
Song Intro
Artist Verbal Jint
Album Zico on the Block (Mixtape Vol.1)


[00:03.080] surprise surprise people 누구 데려왔게
[00:05.780] It's Z.I.C.O 박수로 응답해
[00:08.360] 맨처음엔 나 역시도 그냥 어린 애로 밖에 보지 않았지
[00:11.100] 뭣도 모르는 연예인 지망생
[00:13.600] but I knew before long that i was wrong
[00:16.150] 나의 두 귀로 들은 건 sound of a star being born
[00:19.200] 이름은 우지호 그 어떤 루키도
[00:21.500] 쉽게 보여주지 못하는 투지로 가듣찬 눈빛 oh
[00:25.120] and his flow was stupid dope
[00:26.840] 머지 않아 spotlight의 중심으로 가
[00:29.290] 온갖 무대를 누비고 다닐 모습이 눈에 보이는 듯해
[00:33.160] OK, 소갠 여기서 적당히 끊을게
[00:36.210] 알지? 질투심 강한 애들은 꽉 귀 틀어막기
[00:39.040] introducin' ZICO of Block B


[00:03.080] surprise surprise people
[00:05.780] It' s Z. I. C. O
[00:13.600] but I knew before long that i was wrong
[00:16.150] sound of a star being born
[00:21.500] oh
[00:25.120] and his flow was stupid dope
[00:26.840] spotlight
[00:33.160] OK,
[00:36.210] ?
[00:39.040] introducin' ZICO of Block B