Hot Day
The Flaming Lips
Heady Nuggs 20 Years After Clouds Taste Metallic 1994-1997
Put The Waterbug In The Policeman’s Ear (Live in Seattle 1996)
The Flaming Lips
Heady Nuggs 20 Years After Clouds Taste Metallic 1994-1997
Psychiatric Explorations Of The Fetus With Needles (Live in Seattle 1996)
The Flaming Lips
Heady Nuggs 20 Years After Clouds Taste Metallic 1994-1997
Put The Waterbug In The Policeman’s Ear
The Flaming Lips
Heady Nuggs 20 Years After Clouds Taste Metallic 1994-1997
Chosen One
The Flaming Lips
Heady Nuggs 20 Years After Clouds Taste Metallic 1994-1997