Dust and Bone

Song Dust and Bone
Artist Annie Bethancourt
Album Three Hundred Suns


from the rib I was made
it was taken from your side
and now I'll never leave it
my beloved is mine
and before these arms could hold
I knew you and I was dust and bone
with you I belong and with you I will stay
my darling how lovely
our story, they'll say
that one was made into two
as new stars shone
lover come to me and lay your head
on my beating heart
and my body will be your bed
you came from the earth
breath turned into man
and you named all the creatures
on wind sea and land
and through many thousand dreams
you slept alone
but now I will follow into the night
and our voices will sing out together in time
as we carve our hallelujah in the sacred stone
lover come to me and lay your head
on my beating heart
and my body will be your bed
lover come to me, we'll ebb and flow
with the tide that moves
in the oceans of our souls
and the day that I leave you
I won't be alone
I'll be one of the many
on streets lines with gold
and I know one day you will find me in the crowd
the time may go slowly
the time may go fast
the time will return you to my arms at last
and you'll hear me sayin'
before they put you in the ground
lover come to me and lay your head
on my beating heart
and my body will be your bed
lover come to me through dirt and stone
let your spirit rise to my voice calling you home
from the rib I was made
it was taken from your side
and now I'll never leave it
my beloved is mine
and before these arms could hold
I knew you and I was dust and bone
I knew you and I was dust and bone