Song List

Song Artist Album Lyrics
Delocalized electron igoo2u delocalized electron
Free Swing igoo2u MortonWill Free swing Lyrics
Sumo 相扑 Lona.X igoo2u Sumo相扑(Original Mix) Lyrics
Under the sea igoo2u under the sea
Who's me igoo2u Who's me
Mr.Argentina igoo2u Mr. Argentina
恐怖游乐园 igoo2u CGDIDO&Igoo2u 邪恶博士与方块头
Méav PUREICE igoo2u Theia Lyrics
BackBeat igoo2u Phantom rhythm
Beats Virus igoo2u Beats Virus
The witch's candy house igoo2u The witch's candy house
HIT IT!!!! igoo2u HIT IT! Lyrics
The origin of Ganges RIver igoo2u 罗荣榕 The origin of Ganges RIver
Infrasonic wave igoo2u Infrasonic wave Lyrics
I go to you igoo2u 金猪贺岁 Lyrics
Pharaohs igoo2u pharaohs
创世纪 igoo2u The Garden of Eden
瑞狗迎春 igoo2u 瑞狗迎春
Finger Button igoo2u Kalambur House Collection Vol. 125
伊甸园 igoo2u The Garden of Eden
Aladdin igoo2u Aladdin
Gabriel igoo2u Gabriel
类星体 igoo2u Quasars
春鸣-Spring Awakening igoo2u Spring
DJ Snake - You Know You Like It - Igoo2u REMIX&泽子(igoo2u / 黑泽 remix) igoo2u YoungStar MY remix
歌姬 igoo2u YoungStar 邪恶博士与方块头
轻语之林 igoo2u YoungStar 邪恶博士与方块头
storm igoo2u STORM
夏娃的夜空 igoo2u The Garden of Eden
Darkness&Light igoo2u 黑暗与光明-INTRO
波斯王子-igoo2u(original  Mix) igoo2u 波斯王子
NO.9035-DEMO igoo2u NO.9035
Blue Screen Of Death igoo2u Blue Screen Of Death
双人探戈 igoo2u 双人探戈
跳梁小丑 igoo2u 跳梁小丑
Photons igoo2u Photons
Ganesh igoo2u Ganesh
靛蓝姻-DEMO igoo2u 靛蓝姻
igoo2u / MortonWill - Alone(Trance remix) igoo2u MortonWill Alone
It's not Too High igoo2u Phantom rhythm
Alone igoo2u MortonWill Alone
旅行青蛙 - 旅行青蛙(REMAKE版本) igoo2u 旅行青蛙(REMAKE版本)
WATCH ME igoo2u WATCH ME--先行版
NO WAR igoo2u 天际线-NO WAR
Sinking igoo2u 亚特兰蒂斯
埃及艳后 igoo2u Cleopatra
指尖扣(加长版) igoo2u 指尖扣(加长版)
指尖扣-igoo2u(original  Mix) igoo2u 中国红
撩风樽 igoo2u 撩风樽
溪客 igoo2u 溪客
igoo2u 锦鲤
《天宫》-纯乐版 igoo2u 《天宫》-纯乐版