Hillevi Martinpelto

Album Oberon / Act 3

Song List

Song Artist Album Lyrics
La Vita humana, ovvero Il trionfo della pieta Hillevi Martinpelto Opera Highlights (40 Summers of Opera) (Vadstena Academy) Lyrics
Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu, Wq. 240, Pt. 1:No. 7, Arie. "Wie bang hat dich mein Lied beweint!" Hillevi Martinpelto Nicholas Parker Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment Philippe Herreweghe Bach: Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu Lyrics
Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu, Wq. 240, Pt. 1:No. 9, Duett. "Vater deiner schwachen Kinder" Hillevi Martinpelto Nicholas Parker Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment Peter Harvey Philippe Herreweghe Bach: Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu Lyrics
Mozart: Le nozze di Figaro, K.492 / Act 3 - "Che imbarazzo è mai questo" - "Via, fatti core" English Baroque Soloists Hillevi Martinpelto Alison Hagley Rod (Rodney) Gilfry John Eliot Gardiner Die Zauberflöte, K.620 / Act 1
Chorus: Du wirst seine Seele Collegium Vocale/Philippe Herreweghe/Hillevi Martinpelto/Christoph Prégardien/Peter Harvey Collegium Vocale Choir And Orchestra Philippe Herreweghe Christoph Prégardien Hillevi Martinpelto Peter Harvey Cathedral Voices - Vol. 2
Mass in B Minor, BWV 232: Et in unum Dominum René Jacobs Hillevi Martinpelto Bernarda Fink Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin Bach: Mass in B Minor, BWV 232
Mass in B Minor, BWV 232: Domine Deus René Jacobs Hillevi Martinpelto Axel Köhler Christoph Prégardien Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin Bach: Mass in B Minor, BWV 232
Mass in B Minor, BWV 232: Christe eleison Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin René Jacobs Hillevi Martinpelto Bernarda Fink Bach: Mass in B Minor, BWV 232
Mass in B Minor, BWV 232: Osanna in excelsis René Jacobs RIAS Chamber Chorus Hillevi Martinpelto Bernarda Fink Axel Köhler Christoph Prégardien Matthias Goerne Franz Josef Selig Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin Bach: Mass in B Minor, BWV 232
Mass in B Minor, BWV 232: Qui tollis peccata mundi René Jacobs Hillevi Martinpelto Bernarda Fink Axel Köhler Christoph Prégardien Matthias Goerne Franz Josef Selig Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin Bach: Mass in B Minor, BWV 232
Mozart: Idomeneo, re di Creta, K.366 / Appendix - Act 3, scena 10 - "Oh ciel pietoso!" - "Oh smania! oh furie!" Hillevi Martinpelto Anne Sofie von Otter Anthony Rolfe Johnson Nigel Robson English Baroque Soloists Sylvia McNair John Eliot Gardiner Mozart: 111 Masterworks, Vol. 2
Mozart: Idomeneo, re di Creta, K.366 / Appendix - Act 3, scena 10 - Ferma, oh sire, che fai? Hillevi Martinpelto Anne Sofie von Otter Anthony Rolfe Johnson Glenn Winslade English Baroque Soloists Sylvia McNair John Eliot Gardiner Mozart: 111 Masterworks, Vol. 2
Mozart: Idomeneo, re di Creta, K.366 / Act 3 - "Oh ciel pietoso!"-"Oh smania! oh furie!"-"D'Oreste, d'Aiace (Idomeneo, Idamante, Ilia, Arbace, Elettra) Hillevi Martinpelto Anne Sofie von Otter Anthony Rolfe Johnson Nigel Robson English Baroque Soloists Sylvia McNair John Eliot Gardiner Mozart: 111 Masterworks, Vol. 2
Mozart: Idomeneo, re di Creta, K.366 / Act 3 - "Ferma, oh sire, che fai?" Hillevi Martinpelto Anne Sofie von Otter Anthony Rolfe Johnson Glenn Winslade English Baroque Soloists Sylvia McNair John Eliot Gardiner Mozart: 111 Masterworks, Vol. 2
Mozart: Idomeneo, re di Creta, K.366 / Appendix - Act 2, scena 3 (fine) - scena 4 - "Frettolosa e giuliva Elettra vien" - "Sire, da Arbace intesi" - "Chi mai del mio provò" Hillevi Martinpelto Anthony Rolfe Johnson English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Mozart: 111 Masterworks, Vol. 2
Mozart: Idomeneo, re di Creta, K.366 / Act 3 - "Sire, alla reggia tua" Hillevi Martinpelto Anthony Rolfe Johnson Nigel Robson English Baroque Soloists Sylvia McNair John Eliot Gardiner Mozart: 111 Masterworks, Vol. 2
Mozart: Idomeneo, re di Creta, K.366 / Act 3 - "Dunque io me n'andrò" - "Andrò ramingo e solo" (Idamante, Ilia, Idomeneo, Elettra) Hillevi Martinpelto Anne Sofie von Otter Anthony Rolfe Johnson English Baroque Soloists Sylvia McNair John Eliot Gardiner Mozart: 111 Masterworks, Vol. 2
Mozart: Idomeneo, re di Creta, K.366 / Act 3 - "Principessa, a' tuoi sguardi" - "S'io non moro a questi accenti" - "Cieli! che vedo?" Hillevi Martinpelto Anne Sofie von Otter Anthony Rolfe Johnson English Baroque Soloists Sylvia McNair John Eliot Gardiner Mozart: 111 Masterworks, Vol. 2
Mozart: Idomeneo, re di Creta, K.366 / Act 2 - "Placido è il mar" - "Soavi Zeffiri" -"Vattene prence" - "Pria di partir, oh Dio!" - "Qual nuovo terrore!" - "Eccoti in me, barbaro Nume!" - "Corriamo, fuggiamo" Hillevi Martinpelto Anne Sofie von Otter The Monteverdi Choir Anthony Rolfe Johnson English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Mozart: 111 Masterworks, Vol. 2
Mozart: Idomeneo, re di Creta, K.366 / Act 2 - "Sidonie sponde!" Hillevi Martinpelto English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Mozart: 111 Masterworks, Vol. 2
Mozart: Idomeneo, re di Creta, K.366 / Act 2 - "Idol mio, se ritroso" Hillevi Martinpelto English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Mozart: 111 Masterworks, Vol. 2
