Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (Super Castlevania IV)
Alex Roe
SNES Generation
Assassin's Creed Series (Chrono Trigger)
Alex Roe
SNES Generation
Mass Effect Series (Super Metroid)
Alex Roe
SNES Generation
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Secret of Evermore)
Alex Roe
SNES Generation
Super Mario Galaxy 'Gusty Garden Galaxy' (Super Mario World)
Alex Roe
SNES Generation
Zelda: The Wind Waker 'Outset Island' (Zelda - A Link to the Past)
Alex Roe
SNES Generation
Batman Arkham City (The Adventures of Batman and Robin)
Alex Roe
SNES Generation
Max Payne 3 (Contra 3)
Alex Roe
SNES Generation