
Album Undefined Harder Secrets

Song List

Song Artist Album Lyrics
parallel SharpEight Desire S-T
While there's life, there's desire SharpEight Desire S-T
Speeding Backstreet SharpEight Desire S-T
Life is made up of cherry blossoms SharpEight Desire S-T
Desire of id SharpEight Desire S-T
We'll so nice after dead SharpEight Desire S-T
I've got the guts to die SharpEight Desire S-T
Distorted Fair SharpEight Final Landfill Site
3K f**k a bi**h called 幼形汚泥 SharpEight Final Landfill Site
orverd pressure SharpEight Final Landfill Site
最終処分 SharpEight Final Landfill Site
投棄実験 (Interlude) SharpEight Final Landfill Site
Pile Bunker SharpEight Final Landfill Site
私の国のダーティーボム SharpEight Final Landfill Site
B-V SharpEight Final Landfill Site
産廃皇女XY SharpEight Final Landfill Site
RSX SharpEight Final Landfill Site
バイオキャニスター SharpEight Final Landfill Site
unknown quantity(平安のエイリアン) SharpEight Undefined
Undetermined Fanatic Object(夜空のユーフォーロマンス) SharpEight Undefined
Cosmo(感情の摩天楼~Cosmic Mind) SharpEight Undefined Lyrics
to ashes(法界の火) SharpEight Undefined
Vaizravana loves Valencia(虎柄の毘沙门天) SharpEight Undefined
Tiger Maiden(魔界地方都市エソテリア) SharpEight Undefined
Tasogare-Voyage(キャプテン・ムラサ) SharpEight Undefined
Dancefloor Undead(幽霊客船の时空を越えた旅) SharpEight Undefined
nice middle with bad girl(时代亲父とハイカラ少女) SharpEight Undefined
Yoru Sora(スカイルーイン) SharpEight Undefined
Heart beating Umbrella(万年置き伞にご注意を) SharpEight Undefined
nyudo(闭ざせし云の通い路) SharpEight Undefined
little×2 military parade(小さな小さな贤将) SharpEight Undefined
found(春の凑に) SharpEight Undefined
as long as 53 minutes SharpEight Harder Secrets
GENSOU Manufacture SharpEight Harder Secrets
Flower note SharpEight Harder Secrets