Song List

Song Artist Album Lyrics
Snuffed Out Dreams AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
An Honest Miracle/Mistake AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
Born Dead AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
The wise have no use for wisdom anymore AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
Please hold the line AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
Pop a Candy Drop AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
Child of Wind, Creature of Dust AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
London's not like back home AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
What's an aphid? AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
Nothing But a Tape Recorder AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
Wings of Inertia AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
Cinq à sept AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
Despair Ritual AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
Heaps of Sour Earth AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
Chippers Takes a Sip AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
Breeding Grounds Are Burial Mounds AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
Self-defence Is Moral Dentistry AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
Subconscious Snacks on Ha Ha AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
Why bother? AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
I've had such an acrid taste in my throat AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
Le cercle des ratés AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
Volunteer Decoys AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
Like PSHTS of Aerosol AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
No Females on Board AIDS Wolf Ma vie banale avant-garde
Very Friendly (Emeralds Remix) AIDS Wolf Very Friendly
Very Friendly (Jason Forrest Remix) AIDS Wolf Very Friendly
Very Friendly (John Olson Remix) AIDS Wolf Very Friendly
Very Friendly (Weasel Walter Remix) AIDS Wolf Very Friendly
Very Friendly (Nautical Almanac Remix) AIDS Wolf Very Friendly
Some Sexual Drawings AIDS Wolf The Lovvers LP Lyrics
Opposing Walls AIDS Wolf The Lovvers LP Lyrics
Panty Mind AIDS Wolf The Lovvers LP Lyrics
Vampire King AIDS Wolf The Lovvers LP Lyrics
The Hat Collector AIDS Wolf The Lovvers LP Lyrics
We Multiply AIDS Wolf The Lovvers LP Lyrics
Chinese Roulette AIDS Wolf The Lovvers LP Lyrics
Spit Tastes Like Metal AIDS Wolf The Lovvers LP Lyrics