Portal of the Holder, |
Keeper of the Seven Blades! |
Portrait of the Order, |
Silver on the 5th. Horn! |
Six Dying Stars, |
Opens the Secrets to Thine Legacy! |
Nine Towers Climbing High, |
28 Shady Steps to Power! |
Under the Sullen Ancient Sky, |
69 Disciples are Chanting Nocturnal Verses, |
The Prophet of the Luciferian Eye |
Raises His Arms and Bows then: |
"Deliver Us, O`Mighty SATAN, |
from all Past Error and Delusion," |
Blade Circle! |
"That, having Set Our Foot |
upon the Path of Darkness |
and Vowed Ourselves |
to Thy Service," |
"We may not Weaken in Our Resolve, |
but with Thy Assistance, |
Grow in Wisdom |
and Strenght" |
Blade Circle! |