What a Friend We Have in Jesus
Paul Mickelson
The Lord's Prayer and Other Beloved Sacred Songs
All People That on Earth Do Dwell
Hollywood Presbyterian Church Choir
The Lord's Prayer and Other Beloved Sacred Songs
Rock of Ages
Bill Carle
The Lord's Prayer and Other Beloved Sacred Songs
Over the Sunset Mountains
Tedd Smith
The Lord's Prayer and Other Beloved Sacred Songs
A Mighty Fortress
The Robert Shaw Chorale
The Lord's Prayer and Other Beloved Sacred Songs
The Holy City
Jerome Hines
The Lord's Prayer and Other Beloved Sacred Songs
Ivory Palaces
George Beverly Shea
The Lord's Prayer and Other Beloved Sacred Songs
Sweet by and By
Old Fashioned Revival Hour Choir
The Lord's Prayer and Other Beloved Sacred Songs
How Firm a Foundation
The Baptist Hour Choir
The Lord's Prayer and Other Beloved Sacred Songs
When They Ring the Golden Bells
Paul Mickelson
The Lord's Prayer and Other Beloved Sacred Songs