Amazing Grace

Song Amazing Grace
Artist David Osborne
Album Amazing Grace


Anne Murray
[00:01.74] Amazing grace!
[00:05.92] How sweet the sound
[00:11.06] That saved a wretch like me.
[00:21.49] I once was lost, but now am found,
[00:31.20] Was blind, but now I see.
[00:42.12] 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
[00:52.38] And grace my fears relieved.
[01:02.57] How precious did that grace appear
[01:11.90] The hour I first believed.
[01:23.66] When we've been there ten thousand years
[01:33.96] Bright shining as the sun,
[01:43.64] We've no less days to sing God's praise
[01:53.90] Than when we've first begun.
[02:46.56] When we've been there ten thousand years
[02:58.33] How sweet the sound
[03:00.35] That saved a wretch like me.
[03:06.27] I once was lost, but now am found,
[03:12.36] Was blind, but now I see.