Remember When

Song Remember When
Artist Castledoor
Album Follow the Dove


[00:11.69] Remember when we left our homes, and moved to San Francisco还记得我们背井离乡,迁去旧金山
[00:21.00] We both had our hair dyed blonde, still listened to the radio双双染了金发,习惯性地听着收音机
[00:30.09] You were Mr. Funny, and I was laughing loud你负责搞笑,我负责陪笑
[00:39.10] The two of us got caught up in that cloud就这样聊到乌云密布
[00:52.89] Remember when we left the bay, and drove to L.A.还记得我们沿着海岸线,去洛杉矶兜风
[01:01.95] We stopped and bought a rainbow flag, pretending we were gay半路停车买了一面彩虹旗,披着假装成两个基佬
[01:11.10] We slept in every morning, stayed up the whole night long在那里的每天我们不是睡过头就是熬通宵
[01:20.22] And then one day we started writing songs有一天我们稀里糊涂地写起了歌
[01:34.03] Remember when we made a CD, and flew to Tennessee还记得我们灌制了一张唱片,飞去田纳西州
[01:43.06] That's when things got interesting, with a cussin', and a smoking a drag气氛开始微妙得只剩下无端咒骂和烟不离手
[01:52.13] The world started looking different, our hearts were growing cold生活因为我们内心的疏远而变得有所不同
[02:01.57] The girls we met just covered us in snow和女孩们的邂逅让我们之间更加懒得交流
[02:15.20] Remember when we cured our frown, and moved back to our home town还记得我们握手言和,搬回到家乡
[02:24.57] Our girls were shopping wedding gowns, but the morning was running out女孩们忙着选购婚纱,就这样浪费了整个上午
[02:33.69] We started talking funny, but this time I didn't laugh我们照着原来逗闷叙旧,这次我却笑不出
[02:42.93] We never thought we'd see your bags packed没成想过你还是收拾行李要走
[03:17.56] Don't let this end, don't make me say Remember When别慌着结束,别总让我说话时以还记得开头
[03:26.55] Don't let this end, don't make me say Remember When别慌着结束,别总让我说话时以还记得开头
[03:35.69] Don't let this end, no, don't make me say Remember When别慌着结束,别总让我说话时以还记得开头
[03:44.90] For the love of music看在音乐的份上
[03:49.40] for the love of all we've got看在爱的份上
[03:53.71] for the love of God看在上帝的份上
[04:00.40] don't let this end别慌着结束


[00:11.69] Remember when we left our homes, and moved to San Francisco hái jì de wǒ men bèi jǐng lí xiāng, qiān qù jiù jīn shān
[00:21.00] We both had our hair dyed blonde, still listened to the radio shuāng shuāng rǎn le jīn fà, xí guàn xìng dì tīng zhe shōu yīn jī
[00:30.09] You were Mr. Funny, and I was laughing loud nǐ fù zé gǎo xiào, wǒ fù zé péi xiào
[00:39.10] The two of us got caught up in that cloud jiù zhè yàng liáo dào wū yún mì bù
[00:52.89] Remember when we left the bay, and drove to L. A. hái jì de wǒ men yán zhe hǎi àn xiàn, qù luò shān jī dōu fēng
[01:01.95] We stopped and bought a rainbow flag, pretending we were gay bàn lù tíng chē mǎi le yī miàn cǎi hóng qí, pī zhe jiǎ zhuāng chéng liǎng gè jī lǎo
[01:11.10] We slept in every morning, stayed up the whole night long zài nà li de měi tiān wǒ men bú shì shuì guò tóu jiù shì áo tōng xiāo
[01:20.22] And then one day we started writing songs yǒu yì tiān wǒ men xī lǐ hú tú dì xiě qǐ le gē
[01:34.03] Remember when we made a CD, and flew to Tennessee hái jì de wǒ men guàn zhì le yī zhāng chàng piān, fēi qù tián nà xī zhōu
[01:43.06] That' s when things got interesting, with a cussin', and a smoking a drag qì fēn kāi shǐ wēi miào dé zhǐ shèng xià wú duān zhòu mà hé yān bù lí shǒu
[01:52.13] The world started looking different, our hearts were growing cold shēng huó yīn wèi wǒ men nèi xīn de shū yuǎn ér biàn de yǒu suǒ bù tóng
[02:01.57] The girls we met just covered us in snow hé nǚ hái men de xiè hòu ràng wǒ men zhī jiān gèng jiā lǎn de jiāo liú
[02:15.20] Remember when we cured our frown, and moved back to our home town hái jì de wǒ men wò shǒu yán hé, bān huí dào jiā xiāng
[02:24.57] Our girls were shopping wedding gowns, but the morning was running out nǚ hái men máng zhe xuǎn gòu hūn shā, jiù zhè yàng làng fèi le zhěng gè shàng wǔ
[02:33.69] We started talking funny, but this time I didn' t laugh wǒ men zhào zhe yuán lái dòu mèn xù jiù, zhè cì wǒ què xiào bù chū
[02:42.93] We never thought we' d see your bags packed méi chéng xiǎng guò nǐ hái shì shōu shí xíng lǐ yào zǒu
[03:17.56] Don' t let this end, don' t make me say Remember When bié huāng zhe jié shù, bié zǒng ràng wǒ shuō huà shí yǐ huán jì de kāi tóu
[03:26.55] Don' t let this end, don' t make me say Remember When bié huāng zhe jié shù, bié zǒng ràng wǒ shuō huà shí yǐ huán jì de kāi tóu
[03:35.69] Don' t let this end, no, don' t make me say Remember When bié huāng zhe jié shù, bié zǒng ràng wǒ shuō huà shí yǐ huán jì de kāi tóu
[03:44.90] For the love of music kàn zài yīn yuè de fèn shàng
[03:49.40] for the love of all we' ve got kàn zài ài de fèn shàng
[03:53.71] for the love of God kàn zài shàng dì de fèn shàng
[04:00.40] don' t let this end bié huāng zhe jié shù