The Oldest Established Permanent Floating Crap Game In New York
Sam Levene
Sammy Kaye
Johnny Silver
The Magnificent Musicals: Guys & Dolls
I’ll Know
Robert Alda
Isabel Bigley
The Magnificent Musicals: Guys & Dolls
I’ve Never Been In Love Before
Robert Alda
Isabel Bigley
The Magnificent Musicals: Guys & Dolls
More I Cannot Wish You
Pat Rooney Snr.
The Magnificent Musicals: Guys & Dolls
Sit Down,you’re Rockin’ The Boat
Stubby Kaye
The Magnificent Musicals: Guys & Dolls
Medley: Runyonland Music, Fugue For Tin Horns, Follow The Fold
Stubby Kaye
Douglas Deane
Isabel Bigley
The Mission Group
The Magnificent Musicals: Guys & Dolls
Luck Be A Lady Tonight
Robert Alda
The Magnificent Musicals: Guys & Dolls