Wedding March
Giora Feidman
Klezmer Celebration
Lecha Dodi
Giora Feidman
Klezmer Celebration
Ken Bakodesh/Mitsva Gdola/Lema'an Tzion
Giora Feidman
Klezmer Celebration
Overture on Jewish Themes
Giora Feidman
Klezmer Celebration
Freilach Hila
Giora Feidman
Klezmer Celebration
Devekut (Improv. no. 58)
Giora Feidman
Klezmer Celebration
Giora Feidman
Klezmer Celebration
Parents of the Bride & Freilach (clarinet in C and in B flat)
Giora Feidman
Klezmer Celebration
Mazel Tov
Giora Feidman
Klezmer Celebration
B'Beit Hatzayar (In the Artist's Home. Improv. no. 27)
Giora Feidman
Klezmer Celebration
Vos Du Vilst, Dos Villch Oych (for Claninet in D)
Giora Feidman
Klezmer Celebration
The Grandparents' Dance
Giora Feidman
Klezmer Celebration
The Entertainer (for basset horn)
Giora Feidman
Klezmer Celebration
Tony's Freilach
Giora Feidman
Klezmer Celebration