Act 4 Scene 5, "O' Thou Vile King" (Laertes) (Part III)
Sir John Gielgud
William Shakespeare's Hamlet Part. 3
Act 4 Scene 5, "O' Heat Dry Up My Brains" (Laertes) (Part IV)
Sir John Gielgud
William Shakespeare's Hamlet Part. 3
Act 4 Scene 6
Sir John Gielgud
William Shakespeare's Hamlet Part. 3
Act 4 Scene 7: "I Bought an Unction of a Mountebank..." (Laertes) (Part II)
Sir John Gielgud
William Shakespeare's Hamlet Part. 3
Act 5 Scene 2: "Where is This Sight?" (Fortinbras) (Part IV)
Sir John Gielgud
William Shakespeare's Hamlet Part. 3
Act 5 Scene 5
Sir John Gielgud
William Shakespeare's Hamlet Part. 3
Act 4 Scene 5: Where is the Beauteous Majesty Opheila (Part II)
Sir John Gielgud
William Shakespeare's Hamlet Part. 3
Act 4 Scene 7
Sir John Gielgud
William Shakespeare's Hamlet Part. 3
Act 4 Scene 7: "There is a Willow Grows Aslant..." (Gertrude) (Part III)
Sir John Gielgud
William Shakespeare's Hamlet Part. 3
Act 5 Scene 1
Sir John Gielgud
William Shakespeare's Hamlet Part. 3
Act 5 Scene 1: "In Youth When I Did Love..." (Clown) (Part II)
Sir John Gielgud
William Shakespeare's Hamlet Part. 3
Act 5 Scene 1, "Alas Poor Yorick!" (Hamlet) (Part III)
Sir John Gielgud
William Shakespeare's Hamlet Part. 3
Act 5 Scene 1, "But Soft, But Soft!" (Hamlet) (Part IV)
Sir John Gielgud
William Shakespeare's Hamlet Part. 3
Act 5 Scene 2
Sir John Gielgud
William Shakespeare's Hamlet Part. 3
Act 5 Scene 2: "Your Lordship is Right Welcome..." (Osric) (Part II)
Sir John Gielgud
William Shakespeare's Hamlet Part. 3
Act 5 Scene 2: "Come Hamlet, Come and Take This Hand" (Claudius) (Part III)
Sir John Gielgud
William Shakespeare's Hamlet Part. 3