The Madonna's Return: The Emerald Again (Reprise) / Finale: The Seed of God
Charles Damsel
Faith Esham
Kevin Gray
Magdalena Ensemble (1989)
Magdalena (Studio Cast Recording)
Kevin Gray
Faith Esham
Magdalena (Studio Cast Recording)
Festival of the River: River Song / Pedro Wrecks the Festival (A Dance)
Faith Esham
Kevin Gray
Magdalena Ensemble (1989)
Magdalena (Studio Cast Recording)
The Emerald
Kevin Gray
Faith Esham
Magdalena (Studio Cast Recording)
The Singing Tree
Kevin Gray
Faith Esham
Magdalena Ensemble (1989)
Magdalena (Studio Cast Recording)
Guarding the Shrine of the Madonna: The Forbidden Orchid / The Theft (A Dance)
Faith Esham
Magdalena Ensemble (1989)
Kevin Gray
Magdalena (Studio Cast Recording)
The Omen Bird
Faith Esham
Magdalena Ensemble (1989)
Magdalena (Studio Cast Recording)