Te Deum, WAB 45:5. In te, Domine, speravi
Elly Ameling
Anna Reynolds
Horst Hoffmann
Guus Hoekman
Netherlands Radio Choir
Bernard Haitink
Bruckner: The Symphonies
Te Deum, WAB 45:2. Te ergo
Elly Ameling
Anna Reynolds
Horst Hoffmann
Guus Hoekman
Bernard Haitink
Bruckner: The Symphonies
Te Deum, WAB 45:4. Salvum fac
Elly Ameling
Anna Reynolds
Horst Hoffmann
Guus Hoekman
Netherlands Radio Choir
Bernard Haitink
Bruckner: The Symphonies
Te Deum, WAB 45:1. Te Deum laudamus
Elly Ameling
Anna Reynolds
Horst Hoffmann
Netherlands Radio Choir
Bernard Haitink
Bruckner: The Symphonies
Lohengrin:Act III: Verwandlung
Natsue Von Stegmann
Elke Georg
Heather Harper
Lotte Kiefer
Margarete Giese
Grace Hoffman
James King
Horst Hoffmann
Hermin Esser
Karl Ridderbusch
Donald McIntyre
Thomas Tipton
Dieter Slembeck
Heinz Feldhoff
Bayreuth Festival Chorus
Bayreuth Festival Orchestra
Rudolf Kempe
WAGNER, R.: Lohengrin [Opera] (King, Harper, G. Hoffman, McIntyre, Ridderbusch, Tipton, Bayreuth Festival Chorus and Orchestra, Kempe) (1967)
Lohengrin:Act III: Prelude
Natsue Von Stegmann
Elke Georg
Heather Harper
Lotte Kiefer
Margarete Giese
Grace Hoffman
James King
Horst Hoffmann
Hermin Esser
Karl Ridderbusch
Donald McIntyre
Thomas Tipton
Dieter Slembeck
Heinz Feldhoff
Bayreuth Festival Chorus
Bayreuth Festival Orchestra
Rudolf Kempe
WAGNER, R.: Lohengrin [Opera] (King, Harper, G. Hoffman, McIntyre, Ridderbusch, Tipton, Bayreuth Festival Chorus and Orchestra, Kempe) (1967)
Lohengrin:Act II Scene 1: Introduction
Natsue Von Stegmann
Elke Georg
Heather Harper
Lotte Kiefer
Margarete Giese
Grace Hoffman
James King
Horst Hoffmann
Hermin Esser
Karl Ridderbusch
Donald McIntyre
Thomas Tipton
Dieter Slembeck
Heinz Feldhoff
Bayreuth Festival Chorus
Bayreuth Festival Orchestra
Rudolf Kempe
WAGNER, R.: Lohengrin [Opera] (King, Harper, G. Hoffman, McIntyre, Ridderbusch, Tipton, Bayreuth Festival Chorus and Orchestra, Kempe) (1967)
Lohengrin:Act I: Prelude
Natsue Von Stegmann
Elke Georg
Heather Harper
Lotte Kiefer
Margarete Giese
Grace Hoffman
James King
Horst Hoffmann
Hermin Esser
Karl Ridderbusch
Donald McIntyre
Thomas Tipton
Dieter Slembeck
Heinz Feldhoff
Bayreuth Festival Chorus
Bayreuth Festival Orchestra
Rudolf Kempe
WAGNER, R.: Lohengrin [Opera] (King, Harper, G. Hoffman, McIntyre, Ridderbusch, Tipton, Bayreuth Festival Chorus and Orchestra, Kempe) (1967)