shari Lewis Shari In Storyland
Lambchop Tries to Read Shari Lewis Shari Lewis with Lambchop Give Your Child a Head Start
Opening Dialogue and "Nimble B. Bimble" Shari Lewis Shari Lewis with Lambchop Give Your Child a Head Start
The "Who Gives Us What?" Song and Game Shari Lewis Shari Lewis with Lambchop Give Your Child a Head Start
Shari and Lambchop Come to Your House/Dialogue and Story Shari Lewis Shari Lewis with Lambchop Give Your Child a Head Start
"The Old Woman's Children from A to Z" and Closing Dialogue Shari Lewis Shari Lewis with Lambchop Give Your Child a Head Start
Aren't You Glad You're You Shari Lewis Hi Kids!