Ave rex noster (No. 202 from "Cancionero de Segovia")
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Inter vestibulum et altare, a 4
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Vox dilecti mei, a 4
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Clamabat autem mulier Cananaea
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Stabat Mater, a 3
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Dindirindin, a 4 (No. 104 from "Cancionero de Palacio"):"Dindirin danya, dindirindin. Je me levé un bel maitin"
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Pásame por Dios barquero, Villancico (No. 298 from "Cancionero de Palacio")
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Si la noche haze escura (No. 8 from "Villancicos a tres boze" in "Cancionero de Upsala")
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
A la caça, sus, a la caça (No. 7 from "Cancionero de Palacio")
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Cucu, cucu! (No. 75 from "Cancionero de Palacio"):"Cucú, cucú, cucucú, guarda no lo seas tú"
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
La Tricotea, a 3 (No. 185 from "Cancionero de Palacio"):"La tricotea San martin la vea"
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Sancta Maria, a 5:"Sancta Maria e yn il huicac cihuapille"
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Codex del Convento del Carmen:Salve Regina, a 4
Hilliard Ensemble
Paul Hillier
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Magnificat (from "Magnificats, Liber Primus, 1545")
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Ave Virgo Sanctissima, a 5
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Transfige, dulcissime Domine, a 4
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Dios itlazo nantzine, a 4 (from "The Valdes’s Manuscript")
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Magnificat quarti toni, a 4
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Tierra! çielos se quexava, a 3
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Di por qué mueres en cruz, a 3 (No. 107 from "Cancionero de Palacio")
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Cancionero de Palacio:No. 422 Triste España sin ventura
Hilliard Ensemble
Paul Hillier
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Más vale trocar, Villancico (No. 201 from "Cancionero de Palacio"):"Más vale trocar plazer por dolores"
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Nunca fué pena mayor (No. 259 from "Cancionero de Palacio")
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
O dulce y triste memoria, a 3 (No. 271 from "Cancionero de Palacio")
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Hoy comamos y bebamos, Villancico (No. 169 from "Cancionero de Palacio")
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Pater noster, a 5
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Officium defunctorum, a 4:II. Lectio I, "Parce mihi, Domine"
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Memento mei deus, a 4 (No. 11 from "Libros de polifonía de la Catedral Metropolitana de Mexico")
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
O quam suavis est, Domine, a 6
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico
Salve Regina, a 5
Paul Hillier
The Hilliard Ensemble
Spain and the New World- Renaissance music from Aragon and Mexico