
Song Inflatable
Artist Meat Puppets
Album No Joke!


I realize and
II gotta get away
I feel alive and
II go be dead today
I eat some flies and
II pick ticks off my eyes
And fry some broken auto parts
And fly electric monkey carts
Gotta run gotta hide
Gotta get away
Gotta run gotta get away
I see the sky and
I crawl in a hole and die
I see the rain and
Ride your brand new choo choo train
Find that lovely lizards fly
Try some brain goo picnic pie
Blind no arms no head no leg
Fried another rotten egg
Babe's born to beg
Don't you cry for me
Don't cry for me
Set your neighbors free
Then count to three
Neath the rotten log
Inflatable dog
Long and made of gold
And the corpse is growing cold
I realize and
II gotta get away
I feel alive and
II go be dead today
I eat some flies and
II pick ticks off my eyes and
Fry some other auto parts and
Fly electric monkeys carts
Gotta run gotta hide
Gotta get away
Gotta run gotta get away
Molten human spray