La Llorona

Song La Llorona
Artist Beirut
Album March of the Zapotec & Realpeople - Holland


[00:00.82] La Llorona 哭泣的女孩
[00:17.02] Ever away from seeing more than life 从未如此鸟瞰生活
[00:24.75] The morning lies miles away from the night 原来黎明与夜晚仅隔几里相望
[00:33.49] No man ever could steal her hear 没有哪个男人能俘获她的心
[00:41.08] But with bright gold coins 但若有闪亮的金币
[00:47.30] I will takes my shot 我会把握住我的机会
[00:51.06] And all it takes to fall 然后一切都会沉沦
[00:58.60] If you do not walk,might as well crawl 若你不想前行,就匍匐在地吧
[02:13.52] All it takes to fall 一切都会结束
[02:21.68] What a quiet wordl after all 毕竟这是一个如此静谧的世界啊
[02:30.88] Of the thing that you guessed will come 你所预料之事也终会到来
[02:40.60] What a moment it was after all 毕竟那是一个值得铭记的时刻啊


[00:00.82] La Llorona kū qì de nǚ hái
[00:17.02] Ever away from seeing more than life cóng wèi rú cǐ niǎo kàn shēng huó
[00:24.75] The morning lies miles away from the night yuán lái lí míng yǔ yè wǎn jǐn gé jǐ lǐ xiāng wàng
[00:33.49] No man ever could steal her hear méi yǒu něi gè nán rén néng fú huò tā de xīn
[00:41.08] But with bright gold coins dàn ruò yǒu shǎn liàng de jīn bì
[00:47.30] I will takes my shot wǒ huì bǎ wò zhù wǒ de jī huì
[00:51.06] And all it takes to fall rán hòu yī qiè dōu huì chén lún
[00:58.60] If you do not walk, might as well crawl ruò nǐ bù xiǎng qián xíng, jiù pú fú zài dì ba
[02:13.52] All it takes to fall yī qiè dōu huì jié shù
[02:21.68] What a quiet wordl after all bì jìng zhè shì yí gè rú cǐ jìng mì de shì jiè a
[02:30.88] Of the thing that you guessed will come nǐ suǒ yù liào zhī shì yě zhōng huì dào lái
[02:40.60] What a moment it was after all bì jìng nà shi yí gè zhí de míng jì de shí kè a