Goodbye Lonesome
Johnny Horton
Battle of New Orleans - 50 Country & Western Classics
Go and Wash Your Dirty Feet
Johnny Horton
Battle of New Orleans - 50 Country & Western Classics
Joe's Been a Gittin' There
Johnny Horton
Battle of New Orleans - 50 Country & Western Classics
Gobbler the Houn' Dog
Johnny Horton
Battle of New Orleans - 50 Country & Western Classics
O' Leary's Cow
Johnny Horton
Battle of New Orleans - 50 Country & Western Classics
The S. S. Lurine
Johnny Horton
Battle of New Orleans - 50 Country & Western Classics
Lonesome and Heartbroken
Johnny Horton
Battle of New Orleans - 50 Country & Western Classics
Johnny Freedom (Freedom Land)
Johnny Horton
Battle of New Orleans - 50 Country & Western Classics
Seven Comes Eleven
Johnny Horton
Battle of New Orleans - 50 Country & Western Classics
Mean, Mean Son of a Gun
Johnny Horton
Battle of New Orleans - 50 Country & Western Classics
In My House in Shelby County
Johnny Horton
Battle of New Orleans - 50 Country & Western Classics