glasgow 1877

Song glasgow 1877
Artist Tuomas Holopainen
Album The Life And Times of Scrooge


[00:12.42] "I remember it as if it was yesterday.
[00:17.72] My papa took me to see the ancestral home of our clan.
[00:22.29] The desolate castle on Dismal Downs, abandoned since the 17th century,
[00:29.53] Now inhabited by no-one but golden eagles in its turrets and
[00:34.28] Ptarmigan & grouse in the heather o' the clan cemetery.
[00:41.57] In this sight of former glory, of ochre grass and bracken,
[00:47.72] Sadness and hope, this is where I begin my story.
[00:55.61] Rannoch moor, 1877, the eve of my 10th birthday..."
[01:02.42] Tha 'n sgeul ag aiseig bu bràth /
[01:08.77] Toirt taic bho tiotain a tha gar deanamh mar a tha sinn
[03:11.95] Howls on the moors
[03:17.31] Dreams of sailing all seas
[03:23.88] Call of the hills
[03:29.19] And a fiddle of farewell


[00:12.42] " I remember it as if it was yesterday.
[00:17.72] My papa took me to see the ancestral home of our clan.
[00:22.29] The desolate castle on Dismal Downs, abandoned since the 17th century,
[00:29.53] Now inhabited by noone but golden eagles in its turrets and
[00:34.28] Ptarmigan grouse in the heather o' the clan cemetery.
[00:41.57] In this sight of former glory, of ochre grass and bracken,
[00:47.72] Sadness and hope, this is where I begin my story.
[00:55.61] Rannoch moor, 1877, the eve of my 10th birthday..."
[01:02.42] Tha ' n sgeul ag aiseig bu brà th
[01:08.77] Toirt taic bho tiotain a tha gar deanamh mar a tha sinn
[03:11.95] Howls on the moors
[03:17.31] Dreams of sailing all seas
[03:23.88] Call of the hills
[03:29.19] And a fiddle of farewell