The five sorrowful Mysteries in B Flat Major: Sonata VIII - "The Crowning with Thorns"
Marianne Rônez
Arno Jochem
Michael Freimuth
Ernst Kubitschek
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber: Mysteriensonaten
The five sorrowful Mysteries in C Minor: Sonata VI - "The Agony in the Garden"
Marianne Rônez
Arno Jochem
Michael Freimuth
Ernst Kubitschek
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber: Mysteriensonaten
The five joyful Mysteries in A Major: Sonata V - "Jesus in the Temple"
Marianne Rônez
Arno Jochem
Ernst Kubitschek
Michael Freimuth
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber: Mysteriensonaten
The five joyful Mysteries in B Minor: Sonata III - "The Nativity"
Michael Freimuth
Ernst Kubitschek
Marianne Rônez
Arno Jochem
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber: Mysteriensonaten
The five joyful Mysteries in A Major: Sonata II - "The Visitation"
Marianne Rônez
Arno Jochem
Michael Freimuth
Ernst Kubitschek
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber: Mysteriensonaten
The five glorious Mysteries in G Major: Sonata XI - "The Resurrection"
Marianne Rônez
Arno Jochem
Michael Freimuth
Ernst Kubitschek
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber: Mysteriensonaten
The five sorrowful Mysteries in G Minor: Sonata X - "The Crucification"
Ernst Kubitschek
Arno Jochem
Marianne Rônez
Michael Freimuth
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber: Mysteriensonaten
The five sorrowful Mysteries in A Minor: Sonata IX - "The Carrying of the Cross"
Marianne Rônez
Arno Jochem
Michael Freimuth
Ernst Kubitschek
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber: Mysteriensonaten
The five sorrowful Mysteries in F Major: Sonata VII - "The Scourging"
Marianne Rônez
Arno Jochem
Michael Freimuth
Ernst Kubitschek
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber: Mysteriensonaten
The five joyful Mysteries in D Minor: Sonata IV - "The Presentation in the Temple"
Marianne Rônez
Michael Freimuth
Arno Jochem
Ernst Kubitschek
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber: Mysteriensonaten
The five joyful Mysteries in D Minor: Sonata I - "The Annunciation"
Arno Jochem
Michael Freimuth
Ernst Kubitschek
Marianne Rônez
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber: Mysteriensonaten
Teutsche Villanellen: Ach Liebste lass uns eilen
Christoph Genz
Michael Freimuth
Dowland, Bach, Haydn & Mozart: Songs and Arias
Dort sass am Wasserstrande
Christoph Genz
Michael Freimuth
Dowland, Bach, Haydn & Mozart: Songs and Arias
It was a lover and his Lasse
Christoph Genz
Michael Freimuth
Dowland, Bach, Haydn & Mozart: Songs and Arias
Oedipus, Z. 583: Act II - "Music for a While"
Christoph Genz
Michael Freimuth
Dowland, Bach, Haydn & Mozart: Songs and Arias
Der Gedank' macht Seelen krank
Christoph Genz
Michael Freimuth
Dowland, Bach, Haydn & Mozart: Songs and Arias
Book of Songs, Book 2: Flow my tears
Christoph Genz
Michael Freimuth
Dowland, Bach, Haydn & Mozart: Songs and Arias