So one time I had a concert I had to do in Seattle |
So I had to fly from Iowa City to Denver |
From Denver to Phoenix |
And from Phoenix to Seattle |
Um to make the long story short |
I end up getting at Denver |
Thought I got to my gate |
I had a two hour layover so I'm sitting chilly |
Two hours later they're starting calling people aboard |
I walk up, hand the dude my ticket and he like |
You at the wrong gate |
So I'm mad, I start running trying to make it to the other gate |
And never the less I ended up missing my flight |
And I could remember being frustrated and mad |
I asked god like why the heck did you allow this to happen man? |
But they ended up getting me a flight that flew me directly to Seattle |
Which was cool cause by the time I ended getting to Seattle |
I walked in a venue and I literarily walked on stage eight minutes after I walked into the venue |
But what was the amazing thing was |
The next day we found out that |
Had I gone on that flight going to Phoenix |
I would've never made it to Seattle |
Because the flight going from Phoenix to Seattle got canceled |
And it just reminded me how god was sovereignly at work behind the scenes |
So though this was a pain I caused because I walked to the wrong gate |
It was god who was sovereignly and just using it for my own growth |
God solving really worked man |
It's a growing pain |