Ces't Magnifique from "Can Can"
Irene Hilda
Edmund Hogridge
Coliseum Orchestra
Memorable Hits 1955-1959, Vol. 3
Softly, Softly
Ruby Murray with Chorus and Orchestra
Ruby Murray Chorus
Ruby Murray Orchestra
Memorable Hits 1955-1959, Vol. 3
Bird Dog
The Everly Bros
Memorable Hits 1955-1959, Vol. 3
Come Closer to Me
Nat King Cole with Armando Romeus Orchestra
Nat King ColeArmando Romeus Orchestra
Memorable Hits 1955-1959, Vol. 3
Wake the Town and Tell the People
Les Baxter's Chorus and Orchestra
Les Baxter Chorus
Les Baxter Orchestra
Memorable Hits 1955-1959, Vol. 3