Asparagus vs. Cuttlefish
A Werewolf!
Bigger Than The Beatles and Godzilla Combined
Feet as Hands, Walk Like a Horse
A Werewolf!
Bigger Than The Beatles and Godzilla Combined
If He's so Smart, How Come He's Dead?
A Werewolf!
Bigger Than The Beatles and Godzilla Combined
Rhinos Are Just Fat Unicorns, Unicorns Are Just Skinny Rhinos
A Werewolf!
Bigger Than The Beatles and Godzilla Combined
Taming Some Strange
A Werewolf!
Bigger Than The Beatles and Godzilla Combined
To Make Custard All You Need Is Platypus
A Werewolf!
Bigger Than The Beatles and Godzilla Combined
I'm Really Happy (My Life Is Going Great)
A Werewolf!
Bigger Than The Beatles and Godzilla Combined