One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer

Song One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
Artist George Thorogood And The Destroyers
Album Live in Boston, 1982


Want to tell you a story
About the house-man blues
I come home one
FridayHad to tell the landlady
I'da lost my job
She said that don't confront me
Long as I get my money next
FridayNow next
Friday come
I didn't get the rent
And out the door
I wentSo I goes to the landlady
I said you let me slide?
I'll have the rent for you in month
Next I don't know
So said let me slide it on
I notice when
I come home in the evening
She ain't got nothing nice to say to me
But for five year she was so nice
Loh' she was lovy-dovy
I come home one particular evening
The landlady said
You got the rent money yet?
I said no, can't find no job
I ain't got no money
To pay the rent
She said I don't believe
You're tryin' to find no job
Said I seen you today you was standin' on the corner
Leaning up against a post
I said but
I'm tired,
I've been walkin' all day
She said that don't concern me
Long as I get my money next
FridayNow next
Friday come
I didn't have the rent
And out the door
I wentSo I go down the streets
Down to my good friend's house
I said look man
I'm outdoors you know
Can I stay with you maybe a couple days?
He said let me go and ask my wife
He come out of the house
I could see it in his face
I know that was no
He said I don't know man
Ah she kinda funny, you know
I said I know,
Everybody funny, now you funny too
So I go back home
I tell the landlady
I got a job,
I'm gonna pay the rent
She said yeah?
I said oh yeah
And then she was so nice
Loh' she was lovy-dovy
So I go in my room,
Pack up my things and
I goI slip on out the back door
And down the streets
I goShe a-howlin' about the front rent,
She'll be lucky to get any back rent
She ain't gonna get none of it
So I stop in the local bar you know people
I go to the bar,
I ring my coat,
I call the bartender
Said look man, come down here,
He got down there
So what you want?
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
Well I ain't seem my baby
Since I don't know when
I've been drinking bourbon, whiskey, scotch and gin
Gonna get high man
I'm gonna get loose
Need me a triple shot of that juice
Gonna get drunk don't you have no fear
I want one bourbon,
One scotch and one beer
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
But I'm sitting now at the bar
I'm getting drunk,
I'm feelin' mellow
I'm drinkin' bourbon,
I'm drinkin' scotch,
I'm drinking beer
Looked down the bar,
Here come the bartender
I said look man, come down here
So what you want?
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
No I ain't seen my baby since
The night before last
Gota get a drink man
I'm gonna get gassed
Gonna get high man
I ain't had enough
Need me a triple shot of that stuff
Gonna get drunk
Won't you listen right here
I want one bourbon,
One shot and one beer
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
Now by this time
I'm plenty high
You know when your mouth a getting dry
You're plenty high
Looked down the bar
I say to my bartenderi said look man,
Come down here,
He got down there
So what you want this time?
I said look man,
What time is it?
He said the clock on the wall
Say three o'clock
Last call for alcohol,
So what you need?
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
No I ain't' seen my baby since
A nigh' and a week
Gotta get drunk man
Till I can't even speak
Gonna get high man
Listen to me
One drink ain't enough
Jack you better make it three
I want to get drunk
I'm gonna make it clear
I want one bourbon,
One scotch and one beer,
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer