Under the Spell of the Blues
Catherine Russell
Strictly Romancin'
I'm in the Mood for Love
Catherine Russell
Strictly Romancin'
Wake up and Live
Catherine Russell
Strictly Romancin'
Catherine Russell
Strictly Romancin'
Romance in the Dark
Catherine Russell
Strictly Romancin'
I'm Checkin' Out, Goom'bye
Catherine Russell
Strictly Romancin'
No More
Catherine Russell
Strictly Romancin'
Satchel Mouth Baby
Catherine Russell
Strictly Romancin'
Everything's Been Done Before
Catherine Russell
Strictly Romancin'
Don't Leave Me
Catherine Russell
Strictly Romancin'
I Haven't Changed a Thing
Catherine Russell
Strictly Romancin'
Everybody Loves My Baby
Catherine Russell
Strictly Romancin'
He's All I Need
Catherine Russell
Strictly Romancin'
Whatcha Gonna Do When There Ain't No Swing?
Catherine Russell
Strictly Romancin'