Conversation With Collins

Song Conversation With Collins
Artist Albert Collins
Album Trash Talkin'


You take like, me an' my wife
We got four kids
Got one of those nosey next door neighbors
(you got one of those)
Yeah we did
They got together and they said honey
Look-a-here, let's get together one night
An' go out an' have a ball
let the husbands baby-sit
How 'bout that
They always do that
I come home from work one evenin'
Dinner all fixed for me
House shoes laid out
Paper on the couch
Very seldom read
Thought I was in the wrong house
(yeah I heard that)
She say
Honey me and the girl next door
gonna go out and have a ball tonight
do you mind keepin' the kids
I said
Yeah sure baby go on knock yourself out
you don't get out much no how
Just long as you be home by two
Sometimes I tell you fellas
It goes in on ear and out the other one
(sure do don't it)
Yes it do
(sounds just like my woman)
I lets her go ahead on out an' I'm baby sittin'
Kids hollerin' an' cryin'
I had to wash diapers change diapers
and they throwin' every damn thing in the house at me
Two o'clock come
uh uh no wife
I said that's alright
she probably went 'bout four or five miles outside the city limit
I give her two thirty to get home before I get mad
(give her a little break)
Two thirty come
uh uh no wife
Sure is mad now
Three o'clock
(she knockin' on the door is she)
mm mmm uh uh no wife
just like that short fuse fellahs
I'm goin' in a mnute
Are you with me fellas
Let me hear you say yeah
Now I want you to picture this fellas in your mind
I walk over in my corner
An I turn my stereo on
And I heard some sound like this fellas
(that sound like the blues people)
I don't wanna turn it up too loud
Cause it might wake up the kids
Fool 'round and got a little tipsy too
You know
(ha ha)
Are you with me fellas
Hearin' that kind of music man
Three o'clock in the mornin'
Your woman's out hittin' the street
You can git very evil fellas
Wonderin' where this fool at now
Four o'clock heh hah
Here she comes draggin' in
(here she come too uh oh)
Smellin' like a liquor store
Are you with me fellas
Let me hear ya say yeah
(yeah yes yes right on)
The first thing they do fellas
When they done wrong
They talks real nice and sweet to ya
(hmmm mmm sure do)
They do
Now here mine talkin' to me fellas
Sound good but I'm still mad
Rubbin' and kissin' and goin' on
Kissin' me all on the back of the neck
I ain't use to that
(bet you like it)
Felt good too
I let her get her conversation on out
Now you know what I told her fellas
You know what I told her fellas
(what you tell her about)
You know what I told her fellas
(no you didn't)
(shouldn't talk like that)
(I know where it comin' from)
And I fool around an' made her mad
You know what she told me fellas
You know how they do
when they put they hands on the hip
They try to prove a point that way you know
You know what she told me fellas
(what she tell ya Albert)
We got it on