Ye, Gates Lift Up Your Heads
1960 Sydney Crusade Choir
1959 Sydney Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
All That Thrills My Soul
1959 Melbourne Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
And Can It Be
1960 Melbourne Crusade Choir
1959 Melbourne Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
He Is Mine
1960 Sydney Crusade Choir
1959 Sydney Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
Man of Sorrows
1960 Adelaide Crusade Choir
1959 Adelaide Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
Song of The Soul Set Free
1960 Sydney Crusade Choir
1959 Sydney Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
The Lord’s Prayer
1960 Brisbane Crusade Choir
1959 Brisbane Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
1960 Melbourne Myer Music Bowl Crusade Choir
1959 Melbourne Myer Music Bowl Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
Billy Graham Speaks To The People Of New Zealand
Billy Graham
Just As I Am
Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory
1960 Christchurch NZ, Crusade Choir
1959 Christchurch NZ, Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
He’s Everything To Me
1969 Melbourne Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
How Great Thou Art
1979 Sydney Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
Blessed Assurance
1979 Sydney Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
All Hail The Power of Jesus Name
1979 Sydney Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
To God Be The Glory
1979 Sydney Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
I’d Rather Have Jesus
1979 Sydney Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
1960 Melbourne Crusade Choir
1959 Melbourne Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
We Shall See His Lovely Face
1960 Brisbane Crusade Choir
1959 Brisbane Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
Join All The Glorious Names
1959 Melbourne Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
Wonderful Grace of Jesus
1960 Sydney Crusade Choir
1959 Sydney Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
It Is Well With My Soul
1960 Auckland Crusade Choir
1959 Auckland Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
Surely Goodness & Mercy
1969 Melbourne Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
1979 Sydney Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
I Believe
1979 Sydney Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
1979 Sydney Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
Jesus Saves
1979 Sydney Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
The Saviour King
1979 Sydney Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
Trust And Obey
1979 Sydney Crusade Choir
Just As I Am
When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder
1979 Sydney Crusade Choir
Just As I Am