Prayer of St. Francis

Song Prayer of St. Francis
Artist Sarah McLachlan
Album The Classic Christmas Album


[00:00.42] Lord make me an instrument of your peace
[00:08.13] Where there is hatred let me sow love
[00:18.33] Where there is injury pardon
[00:22.58] Where there is doubt faith
[00:26.36] Where there is despair hope
[00:30.48] Where there is darkness light
[00:35.11] And where there is sadness joy
[00:46.27] O Divine Master
[00:48.38] Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console
[01:01.03] To be understood as to understand
[01:07.91] To be loved as to love
[01:19.03] For it is in giving that we receive
[01:26.95] It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
[01:35.08] And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life
[01:47.49] Amen