Humming Bird
Ted Hughes
DH Lawrence
Famous Poems of the 20th Century
The Sentry
Hugh Dickson
Wilfred Owen
Famous Poems of the 20th Century
To An Old Lady / Let it Go
Harvey Hall
William Empson
Famous Poems of the 20th Century
From "The Witnesses"
George MacBeth
WH Auden
Famous Poems of the 20th Century
Sunlight from the Garden
Patrick Magee
Lous MacNeice
Famous Poems of the 20th Century
The Image
Harvey Hall
Roy Fuller
Famous Poems of the 20th Century
A Meeting of Cultures
Hugh Dickson
Donald Davis
Famous Poems of the 20th Century
The Forenoon
Harvey Hall
Christopher Middleton
Famous Poems of the 20th Century
Your Attention, Please
Hugh Dickson
Peter Porter
Famous Poems of the 20th Century
Lapis Lazulu
Patrick Magee
WB Yeats
Famous Poems of the 20th Century
A Dead Mole
Harvey Hall
Andrew Young
Famous Poems of the 20th Century
The Horses
Harvey Hall
Edwin Muir
Famous Poems of the 20th Century
Rhapsody on a Windy Night
Hugh Dickson
TS Eliot
Famous Poems of the 20th Century
The Persian Version
Partrick Magee
Robert Graces
Famous Poems of the 20th Century
Pot Pourri From a Surrey Garden
Harvey Hall
John Betjaman
Famous Poems of the 20th Century
Not Waving but Drowning
Stevie Smith
Famous Poems of the 20th Century
Basil Jones
RS Thomas
Famous Poems of the 20th Century
Ted Hughes
Keith Douglas
Famous Poems of the 20th Century
Hugh Dickson
Philip Larkin
Famous Poems of the 20th Century
My Sad Captains
George MacBeth
Donald Dunn
Famous Poems of the 20th Century
Hawk Roosting
Ted Hughes
Famous Poems of the 20th Century
Frances Horovitz
Sylvia Plath
Famous Poems of the 20th Century