
Song Underneath
Artist Disciple
Album This Might Sting a Little


I tell you the truth no one can enter the kingdomunless he is born again unless he is born again (John 3:3)how can this be (John 3:4)people give life to their childrenbut only
God's Spirit can change you into a child of
God (John 3:6)don't be surprised (John 3:7)take me underneath the watertake me on under there (Matthew 3:15, John 3:5)no one has gone up except the
Son of Manwho came down from the heavenswho came down from heaven (John 3:13)only believe (John 3:15-16)just as the snake was lifted uppeople who looked were healed
Jesus the
Son was lifted up so we all could be healed (John 3:14)take me underneath the watertake me on under theretake me underneath the water
I will die to me by being baptized (Matthew 20:22)
All things new old things gone
I have realized (2 Corinthians 5:17)let's get wet take me under that water
God loves the world so much that
He gave His only
Sonso that all the ones
He made could believe and be saved (John 3:16)