You Threw It at Me Like Stones

Song You Threw It at Me Like Stones
Artist Rome
Album Die Æsthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit


I crossed into Europe
With the same urgent dreams of home
I soaked my skin in the wine of sin
Under the fountains of Rome
Saw through all the feigned bravery
And your love was but a sadness
Coming over me
And with a fearless heart
I fell apart
Who will join me in this solitude now?
Is my penance over?
From the red dungeons of Naples
To the white cliffs of Dover
I will lay and I'll betray
For I pine for what is mine
I was made for decay
I turn wine into brine
I'm the sacrifice of spring
As seen though the dead mayfly's wing
I'm the ideal soon sparkles
A beauty turned to harshness
And I'll reap
But now all my anger
Lies scattered within me
How to father the new race?
You threw it at me like stones
All this praise
And just like me you were taking
As much pleasure
In making this promise
As in breaking it
Just a little later
Who will join me in this solitude now?
Is my penance over?
From the red dungeons of Naples
To the white cliffs of Dover
I will slay and I'll betray
For I pine for what is mine
I was made for decay
I turn wine into brine
I'm the sacrifice of spring
As seen through the dead mayfly's wing
I'm the ideal soon sparkles
A beauty turned to harshness