Mozart: Idomeneo, re di Creta, K.366 / Act 2 - "Frettolosa e giuliva Elettra vien"-"Chi mai del mio provò" (Elettra, Idomeneo) Hillevi Martinpelto Anthony Rolfe Johnson English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Mozart: 111 Masterworks, Vol. 2
Mozart: Idomeneo, re di Creta, K.366 / Act 1 - "Godiam la pace" - "Prence, signor" - "Ma quel pianto" - "Estinto è Idomeneo?" - "Tutte nel cor vi sento" - "Pietà! Numi, pietà!" - "Eccoci salvi alfin" - "Oh voi" YoungStar Hillevi Martinpelto Anne Sofie von Otter Angela Kazimierczuk The Monteverdi Choir Anthony Rolfe Johnson Nigel Robson YoungStar English Baroque Soloists Sylvia McNair John Eliot Gardiner Philip Salmon Mozart: 111 Masterworks, Vol. 2
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 3 - March & Finale Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 3 - Narration: Huon with true heroism Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 3 - Almanzor is rooted to the spot...Finale: Hark what notes Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 3 - Narration: Huon tries to break free Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 3 - Chorus & Ballet: For thee hath beauty Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 3 - Narration: Suddenly the curtains part... Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon, J.306 - English Text Version with Narration / Act 3 - "I Revel In Hope" Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 3 - Narration: Almanzor is bewitched Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 3 - Cavatine: Mourn thou poor heart Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 3 - Narration: But there is no response... Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 3 - Terzettino: And I must I then Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 3 - Narration: Puck has magicked... Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 3 - Duet: On the banks Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 3 - Narration: Sherasimin is entranced Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 3 - Lied: O Araby dear Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 3 - Narration: Rescued by corsairs Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 2 - Finale: And hark, the mermaids...Oh is pleasant Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 2 - Narration: Oberon orders Puck Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 2 - Narration: Alas poor mortal Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 2 - Narration: What Reiza has seen... Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 2 - Scene & Arie: Ocean thou mighty monster Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 2 - Narration: Huon has lost the magic horn Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 2 - Ruler of this awful hour Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 2 - Narration: On a barren island Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 2 - Solo & Choir: Spirits of air and earth and sea Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 2 - Narration: But the lovers' troubles... Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 2 - Quartet: Over the dark blue waters Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 2 - Narration: All is now set fair... Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 2 - Arriette: A Lonely Arab Maid Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 2 - Narration: While Huon and Reiza get ready to leave Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 2 - Melodrama and Narration: Summoned by the horn Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 2 - Narration: Reiza whispers anxiously... Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 2 - Dance of the bayaderes Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 2 - Narration: It is the wedding day... Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 2 - Glory Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 1 - Finale: Haste, gallant knight Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 1 - Narration: So Knight and squire take ship from France Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 1 - Aria: From boyhood trained Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 1 - Narration: Huon is sure that his vision... Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 1 - Ensemble: Honour and Joy Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 1 - Narration: The vision is gone Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 1 - Vision: O why art thou sleeping, Sir Huon the brave? Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 1 - Narration: Puck, searching high and low Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 1 - Aria: Fatal vow! Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 1 - Narration: Watching over Oberon, his sleeping master Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 1 - Trio: Light as fairy foot can fall Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 1 - Narration: In a garden full of beautiful flowers Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Weber: Oberon - English Text Version with Narration / Act 1 - Overture Hillevi Martinpelto John Eliot Gardiner Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique Oberon / Act 3
Mozart: Idomeneo, re di Creta, K.366 / Act 2 - "Odo da lunge armonioso suono" Hillevi Martinpelto English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Mozart: 111 Masterworks, Vol. 2