Ye Banks and Braes
Kenneth McKellar
Kenneth McKellar Sings the Songs of Robert Burns
A Man's a Man for A' That
Kenneth McKellar
Kenneth McKellar Sings the Songs of Robert Burns
Ca' the Ewes
Kenneth McKellar
Kenneth McKellar Sings the Songs of Robert Burns
Scots Wha Ha'e Wi' Wallace Bled
Kenneth McKellar
Kenneth McKellar Sings the Songs of Robert Burns
Corn Rigs
Kenneth McKellar
Kenneth McKellar Sings the Songs of Robert Burns
O Gin My Love Were Yon Red Rose
Kenneth McKellar
Kenneth McKellar Sings the Songs of Robert Burns
O Lay Thy Loof in Mine
Kenneth McKellar
Kenneth McKellar Sings the Songs of Robert Burns
Bonnie Jean
Kenneth McKellar
Kenneth McKellar Sings the Songs of Robert Burns
Green Grow the Rashes-O!
Kenneth McKellar
Kenneth McKellar Sings the Songs of Robert Burns
The De'il Awa' Wi the Exciseman
Kenneth McKellar
Kenneth McKellar Sings the Songs of Robert Burns
The Lea Rig
Kenneth McKellar
Kenneth McKellar Sings the Songs of Robert Burns
A Rose Bud by My Early Walk
Kenneth McKellar
Kenneth McKellar Sings the Songs of Robert Burns
Auld Lang Syne
Kenneth McKellar
Kenneth McKellar Sings the Songs of Robert Burns
O Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast
Kenneth McKellar
Kenneth McKellar Sings the Songs of Robert Burns
The Star o Rabbie Burns (Bonus Track)
Kenneth McKellar
Kenneth McKellar Sings the Songs of Robert Burns