Sean Bui/Tommy People's/The Lark in the Morning
The Boys of the Lough
Farewell and Remember Me
The Leitrim Queen
The Boys of the Lough
Farewell and Remember Me
Lucky Can du Link Ony/Pottinger's/Billy Nicholson
The Boys of the Lough
Farewell and Remember Me
Farewell and Remember Me
The Boys of the Lough
Farewell and Remember Me
Angus Polka No. 1/Angus Polka No. 2/Donegal Barn Dance
The Boys of the Lough
Farewell and Remember Me
An Spailpín Fánach/The One-Hand Horned Buck
The Boys of the Lough
Farewell and Remember Me
Valentia Harbour/The Jug of Punch/Macarthur Road
The Boys of the Lough
Farewell and Remember Me
Lovely Ann
The Boys of the Lough
Farewell and Remember Me
The Holly Bush/The New Ships Are Sailing
The Boys of the Lough
Farewell and Remember Me
The Waterford Waltz/The Stronsay Waltz
The Boys of the Lough
Farewell and Remember Me