Song | Katjuscha |
Artist | Ivan Rebroff |
Album | Stenka Rasin |
Download | Image LRC TXT |
Расцветали яблони и груши, | |
Apple and pear trees were a-blooming, | |
Rastsvetali iabloni i grushi, | |
Поплыли туманы над рекой. | |
Mist (was) creeping on the river. | |
Poplyli tumany nad rekoj. | |
Выходила на берег Катюша, | |
Katyusha set out on the banks, | |
Vykhodila na bereg Katyusha, | |
На высокий берег на крутой. | |
On the steep and lofty bank. | |
Na vysokij bereg na krutoj. | |
Выходила, песню заводила | |
She was walking, singing a song | |
Vykhodila, pesniu zavodila | |
Про степного, сизого орла, | |
About a grey steppe eagle, | |
Pro stepnogo, sizogo orla, | |
Про того, которого любила, | |
About her true love, | |
Pro togo, kotorogo liubila, | |
Про того, чьи письма берегла. | |
Whose letters she was keeping. | |
Pro togo, chi pisma beregla. | |
Ой ты, песня, песенка девичья, | |
Oh you song! Little song of a maiden, | |
Oj ty, pesnia, pesenka devichia, | |
Ты лети за ясным солнцем вслед. | |
Head for the bright sun. | |
Ty leti za iasnym solntsem vsled. | |
И бойцу на дальнем пограничье | |
And reach for the soldier on the far-away border | |
I bojtsu na dalnem pograniche | |
От Катюши передай привет. | |
Along with greetings from Katyusha. | |
Ot Katyushi peredaj privet. | |
Пусть он вспомнит девушку простую, | |
Let him remember an ordinary girl, | |
Pust on vspomnit devushku prostuiu, | |
Пусть услышит, как она поет, | |
And hear how she sings, | |
Pust uslyshit, kak ona poet, | |
Пусть он землю бережет родную, | |
Let him preserve the Motherland, | |
Pust on zemliu berezhet rodnuiu, | |
А любовь Катюша сбережет. | |
Same as Katyusha preserves their love. | |
A liubov Katyusha sberezhet. |
, | |
Apple and pear trees were ablooming, | |
Rastsvetali iabloni i grushi, | |
. | |
Mist was creeping on the river. | |
Poplyli tumany nad rekoj. | |
, | |
Katyusha set out on the banks, | |
Vykhodila na bereg Katyusha, | |
. | |
On the steep and lofty bank. | |
Na vysokij bereg na krutoj. | |
, | |
She was walking, singing a song | |
Vykhodila, pesniu zavodila | |
, , | |
About a grey steppe eagle, | |
Pro stepnogo, sizogo orla, | |
, , | |
About her true love, | |
Pro togo, kotorogo liubila, | |
, . | |
Whose letters she was keeping. | |
Pro togo, chi pisma beregla. | |
, , , | |
Oh you song! Little song of a maiden, | |
Oj ty, pesnia, pesenka devichia, | |
. | |
Head for the bright sun. | |
Ty leti za iasnym solntsem vsled. | |
And reach for the soldier on the faraway border | |
I bojtsu na dalnem pograniche | |
. | |
Along with greetings from Katyusha. | |
Ot Katyushi peredaj privet. | |
, | |
Let him remember an ordinary girl, | |
Pust on vspomnit devushku prostuiu, | |
, , | |
And hear how she sings, | |
Pust uslyshit, kak ona poet, | |
, | |
Let him preserve the Motherland, | |
Pust on zemliu berezhet rodnuiu, | |
. | |
Same as Katyusha preserves their love. | |
A liubov Katyusha sberezhet. |
, | |
Apple and pear trees were ablooming, | |
Rastsvetali iabloni i grushi, | |
. | |
Mist was creeping on the river. | |
Poplyli tumany nad rekoj. | |
, | |
Katyusha set out on the banks, | |
Vykhodila na bereg Katyusha, | |
. | |
On the steep and lofty bank. | |
Na vysokij bereg na krutoj. | |
, | |
She was walking, singing a song | |
Vykhodila, pesniu zavodila | |
, , | |
About a grey steppe eagle, | |
Pro stepnogo, sizogo orla, | |
, , | |
About her true love, | |
Pro togo, kotorogo liubila, | |
, . | |
Whose letters she was keeping. | |
Pro togo, chi pisma beregla. | |
, , , | |
Oh you song! Little song of a maiden, | |
Oj ty, pesnia, pesenka devichia, | |
. | |
Head for the bright sun. | |
Ty leti za iasnym solntsem vsled. | |
And reach for the soldier on the faraway border | |
I bojtsu na dalnem pograniche | |
. | |
Along with greetings from Katyusha. | |
Ot Katyushi peredaj privet. | |
, | |
Let him remember an ordinary girl, | |
Pust on vspomnit devushku prostuiu, | |
, , | |
And hear how she sings, | |
Pust uslyshit, kak ona poet, | |
, | |
Let him preserve the Motherland, | |
Pust on zemliu berezhet rodnuiu, | |
. | |
Same as Katyusha preserves their love. | |
A liubov Katyusha sberezhet. |